Welke samenvattingen kun je komende periode gebruiken en verwachten van Labyrint op JoHo WorldSupporter.org?

Welke samenvattingen en studiehulp kun je komende periode gebruiken en verwachten van Labyrint op JoHo WorldSupporter.org?

  • Bachelor 1: Inleiding in de Psychologie + Inleiding in de Methodologie en Statistiek + Geschiedenis van de Psychologie
  • Bachelor 2: Ontwikkelingspsychopathologie + Stress, Gezondheid en Ziekte + Psychometrie + Perspective on Career Planning
  • Keuzevakken en specialisatievakken: diverse vakken waaronder Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness + Psychology of Advertising + Applied Cognitive Psychology + Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology + Clinical Neuropsychology + Clinical Psychology + Economic and Consumer Psychology
  • Masters: diverse boeksamenvattingen, waaronder: Applying Social Psychology + Behavior modification + Cognitive Behavior Therapy + Influence + Getting to yes + Straight choices

Aanwezige en verwachte samenvattingen en studiehulp check je via worldsupporter.org/labyrint


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Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 1 - UL Leiden 2024-2025

Assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen bij Psychologie Bachelor 1 Blok 1 - UL Leiden 2024-2025

Hoe werkt deze assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen en studiehulp?

  • Gebruik de vak- en assortimentswijzers:
    1. voor een overzicht van gepubliceerde en verwachte samenvattingen en studiehulp
    2. voor tips en tentamenadvies bij het vak
    3. voor navigatie naar de gepubliceerde samenvattingen via de 'supporting content'
    4. Voor navigatie naar de assortimentswijzers van de andere blokken
  • Bij de vakken zie je de gepubliceerde samenvattingen en studiehulp staan. Is de samenvatting nog niet gepubliceerd dan staat dat vermeld

Blok 1 - Samenvattingen bij vak: Inleiding in de Psychologie


  • Samenvattingen en tentamentests bij Psychology van Gray en Bjorklund
  • Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij het vak Inleiding in de Psychologie

Inleiding in de psychologie studeren:

  • Bij het vak Inleiding in de Psychologie word je ingeleid in de belangrijkste stromingen binnen de Psychologie, je maakt kennis met het empirisme en het nativisme, met Piaget en Pavlov en leert wie er vaker dromen: kinderen of volwassenen.
  • Zoals bij de meeste inleidende vakken worden bij veel onderwerpen slechts tipjes van de sluier opgelicht en houd je er waarschijnlijk een wazig gevoel aan over. Laat je niet afschrikken, naarmate de jaren vorderen krijg je meer en meer zicht op de relatie met je studie en groeit ook je waardering.

Blok 1 - Samenvattingen bij vak: Inleiding in de Methodologie en Statistiek


  • Samenvatting en Tentamentests bij het boek Behavioral Research Methods van Leary – 6e druk
  • Samenvatting en Tentamentests bij het boek Statistical Methods for Psychology van Howell – 8e druk
  • Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij het vak Inleiding in de Methodologie en Statistiek

Inleiding in de Methodologie en Statistiek studeren:

  • Je leert tijdens dit vak omgaan met de kernbegrippen en basisprincipes van onderzoek en beschrijvende statistiek. Je maakt kennis met de begrippen correlationaliteit en validiteit en aan het einde van de cursus kun je berekenen hoe groot de kans is als dat je een voldoende voor het vak haalt als je naar alle hoorcolleges bent geweest en een IQ van 120 hebt.
  • Statistiek is voor de meeste studenten niet de reden geweest om Psychologie te gaan studeren. Voor sommigen zal het zelfs
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Studiegids voor samenvattingen bij Psychology van Gray en Bjorklund

Studiegids voor samenvattingen bij Psychology van Gray en Bjorklund

Studiegids met samenvattingen en studiehulp voor:

  • Boektitel: Psychology
  • Auteurs: Gray en Bjorklund
  • Druk: 8e druk en 7e druk

Waar gaat 'Psychology' van Gray en Bjorklund over?

