Get involved in wildlife conservation amongst local Malawians

  • You help with collecting data of the animals in the reserve for assessing and managing the wildlife populations.
  • You record animal sightings - location, time, species, gender, habitat.
  • You accompany the wildlife reserve team on early morning game counts in the bush.

What do you gain?

  • Competences: adaptability, organisational awareness, environmental awareness. 
  • You have the opportunity to experience living in the African bush. 
  • The cost for the placement includes your accommodation, food, airport transfers, work-related transport, a detailed orientation and training with full support and assistance from the management of the wildlife reserve.

What do you need?

  • Competences: analysing, working together, being committed. 
  • You have a good physical fitness.
  • You are interested in ecology and wildlife biology.


Tip category: 
Volunteering & Projects
Related organization or sector:
Kuti Wildlife Reserve
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