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Studiegids voor samenvattingen bij Cultural Psychology van Heine

Studiegids met samenvattingen en studiehulp voor:

  • Boektitel: Cultural Psychology
  • Auteur: Heine
  • Druk: 3e druk en 2e druk

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Check summaries and supporting content in teasers:
Samenvatting van Cultural Psychology van Heine - 3e druk - Exclusive

Samenvatting van Cultural Psychology van Heine - 3e druk - Exclusive

Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij Cultural Psychology van Heine

Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij Cultural Psychology van Heine

  • Voor samenvattingen bij alle hoofdstukken van de 3e druk van Cultural Psychology van Heine, zie de supporting content van deze pagina


  • Wat omvat de culturele psychologie allemaal? - Chapter 1
  • Wat houden cultuur en cultureel leven in? - Chapter 2
  • Hoe ontstaat cultuur en hoe wordt het in stand gehouden? - Chapter 3
  • Hoe wordt psychologisch onderzoek op het gebied van cultuur gedaan? - Chapter 4
  • Hoe heeft de omgeving invloed op de culturele opvattingen van een persoon? - Chapter 5
  • Welke opvattingen over het zelfconcept en het bewustzijn zijn er? - Chapter 6
  • Welke invloed hebben migratie en cultuur op elkaar? - Chapter 7
  • Welke verschillende beweegredenen zijn er? - Chapter 8
  • Welke verschillen in cognitie zijn zichtbaar tussen verschillende
.........Read more


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Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Electives Block 1 - LU Leiden 2024-2025

How does this assortment pointer for summaries and study assistance work?

  • Use the course- and assortment pointers:
    1. for an overview of published and anticipated summaries and study services
    2. for tips and exam advice on the subject
    3. for navigation to the published summaries via the 'supporting content'
    4. For navigation to the assortment pointers of the other blocks
  • You will see the published summaries and study assistance with the courses. If the summary has not yet been published, this will be stated

Block 1 - Summaries with the course: Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness

  • Summary and ExamTests with the book Cultural Psychology by Heine – 4th edition

Block 1 - Summaries with the course: Psychology of Advertising

  • Summary with the book The Psychology of Advertising by Fennis and Stroebe – 3rd edition

Directly to the published summaries of Elective courses Block 1 via the supporting content

  • Read on to go directly to the relevant summaries and study assistance via the 'supporting content'

Good luck with learning, studying and gaining knowledge!

Study Guide for summaries with The Psychology of Advertising by Fennis and Stroebe

Study Guide for summaries with The Psychology of Advertising by Fennis and Stroebe

Study Guide with summaries and study assistance for:

  • Book title: The Psychology of Advertising
  • Authors: Fennis and Stroebe
  • Edition: 3rd edition, 2nd edition and 1st edition

About The Psychology of Advertising

  • In today's media-saturated world, advertising stands as a ubiquitous force, shaping our perceptions, influencing our choices, and subtly guiding our decisions. While the effectiveness of advertising has long been recognized, its underlying psychological mechanisms remain a source of fascination and investigation within the realm of consumer behavior research.
  • The Psychology of Advertising by Fennis and Stroebe presents a comprehensive and scholarly exploration of the psychological principles that underpin effective advertising and its impact on consumer behavior. This academic work meticulously examines the various ways in which advertisers manipulate our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to influence our purchasing decisions.

Unveiling the Mechanisms of Attention Capture and Persuasion

  • The authors delve into the intricacies of attention capture and maintenance, revealing how advertisers employ captivating narratives, intriguing visuals, and catchy slogans to grab our attention in a cluttered media landscape and maintain it throughout the advertising message. They scrutinize the psychological mechanisms that influence our beliefs, attitudes, and intentions to purchase, from the power of social proof to the effectiveness of fear appeals.

Exploring the Role of Emotions in Advertising Persuasion

  • Fennis and Stroebe shed light on the profound impact of emotions in advertising, demonstrating how advertisers masterfully employ a range of emotional appeals to create a connection with their brand and influence consumer choices. From fear-based tactics that prey on our insecurities to aspirational appeals that promise us a better life, advertisers tap into our emotional desires to make us more susceptible to their influence.

