Learn everything they didn't teach you at school at the School of Life

The School of Life is a global organisation where they teach you... well, about life. With workshops, youtube videos, online classes and articles the school teaches how to be more resilient and how to live a fulfilling life. It is also really interesting if you want to learn more about psychology or philosophy as many topics include ideas from these fields. It appears that ideas from 2000 years or so ago can still be relevant to understand today's issues. Read in this article for example how you can grow as a person by being confined in your room. Seems now more relevant than ever, but this was already a theme French philosophers in the 17th century were thinking about.

The subjects at this school include for example: work, relationships, anxiety, virtues, communication and fulfilment. The school has branches worldwide (also in Amsterdam!) where you can follow classes, but there is also a lot of content online. 

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