  • Dit boek biedt een uitgebreide inleiding in de psychologie. Het behandelt een breed scala aan onderwerpen, van de basisprincipes van gedrag en mentale processen tot meer complexe onderwerpen zoals persoonlijkheid, ontwikkeling en sociale psychologie.
  • Je krijgt inzicht in hoe mensen denken, voelen en zich gedragen. Je leert over verschillende theorieën en onderzoeksmethoden binnen de psychologie. Daarnaast krijg je kennis over verschillende gebieden binnen de psychologie, zoals cognitieve psychologie, sociale psychologie en ontwikkelingspsychologie.
  • Het boek is bedoeld om je een solide basis te geven in de wereld van de psychologie.

Wanneer kan je 'Psychology' goed gebruiken?

  • Dit boek is vooral handig voor studenten die voor het eerst met psychologie in aanraking komen. Het is ook een goede referentie voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in het menselijk gedrag en mentale processen.
  • De kennis uit dit boek is toepasbaar in uiteenlopende beroepen. Als je bijvoorbeeld in de zorg werkt, kan het je helpen om patiënten beter te begrijpen. Als je in het onderwijs werkt, kan het je helpen om effectiever les te geven. Ook in het bedrijfsleven kan psychologie van pas komen, bijvoorbeeld bij het begrijpen van consumentengedrag of het verbeteren van teamwork.

Door wie is 'Psychology' geschreven?

  • Het boek is geschreven door Peter Gray en David Bjorklund, beide gerenommeerde psychologen. Gray is bekend om zijn kritische kijk op de psychologie en zijn pleidooi voor een meer evolutionaire benadering. Bjorklund is gespecialiseerd in ontwikkelingspsychologie en heeft veel onderzoek gedaan naar de cognitieve ontwikkeling van kinderen.

Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij 'Psychology'

  • Uitgelichte samenvattingen en studiehulp te gebruiken bij het standaardwerk 'Psychology': zie hieronder
Studiegids voor samenvattingen bij Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods van Leary

Studiegids voor samenvattingen bij Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods van Leary

Studiegids met samenvattingen en studiehulp voor:

  • Boektitel: Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods
  • Auteur: Leary
  • Druk: 6e druk

Waar gaat 'Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods' over?

  • Dit boek is een uitgebreide inleiding in de wereld van gedragsonderzoek. Het leert je hoe je op een wetenschappelijk verantwoorde manier onderzoek kunt doen naar menselijk gedrag. Je leert over verschillende onderzoeksmethoden, zoals experimenten, surveys en case studies, en hoe je deze kunt ontwerpen en uitvoeren.
  • Je krijgt inzicht in de basisprincipes van de wetenschappelijke methode en leert hoe je hypothesen kunt formuleren, data kunt verzamelen en analyseren, en conclusies kunt trekken. Daarnaast leer je over de ethische aspecten van onderzoek en hoe je onderzoek kunt ontwerpen dat zowel valide als betrouwbaar is.

Wanneer kan je 'Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods' goed gebruiken?

  • Dit boek is geschreven voor studenten die psychologie, sociologie of andere gedragswetenschappen studeren. Het is ook handig voor professionals die werkzaam zijn in onderzoek, bijvoorbeeld in marketing, onderwijs of gezondheidszorg.
  • De kennis uit dit boek kan je dan ook onder andere gebruiken om onderzoeksprojecten op te zetten en uit te voeren, om data te analyseren en om evidence-based beslissingen te nemen.

Door wie is 'Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods' geschreven?

  • Het boek is geschreven door Mark R. Leary, een gerenommeerd psycholoog gespecialiseerd in sociale psychologie.

Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij 'Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods'

  • Uitgelichte samenvattingen en studiehulp te gebruiken bij het boek 'Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods': zie hieronder
Labyrint Vakwijzer met verplichte studiestof en tentameninfo voor Psychologie Bachelor 1 aan de Universiteit Leiden - 2024-2025

Labyrint Vakwijzer met verplichte studiestof en tentameninfo voor Psychologie Bachelor 1 aan de Universiteit Leiden - 2024-2025

Overzicht verplichte studiestof en tentameninfo

Blok 1

Inleiding in de Psychologie

  • Voorgeschreven stof:
    • Boek: Psychology van Gray en Bjorklund, 8e druk
      • week 1: ch 1,2.3