Deciphering the Art of Memory Encoding and Retrieval

  • The authors delve into the intricacies of memory encoding and retrieval, illuminating how advertising information is stored and recalled in our minds, influencing our future purchasing decisions. They meticulously examine how familiarity, repetition, and vividness play a crucial role in brand recall and consumer recognition.

Unraveling the Psychology of Social Influence in Advertising

  • Fennis and Stroebe shed light on the sophisticated strategies employed by advertisers to harness social norms, peer pressure, and group dynamics to enhance their marketing efforts. They scrutinize how celebrity endorsements, testimonials, and social proof influence our perceptions and purchasing decisions, revealing the underlying psychological processes at play.

Navigating the Complexities of Consumer Decision-Making

  • The authors embark on a comprehensive examination of the factors that influence our consumer decision-making processes. They delve into the interplay of cognitive, affective, and social factors that shape our perceptions of products and brands, ultimately guiding our purchasing decisions.

Empowering Critical Thinking and Informed Consumer Choices

  • Fennis and Stroebe emphasize the significance of critical thinking in navigating the world of advertising. They provide students with the tools to recognize the more
Labyrint Course Pointer with study material and exam info for Psychology Electives at University of Leiden - 2024-2025

Labyrint Course Pointer with study material and exam info for Psychology Electives at University of Leiden - 2024-2025

Study material and exam info for blocks 1 - 4


Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness

  • Study material:
    • Cultural psychology by Heine, 4th edition
    • Articles via Brightspace
      • week 1: ch 1,4
      • week 2: ch 8,13
      • week 3: ch 6 
        • de Graaff, F. M., Mistiaen, P., Devillé, W.L.J.M. & Francke, A.L. (2012). Perspectives on care and communication involving incurably ill Turkish and Moroccan patients, relatives and professionals: a systematic literature review. BMC Palliative Care, 11:17 
        • Mori et al. (2019). Explicit prognostic disclosure to Asian women with breast cancer: A randomized scripted video-vignette study (J-SUPPORT1601). Cancer 125(19), 3320-3329  
      • week 4: ch 9 
        • Franzen, S., van den Berg, E., Bossenbroek, W., Kranenburg, J., Scheffers, E. A., van Hout, M., ... Papma, J. M. (2022). Neuropsychological assessment in the multicultural memory clinic: Development and feasibility of the TULIPA battery. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 37(1), 60–80. 
        • Kiadarbandsari, A., Lemalu, M. T., Wilson, S., & Fa'alau, F. (2024). Dementia among Minority Populations: A Scoping Review of Meaning, Language, and Translation. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders, 53(4), 217–228. 
      • week 5: ch 5,7 
        • Williams, D. R., Lawrence, J. A., & Davis, B. A. (2019). Racism and health: evidence and needed research. Annual Review of Public Health, 40, 105-125.
        • Bourabain, D., & Verhaeghe, P. P. (2020). The Conceptualization of Everyday Racism in Research on the Mental and Physical Health of Ethnic and Racial Groups: a Systematic Review. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 1-13. 
      • week 6: ch 10,14
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of the exam with multiple choice (70%) and open questions (30%)
  • Examdates: 24 October 2024 + 21 January 2025 (resit)

Psychology of Advertising

  • Study material: The Psychology of Advertising by Fennis & Stroebe, 3rd edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of the exam with multiple choice (80%) and open questions (20%)
  • Examdates: 24 October 2024 + 23 January 2025 (resit)


Artificial Intelligence

  • Study material: articles
  • About the exam: The final grade is based on the final exam with open questions
  • Examdates: 19 December 2024 + 30 January 2025 (resit)

Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse

  • Study material:
    • articles
    • The boy who was raised as a dog by Perry a.o., 2nd edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is based on the final exam
  • Examdates: 20 December 2024 + 31 January 2025 (resit)


More information follows


Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Sociale Wetenschappen Keuzevakken Blok 2 - UU Utrecht: 2024-2025

Blok 2 - Samenvattingen bij het vak: Cognitieve neurowetenschappen

  • Samenvatting bij het boek Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience van Purves e.a. - 2e druk

