Construct and renovate animal enclosures at a wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centre in Ecuador

  • You renovate the current infrastructure of a wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centre, such as animal cages, floors and the volunteers' kitchen.
  • You build new animal enclosures and small wooden houses for various animals.
  • You maintain the trails in and around the wildlife centre.

What do you gain?

  • Competences: good communication skills, flexible, committed. 
  • You have the opportunity to learn about wildlife and animal care in a beautiful environment. 
  • There will be benefits (such as a discount on accommodation) for volunteers who stay for a longer period of time.

What do you need?

  • Competences: creative, proactive thinking, project and goal focused.
  • Experience in building and construction work is desirable.
  • You enjoy working in a team and are motivated to improve the centre's infrastructure.


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Volunteering & Projects
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Merazonia is a dynamic wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centre. Merazonia, operated by Frank (Dutch), combines passion for nature with a professional approach on animal care and release, along with rainforest conservation and wildlife monitoring.

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