      • week 2: ch 4,5

      • week 3: ch 6,7

      • week 4: ch 8,9

      • week 5: ch 10

      • week 6: ch 11,12,13

      • week 7: ch 14,15,16 

  • Tentameninfo: Het eindcijfer is een gewogen gemiddelde van het multiple-choice tentamen (70%) en het werkgroepcijfer (30%)
  • Tentamendata: 25 oktober 2024 + 21 januari 2025 (hertentamen)

Inleiding in de Methodologie en Statistiek

  • Voorgeschreven stof: 
    • Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods van Leary, 6e druk
    • Statistical Methods for Psychology (Leiden edition) van Howell, 2014 of 2021 editie
      • week 1: Leary ch 1,2 

      • week 2: Leary ch 3 (pp.63-66), 4, 5

      • week 3: Leary ch 6 (pp.131-146) Howell ch 1 (1.1-1.3), 2 (2.1,2.2,2.7,2.8,2.9)

      • week 4: Howell ch 2 (2.3, 2.5) , 3 (3.1,3.2, 3.5)

      • week 5: Leary ch 7 (pp. 156-171), 6 (pp. 138-146)

      • week 6: Leary ch 9, 10

      • week 7: Leary ch 13, 14

  • Tentameninfo: Het eindcijfer is een gewogen gemiddelde van het multiple-choice tentamen (70%) en het cijfer voor de R-vaardigheidstoets (30%)
  • Tentamendata: 21 oktober 2024 + 20 januari 2025 (hertentamen)

Geschiedenis van de Psychologie

  • Voorgeschreven stof:
    • Boek: Chapters on History of Psychology van Van der Velde
      • week 1: ch 1,2

      • week 2: ch 3,4 

      • week 3: ch 3 The empiricists, 17th and 18th century 

      • week 4: ch 4 Psychology as a science 

      • week 5: ch 6 Freud and psychoanalysis 

      • week 6: ch 5 the science of behavior 

  • Tentameninfo: Het eindcijfer is een gewogen gemiddelde van van het multiple-choice tentamen (70%) en het werkgroepcijfer (30%)
  • Tentamendata: 23 oktober 2024 + 23 januari 2025 (hertentamen)

Blok 2

Persoonlijkheids, Klinische en Gezondheidspsychologie

  • Voorgeschreven stof: Introduction to Personality, Clinical & Health Psychology Leiden University Custom Edition van McGrawHill
  • Tentameninfo: Het eindcijfer is een gewogen gemiddelde van een tentamen met 55 multiple choice vragen (70%) en een werkgroepcijfer (30%)
  • Tentamendata: 18 december 2024 + 27 januari 2025 (hertentamen)

Toetsende Statistiek

  • Voorgeschreven stof: Boek: Statistical Methods for Psychology van Howell, 8e druk
  • Tentameninfo: Het eindcijfer is een gewogen gemiddelde van een tentamen met meerkeuzevragen (70%) en een R-vaardigheidstoets (30%)
  • Tentamendata: 16 december 2024 + 29 januari 2025 (hertentamen)

Blok 3

Experimenteel en Correlationeel Onderzoek

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Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 1 - LU Leiden 2024-2025

Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 1 - LU Leiden 2024-2025

How does this assortment pointer for summaries and study assistance work?

  • Use the course- and assortment pointers:
    1. for an overview of published and anticipated summaries and study services
    2. for tips and exam advice on the subject
    3. for navigation to the published summaries via the 'supporting content'
    4. For navigation to the range pointers of the other blocks
  • You will see the published summaries and study assistance with the courses. If the summary has not yet been published, this will be stated

Block 1 - Summaries with the course: Developmental Psychopathology

  • Summary and ExamTests with the book Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology by Wicks-Nelson and Israel – 9th edition

Block 1 - Summaries with the course: Stress, Health and Disease

  • Summary with the book Stress and Health: Biological and Psychological Interactions by Lovallo - 3rd edition

Block 1 - Summaries with the course: Psychometrics

  • Summary with the book Psychometrics: An introduction by Furr – 4th edition

Block 1 - Summaries with the course: Perspective on Career Planning

  • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

Directly to the published summaries of Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 1 via the supporting content

  • Read on to go directly to the relevant summaries and study assistance via the 'supporting content'

Good luck with learning, studying and gaining knowledge!

