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How do you measure personality? - Chapter 4 - Barelds - 2016

This summary of How do you measure personality? - Chapter 4 - Barelds - 2016 is written in 2020

  • What is reliability?
  • What is validity?
  • What is standardization?
  • What is COTAN?
  • What is the MBTI: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator?
  • Are there any problems...



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Selected spotlight content related to Theory of Science and Philosophy of science
What is theory of science?

Theory of science, sometimes called philosophy of science, isn't a field for conducting experiments, but rather a meta-discipline. It critically examines the:

  • Scientific Process: How scientists develop, test, and refine scientific knowledge.
  • Scientific Explanations: What makes a go...

What is philosophy of science?

Philosophy of science delves into the fundamental questions surrounding science itself. It's not a field for conducting experiments, but rather a branch of philosophy that critically examines:

  • Scientific Process: How scientists develop, test, and refine scientific knowledge.
  • Scient...


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Stories and suggestions related to Theory of Science and Philosophy of science
What are the seven steps of the research process?

While the specific steps might differ slightly depending on the research methodology and field, generally, the seven steps of the research process are: 1. Identify and Develop Your Topic:

  • Start with a broad area of interest and refine it into a specific research question.
  • Consider ...

Summaries related to Theory of Science and Philosophy of science
Aantekeningen college Testgebruik - Universiteit Utrecht (2022-2023)

Hoorcollege 5 Jij bent iemand die iets meet. Op basis van een resultaat kan je niks weten, het helpt jou om tot conclusies te komen. Uitgangspunten bij testgebruik

  1. Psychologische constructen bestaan en kunnen gemeten worden
  2. Metingen van psychologische constructen zijn niet perfect<...>


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