Blok 2 - Samenvattingen bij het vak: Comparing cultures: Theory and research

  • Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij het boek Cultural Psychology van Heine - 3e druk

Blok 2 - Samenvattingen bij het vak: Diagnostische besluitvorming in de klinische Ontwikkelingspsychologie

  • Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij het boek De diagnostische cyclus: Een praktijkleer van De Bruyn e.a. - 2e druk

Blok 2 - Samenvattingen bij het vak: Jeugdrecht

  • Samenvatting bij het boek Jeugdstrafrecht: In internationaal perspectief van Weijers - 5e druk

  • Samenvattingen bij de meest gebruikte en voorgeschreven artikelen uit de afgelopen studiejaren

Blok 2 - Samenvattingen bij het vak: Justitiële interventies

  • Samenvatting bij het boek Justitiële interventies: Voor jeugdige daders en risicojongeren van Weijers - 2e druk

  • Samenvattingen bij de meest gebruikte en voorgeschreven artikelen uit de afgelopen studiejaren

Blok 2 - Samenvattingen bij het vak: Science of Happiness

  • Samenvattingen bij de meest gebruikte en voorgeschreven artikelen uit de afgelopen studiejaren

Blok 2 - Samenvattingen bij het vak: Verdieping in onderzoeksmethoden en statistiek

  • Samenvatting en TentamenTests bij het boek Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics van Field - 5e druk more
Studiegids voor samenvattingen bij Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience van Purves e.a.
Studiegids voor samenvattingen bij Jeugdstrafrecht: In internationaal perspectief van Weijers
Studiegids voor samenvattingen bij Justitiële interventies: Voor jeugdige daders en risicojongeren van Weijers
Study Guide with article summaries for Science of Happiness at the University of Utrecht

Study Guide with article summaries for Science of Happiness at the University of Utrecht

Article summaries with Science of Happiness at the University of Utrecht

Table of content

  • Revising the adaptation theory of well-being
  • Strengths and weaknesses of self-report measures of subjective well-being
  • Is the study of happiness a worthy scientific pursuit?
  • Non-traditional measures of subjective well-being and their validity
  • Concepts and components of well-being
  • What are the possibility, desirability, and justifiability of happiness?
  • Three revolutions in the global history of happiness
  • What is well-being?
  • What is eudaimonia?
  • The relationship between cognitive outlooks and well-being
  • Affective forecasting and impact bias explained
  • Factors that might influence high happiness
  • The dark side of happiness
  • Increasing happiness
  • The Sustainable Happiness Model (SHM)
  • Using Positive Psychological Interventions (PPIs) to increase subjective well-being
  • Impact of the size and scope of government on human well-being
  • Well-being in metrics and policy
  • Subjective well-being and national satisfaction
  • Can and should happiness be a policy goal?
  • Including subjective well-being measures in government policies
  • The relationship between materialism and well-being
  • Affect and emotions as drivers of climate change perception and action
  • How pro-environmental behavior can both thwart and foster well-being
  • The relationship between social bonds and well-being
  • The relationship between social capital, prosocial behavior, and subjective well-being
  • Marriage, parenthood and well-being
  • The relationship between close relationships and health
Summaries and supporting content: 
Studiegids voor artikelsamenvattingen bij Jeugdrecht aan de Universiteit Utrecht

Studiegids voor artikelsamenvattingen bij Jeugdrecht aan de Universiteit Utrecht

Artikelsamenvattingen bij Jeugdrecht aan de Universiteit Utrecht


  • Jeugdrecht - artikelen - Universiteit Utrecht (2020/2021)
    • Vrijheidsbeneming op civielrechtelijke of strafrechtelijke titel: samen, gescheiden en nu weer samen?
    • Kind in proces: van communicatie naar effectieve participatie
    • Jeugdrecht en jeugdhulp
    • Eerste evaluatie Jeugdwet vanuit juridisch perspectief
    • Rechtsbijstand voor ouders in de jeugdbeschermingsprocedure in het licht van EHRM-jurisprudentie
    • Zaak Moser/Oostenrijk
    • Het afstammingsrecht
    • Voorlopige hechtenis van jeugdigen in Nederland
    • Parents Patriae en prudentie – Grondslagen van jeugdbescherming
    • Jeugdbescherming in de 21 eeuw – prudentie, professionaliteit en proportionaliteit
Studiegids voor artikelsamenvattingen bij Justitiële Interventies aan de Universiteit Utrecht