Study Guide for summaries with Stress and Health: Biological and Psychological Interactions by Lovallo

Study Guide for summaries with Stress and Health: Biological and Psychological Interactions by Lovallo

Study Guide with summaries and study assistance for:

  • Booktitle: Stress and Health
  • Subtitle: Biological and Psychological Interactions
  • Author: Lovallo
  • Edition: 3rd edition

What is 'Stress and Health' about?

  • This book explains the concept of psychological stress, the physiological manifestations of stress, and the effects of stress on health and disease.
  • While there is already a lot of literature about stress, this book is unique in how it covers both the physiology and thoughts and emotions around stress.
  • This book can be used in health psychology for all level students. It serves as an introduction to the topic of stress.  

How is 'Stress and Health' structured?

  • This book concentrates on the psychophysiological linkages between cognition, emotions, brain functions, and the peripheral mechanisms by which the body is regulated.
  • This book also tries to enhance the integration of the stress concept into a larger framework by presenting its historical roots and its relationship to the development of medicine.

Who wrote 'Stress and Health'?

  • The book is written by William R. Lovallo. Lovallo has taught courses on stress at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center.

What are the main differences between the 3rd and previous editions?

  • In this third edition, research is added about the rapidly emerging topic of stress interactions with gene expression.

Summaries and study assistance with 'Stress and Health':

  • Read on to go directly to the relevant summaries and study assistance via the 'supporting content'

Study Guide with article summaries for Perspective on Career Planning at Leiden University
Labyrint Course Pointer with study material and exam info for IBP Bachelor 2 at Leiden University: 2024-2025

Labyrint Course Pointer with study material and exam info for IBP Bachelor 2 at Leiden University: 2024-2025

Overview mandatory study material and examinfo


Developmental Psychopathology

  • Readings:
    • Book: Abnormal child and adolescent psychology with DSM-V updates by Wicks-Nelson & Israel, 9th edition
      • Week 1: Chapter 1,2,3,5
      • Week 2: Chapter 6,7
      • Week 3: Chapter 8
      • Week 4: chapter 11,12
      • Week 5: Chapter 9,10
      • Week 6: Chapter 13
      • Week 7: Chapter 13
    • Articles: via Brightspace
  • Examinfo: the final grade is a weighted average of the multiple choice exam (70%) and the work-group sessions (30%)
    • Monday 21 October 9:00-11:00 


  • Readings:
    • Book: Psychometrics: An introduction by Furr, 4th edition
      • Week 1: Chapter 1,2,3 
      • Week 2: Chapter 5,6,7
      • Week 3: Chapter 8,9
      • Week 4: Chapter 4
      • Week 5: Chapter 12
      • Week 6: Chapter 14
      • Week 7: Chapter 10,11
    • Workbook: to order via Readeronline
    • Additional texts: via Brightspace
  • Examinfo: the final grade is a weighted average of the multiple choice exam (60%) and the practical skills test (40%)
    • Wednesday 23 October 8:00-10:00 

Stress, Health and Disease

  • Readings:
    • Book: Stress and Health: Biological and Psychological Interactions van Lovallo, 3rd edition
      • Week 1: Chapter 1,2
      • Week 2: Chapter 3,4,5,6
      • Week 3: Chapter 4,8
      • Week 4: Chapter 6,7
      • Week 5: Chapter 9,10,11
    • Ariticles: via Brightspace 
  • Examinfo: the final grade is a weighted average of the multiple choice exam (70%) and the practice sessions (30%)
    • Friday 25 October 9:00-11:00

Perspective on Career Planning (POCP)

  • Readings: articles
  • Examinfo: the final grade is a weighted average of the seminar grade (90%) and the career event grade (10%).
    • The seminar grade is a weighted average of the module grade (70%) and the task grade (30%). The module grade is an average of two module assignments. The task grade is an average of two polls (30% in total), personal development assignment (40%) and personal reflection assignment (30%)
    • The career event grade is based on a report following an approved career event


  • More information follows
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Electives Block 1 - LU Leiden 2024-2025

Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Electives Block 1 - LU Leiden 2024-2025

How does this assortment pointer for summaries and study assistance work?

