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Using and finding summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter

There are several ways to navigate the large amount of summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter.

  1. Starting Pages: for some fields of study and some university curricula editors have created (start) magazines where customised selections of summaries are put together to smoothen navigation. When you have found a magazine of your likings, add that page to your favorites so you can easily go to that starting point directly from your profile during future visits. Below you will find some start magazines per field of study
  2. Use the menu above every page to go to one of the main starting pages
  3. Tags & Taxonomy: gives you insight in the amount of summaries that are tagged by authors on specific subjects. This type of navigation can help find summaries that you could have missed when just using the search tools. Tags are organised per field of study and per study institution. Note: not all content is tagged thoroughly, so when this approach doesn't give the results you were looking for, please check the search tool as back up
  4. Follow authors or (study) organizations: by following individual users, authors and your study organizations you are likely to discover more relevant study materials.
  5. Search tool : 'quick & dirty'- not very elegant but the fastest way to find a specific summary of a book or study assistance with a specific course or subject. The search tool is also available at the bottom of most pages

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Psychology Pedagogy Medicine Law Economy Statistics Other

Summaries, Study Notes & Study Assistance => Starting page


The page below is showcasing the most favorite summaries, study notes and practice exams shared on WorldSupporter


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Psychology & Behavioral Sciences

Spotlight Psychology & Behavioral Sciences

How and where find the latest summaries and study notes for psychology

  • Bachelor 1
  • Bachelor 2
  • Bachelor 3
  • Masters

Summaries & Study Notes: Psychology in the Netherlands Bachelor 1 Samenvattingen: 2022-2023 - Amsterdam University, psychology...

Education & Pedagogic Sciences

Spotlight Education & Pedagogic Sciences
What is pedagogic sciences?

Pedagogical sciences act as an umbrella term encompassing various disciplines that explore the complexities of education. It goes beyond simply teaching methods, emphasizing the scientific study of how knowledge and skills are effectively imparted and acquired in an educational context. What are the...

What is education?

Education, as a field of study, delves into the theories, practices, and policies that shape effective teaching and learning. It encompasses a broad range of disciplines, aiming to understand how knowledge is acquired, disseminated, and used to empower individuals and societies. What are the main fe...

Education and pedagogic sciences: The best textbooks summarized

Education and pedagogic sciences: The best textbooks summarized Summaries and study assistance with Education and pedagogic sciences

  • For 80+ booksummaries for Education & Pedagogic Sciences, see the supporting content of this study guide

Table of Content

  • Child Abu...

Health & Medical Sciences

Spotlight Health & Medical Sciences
Medicine and health care: The best textbooks summarized

Medicine and health care: The best textbooks summarized Summaries and study assistance with Medicine and health care

  • For 75+ booksummaries with Medicine and health care, see the supporting content of this study guide

Table of contents

  • Everyday medical complaints and pre...

Geneeskunde samenvatting en studiehulp

Samenvattingen bij het leerdoel Longaandoeningen van het vak Arts en Patient 3 van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

  • Vak: Arts en Patient 3, Geneeskunde bachelor 2, Vrije Universiteit
  • Inhoud: samenvattingen bij alle verplichte hoofdstukken met uitzondering van hoofdstuk 25 van Clinic...

Law & Justice

Spotlight Law & Justice
What is administration?

Administration, as a field of study, focuses on the principles, practices, and skills needed to effectively manage and organize people, resources, and processes to achieve organizational goals. It's about ensuring smooth operations, efficient resource allocation, and meeting the needs of stakeholder...

Belastingrecht en fiscaal recht: De beste studieboeken samengevat

Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Belastingrecht en fiscaal recht: Inhoudsopgave

  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Algemene wet inzake rijksbelastingen van de Blieck en Van Amersfoort - 10e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Belastingrecht in Hoofdlijnen van Burgers e.a. - 10e druk
  • S...

Strafrecht en criminologie: De beste studieboeken samengevat

Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Strafrecht en criminologie Inhoudsopgave

  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Actuele criminologie van Van Dijk e.a. - 8e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Basisboek Criminologie van Kolthoff - 1e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Comparative criminal ju...

Corporate & Organizational Sciences + Economy & Economical sciences

Spotlight Corporate & Organizational Sciences + Economy & Economical sciences
What is business organization?

Business organization, often referred to as business administration or management, isn't a single field of study, but rather a broad umbrella encompassing various aspects of how businesses function and thrive. This field delves into the intricate workings of a business, equipping you with the knowle...

What is microeconomics?

Microeconomics delves into the decision-making of individual actors within an economy, focusing on how consumers, firms, and markets interact. It analyzes how these microeconomic units allocate scarce resources and ultimately influence the behavior of the broader economy. Here's a closer look at thi...

What is macroeconomics?

Macroeconomics focuses on the overall performance of an economy, examining factors that influence national and global economic trends. It takes a broad view, analyzing how these factors interact to determine economic growth, inflation, unemployment, and overall economic stability. Here's a breakdown...

What is international economics?

International economics delves into the economic interactions and relationships that transcend national borders. It examines how countries trade goods and services, invest in each other's economies, and manage their currencies in a globalized world. Here's a breakdown of this dynamic field: What ...

Research methods & Statistical sciences

Spotlight Research methods & Statistical sciences
What is research design?

While research design is a fundamental aspect of research methods. It focuses on the planning and structuring of an investigation to answer a specific research question effectively. What are the main features of research design?

  • Purposeful Approach: Choosing the most appropriate design...

What is research methods?

Research methods are a crucial toolkit used across various disciplines. It's the art and science of:

  • Extracting Meaningful Insights: Transforming raw data into knowledge by choosing appropriate methods for data collection and analysis.
  • Designing Effective Studies: Developing resear...

What is philosophy of science?

Philosophy of science delves into the fundamental questions surrounding science itself. It's not a field for conducting experiments, but rather a branch of philosophy that critically examines:

  • Scientific Process: How scientists develop, test, and refine scientific knowledge.
  • Scient...

What is theory of science?

Theory of science, sometimes called philosophy of science, isn't a field for conducting experiments, but rather a meta-discipline. It critically examines the:

  • Scientific Process: How scientists develop, test, and refine scientific knowledge.
  • Scientific Explanations: What makes a go...

Other fields of study

Spotlight Other fields of study
What is sociology?

Sociology delves into the fascinating world of human societies, exploring social life, social change, and the social forces that shape our behavior. What are the main features of sociology?

  • Scientific Lens: Sociology uses systematic research methods like surveys, experiments, and data ...

What are social studies?

Social studies is a broad field that acts as a foundation for understanding the human experience in society. It integrates various disciplines to equip students with the knowledge and skills to be informed and engaged citizens.  What are the main features of social studies?

  • Interd...

What is philosophy?

Philosophy, literally meaning "love of wisdom," is the granddaddy of intellectual inquiries. It delves into fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, value, reason, and the human condition.  What are the main features of philosophy?

  • Systematic Inquiry: Philosophy uses logi...

What is history?

History is more than just memorizing dates and names. It's a vast field dedicated to studying and understanding the human experience across time. What are the main features of history?

  • Systematic Inquiry: History uses systematic methods to analyze evidence like documents, artifacts, an...

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