Studiegids voor artikelsamenvattingen bij Justitiële Interventies aan de Universiteit Utrecht

Artikelsamenvattingen bij Justitiële Interventies aan de Universiteit Utrecht


  •  Samenvatting bij de artikelen - Justitiële Interventies (2012/2013)
    • Interventies tegen agressie en geweld
    • Effectieve afdoening jeugdstrafzaken
    • Vergelijking van recidive na twee soorten straffen
    • Richtlijn jeugdstrafvordering
    • Tools4U – evaluatie
    • LJN: BR5370 rechtbank
    • You Turn – Evaluatie
    • Jeugdstrafrecht
    • Multiprobleemgezinnen
    • Ontwikkeling Landelijk Instrumentarium Jeugdstrafrechtketen (LIJ)
    • Milde intellectuele beperkingen in relatie tot externaliserend gedrag.
    • Delinquente meisjes
    • De pedagogische opgave van de jeugdstrafzitting
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Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 - EUR Rotterdam 2024-2025

How does this assortment pointer for summaries and study assistance work?

  • Use the course- and assortment pointers:
    1. for an overview of published and anticipated summaries and study services
    2. for tips and exam advice on the subject
    3. for navigation to the published summaries via the 'supporting content'
    4. For navigation to the range pointers of the other blocks
  • You will see the published summaries and study assistance with the courses. If the summary has not yet been published, this will be stated

Block 1 – Summaries with the course: Personality Psychology: Differences between people

  • English Summaries and ExamTests with Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature by Larsen a.o.
  • Nederlandstalige Samenvattingen en TentamenTests bij Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature van Larsen e.a.

Block 1 – Summaries with the course: Social Psychology: People in Groups

  • English Summaries with Social Psychology by Hogg and Vaughan
  • English Summaries with Social psychology by Kassin
  • English Summaries and ExamTests with Group dynamics by Forsyth
  • Nederlandstalige Samenvattingen bij Social Psychology van Hogg and Vaughan
  • Nederlandstalige Samenvattingen en TentamenTests bij Group dynamics van Forsyth

Block 1 – Summaries with the course: Academic Writing Skills I

  • English Summaries with Academic Writing Skills by van der Molen a.o.
  • Nederlandstalige Samenvattingen bij Zelf leren schrijven van van der Molen e.a.

Block 2 – Summaries with the course: Biological psychology: Brain and body

  • English Summaries with Biological Psychology by Kalat
  • Nederlandstalige Samenvattingen en TentamenTests bij Biological Psychology van Kalat more

Assortment per course with Psychology Specialisations University of Amsterdam


Current Topics: Introduction to Cultural Psychology

Online summaries and study assistance with Cultural Psychology by Heine

Youth Interventions: Theory, Research and Practice

Online summaries and study assistance with Evidence-Based Psychotherapies for Children and Adolescents

Clinical Skills: Developmental Psychology

Online summaries and study assistance with Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and Behavior

Online summaries and study assistance with Psychological communication: Theories, roles and skills for counsellors

Adolescence: Developmental, Clinical and School Psychology

Online summaries and study assistance with Adolescence and emerging adulthood: A cultural approach by Arnett and Hughes

KNP Diagnostiek

Online summaries and study assistance with Diagnostiek: de klinische praktijk by Hendriks et al.

Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Skills

Online summaries and study assistance with Psychologische gespreksvoering: een basis voor hulpverlening by Lang and Van der Molen

Online summaries and study assistance with Psychological communication: Theories, roles and skills for counsellors by Lang and Van der Molen

Online summaries and study assistance with Current Psychotherapies by Wedding & Corsini

Teams in Organisations

Online summaries and study assistance with Group Performance by Nijstad more
This content refers to .....
Psychology and behavorial sciences - Theme
Pedagogy and education - Theme
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