  • Use the course- and assortment pointers:
    1. for an overview of published and anticipated summaries and study services
    2. for tips and exam advice on the subject
    3. for navigation to the published summaries via the 'supporting content'
    4. For navigation to the assortment pointers of the other blocks
  • You will see the published summaries and study assistance with the courses. If the summary has not yet been published, this will be stated

Block 1 - Summaries with the course: Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness

  • Summary and ExamTests with the book Cultural Psychology by Heine – 4th edition

Block 1 - Summaries with the course: Psychology of Advertising

  • Summary with the book The Psychology of Advertising by Fennis and Stroebe – 3rd edition

Directly to the published summaries of Elective courses Block 1 via the supporting content

  • Read on to go directly to the relevant summaries and study assistance via the 'supporting content'

Good luck with learning, studying and gaining knowledge!

Study Guide for summaries with The Psychology of Advertising by Fennis and Stroebe

Study Guide for summaries with The Psychology of Advertising by Fennis and Stroebe

Study Guide with summaries and study assistance for:

  • Book title: The Psychology of Advertising
  • Authors: Fennis and Stroebe
  • Edition: 3rd edition, 2nd edition and 1st edition

About The Psychology of Advertising

  • In today's media-saturated world, advertising stands as a ubiquitous force, shaping our perceptions, influencing our choices, and subtly guiding our decisions. While the effectiveness of advertising has long been recognized, its underlying psychological mechanisms remain a source of fascination and investigation within the realm of consumer behavior research.
  • The Psychology of Advertising by Fennis and Stroebe presents a comprehensive and scholarly exploration of the psychological principles that underpin effective advertising and its impact on consumer behavior. This academic work meticulously examines the various ways in which advertisers manipulate our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to influence our purchasing decisions.

Unveiling the Mechanisms of Attention Capture and Persuasion

  • The authors delve into the intricacies of attention capture and maintenance, revealing how advertisers employ captivating narratives, intriguing visuals, and catchy slogans to grab our attention in a cluttered media landscape and maintain it throughout the advertising message. They scrutinize the psychological mechanisms that influence our beliefs, attitudes, and intentions to purchase, from the power of social proof to the effectiveness of fear appeals.

Exploring the Role of Emotions in Advertising Persuasion

  • Fennis and Stroebe shed light on the profound impact of emotions in advertising, demonstrating how advertisers masterfully employ a range of emotional appeals to create a connection with their brand and influence consumer choices. From fear-based tactics that prey on our insecurities to aspirational appeals that promise us a better life, advertisers tap into our emotional desires to make us more susceptible to their influence.

Deciphering the Art of Memory Encoding and Retrieval

  • The authors delve into the intricacies of memory encoding and retrieval, illuminating how advertising information is stored and recalled in our minds, influencing our future purchasing decisions. They meticulously examine how familiarity, repetition, and vividness play a crucial role in brand recall and consumer recognition.

Unraveling the Psychology of Social Influence in Advertising

  • Fennis and Stroebe shed light on the sophisticated strategies employed by advertisers to harness social norms, peer pressure, and group dynamics to enhance their marketing efforts. They scrutinize how celebrity endorsements, testimonials, and social proof influence our perceptions and purchasing decisions, revealing the underlying psychological processes at play.

Navigating the Complexities of Consumer Decision-Making

  • The authors embark on a comprehensive examination of the factors that influence our consumer decision-making processes. They delve into the interplay of cognitive, affective, and social factors that shape our perceptions of products and brands, ultimately guiding our purchasing decisions.

