Do your internship at a 5-star hotel at the Canary Islands and gain experience in tourism or hospitality

  • You will work at a 4- or 5-star hotel. Most selected hotels are part of international hotelbranches.
  • Depending on your education you can work in hospitality, wellness, animation or the kitchen. 
  • You can for example help guests at the hotel reception, or entertain children at the hotel site. It is possible to create an internship based on your background and preferences.

What do you gain?

  • Competences: being professional, planning, being confident.
  • You receive room and board, so accommodation in the hotel is free.
  • In many hotels it is possible to use the pool and other facilities.

What do you need?

  • Competences: flexibility, cooperating, being service-oriented. 
  • You are an outgoing and social person and you like being part of a young team.
  • You are curious and you look forward to gain work experience in your branche.


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Internships & Organizations
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MAXinternship offers internships on the Canary Islands of Spain within the Hospitality and Tourism industry, utilizing an established network of companies and hotels, primarily international chains and 4/5 star hotels. 

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