Provide service to people all over the world as a helpdesk agent in the Philippines

  • You track calls and incidents from both clients and partners and enter them into a database.
  • You help with technical user problems via email, telephone or chat.
  • You provide maintenance and restorative actions in order to resolve problems.

What do you gain?

  • Competences: communicating, analysing, being solution-oriented, being stress averse.
  • You can follow training and career support and you will work in an international team. 
  • You have the opportunity to grow into different positions within the company. 

What do you need?

  • Competences: being service-oriented, being flexible, having sympathy.
  • You have good oral and written skills in English.
  • Having a bachelor's degree in a subject related to IT is a plus. 


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Paid work & Work for board and lodging
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Stefanini Philippines
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Activities & Vacancies
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