Customize your dream internship in one of China’s major cities

  • This international organization matches international students with internships in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Hangzhou.
  • Students from all academic backgrounds are welcome: you are matched to one of 600+ international companies, from a great variety of industries (e.g Art & Culture, Fashion, Health, IT, Legal, Marketing).
  • It is possible to combine the internship with Chinese language classes.

Location: Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chengdu

What do you gain?

  • Confidence, Networking, Professional demeanour
  • You receive 24/7 support, including e.g. VISA advice and accommodation. The organization has offices in China, Europe (including Brussels and London), Australia and Russia.
  • You have the possibility to explore China: sign up for cultural tours and day-trips, practise Tai Chi, or follow cooking classes!

What do you need?

  • Flexibility, Organisation awareness, Planning
  • As this is a highly customizable internship, skills and requirements will vary greatly between jobs and industries.
  • You need to be open minded and willing to adapt to a different culture and working environment. While a basic knowledge of Chinese is preferred, it is not a requirement with the majority of internships (fluency in English is important, however).


Tip category: 
Internships & Organizations
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Hutong School

Hutong School

Hutong School matches students with internships in China, and also provides Chinese language courses.

The school was founded in 2005, by a team of French, German, Korean, Flemish and Chinese entrepreneurs. It is the first Chinese language school under foreign management officially licensed by the Chinese Ministry of Education.

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