Empowering Critical Thinking and Informed Consumer Choices

  • Fennis and Stroebe emphasize the significance of critical thinking in navigating the world of advertising. They provide students with the tools to recognize the
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Labyrint Course Pointer with study material and exam info for Psychology Electives at University of Leiden - 2024-2025

Labyrint Course Pointer with study material and exam info for Psychology Electives at University of Leiden - 2024-2025

Study material and exam info for blocks 1 - 4


Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness

  • Study material:
    • Cultural psychology by Heine, 4th edition
    • Articles via Brightspace
      • week 1: ch 1,4
      • week 2: ch 8,13
      • week 3: ch 6 
        • de Graaff, F. M., Mistiaen, P., Devillé, W.L.J.M. & Francke, A.L. (2012). Perspectives on care and communication involving incurably ill Turkish and Moroccan patients, relatives and professionals: a systematic literature review. BMC Palliative Care, 11:17 
        • Mori et al. (2019). Explicit prognostic disclosure to Asian women with breast cancer: A randomized scripted video-vignette study (J-SUPPORT1601). Cancer 125(19), 3320-3329  
      • week 4: ch 9 
        • Franzen, S., van den Berg, E., Bossenbroek, W., Kranenburg, J., Scheffers, E. A., van Hout, M., ... Papma, J. M. (2022). Neuropsychological assessment in the multicultural memory clinic: Development and feasibility of the TULIPA battery. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 37(1), 60–80. 
        • Kiadarbandsari, A., Lemalu, M. T., Wilson, S., & Fa'alau, F. (2024). Dementia among Minority Populations: A Scoping Review of Meaning, Language, and Translation. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders, 53(4), 217–228. 
      • week 5: ch 5,7 
        • Williams, D. R., Lawrence, J. A., & Davis, B. A. (2019). Racism and health: evidence and needed research. Annual Review of Public Health, 40, 105-125.
        • Bourabain, D., & Verhaeghe, P. P. (2020). The Conceptualization of Everyday Racism in Research on the Mental and Physical Health of Ethnic and Racial Groups: a Systematic Review. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 1-13. 
      • week 6: ch 10,14
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of the exam with multiple choice (70%) and open questions (30%)
  • Examdates: 24 October 2024 + 21 January 2025 (resit)

Psychology of Advertising

  • Study material: The Psychology of Advertising by Fennis & Stroebe, 3rd edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of the exam with multiple choice (80%) and open questions (20%)
  • Examdates: 24 October 2024 + 23 January 2025 (resit)


Artificial Intelligence

  • Study material: articles
  • About the exam: The final grade is based on the final exam with open questions
  • Examdates: 19 December 2024 + 30 January 2025 (resit)

Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse

  • Study material:
    • articles
    • The boy who was raised as a dog by Perry a.o., 2nd edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is based on the final exam
  • Examdates: 20 December 2024 + 31 January 2025 (resit)


More information follows

Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Specialisation courses Blocks 1 and 3 - LU Leiden 2024-2025

Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Specialisation courses Blocks 1 and 3 - LU Leiden 2024-2025

How does this assortment pointer for summaries and study assistance work?

  • Use the course- and assortment pointers:
    1. for an overview of published and anticipated summaries and study services
    2. for tips and exam advice on the subject
    3. for navigation to the published summaries via the 'supporting content'
    4. For navigation to the range pointers of the other blocks
  • You will see the published summaries and study assistance with the courses. If the summary has not yet been published, this will be stated

Blocks 1 and 3 - Summaries with the course: Applied Cognitive Psychology

  • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles

Blocks 1 and 3 - Summaries with the course: Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

  • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

Blocks 1 and 3 - Summaries with the course: Clinical Neuropsychology

  • Summary and ExamTests with the book Clinical Neuropsychology by Kessels – 1st edition

Blocks 1 and 3 - Summaries with the course: Clinical Psychology

  • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

Blocks 1 and 3 - Summaries with the course: Economic and Consumer Psychology

  • Summary with the book Thinking: fast and slow by Kahneman – 1st edition

  • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

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Study Guide with article summaries for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology at Leiden University

Study Guide with article summaries for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology at Leiden University

Article summaries with Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology at Leiden University

  • Summaries with the prescribed articles of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology - Study year 2024-2025
Study Guide for summaries with Clinical Neuropsychology by Kessels
Study Guide for summaries with 'Thinking, fast and slow' by Kahneman

Study Guide for summaries with 'Thinking, fast and slow' by Kahneman

Study Guide with summaries and study assistance for:

  • Book title: Thinking, fast and slow
  • Author: Kahneman
  • Edition: 1st edition

What is the book 'Thinking, fast and slow' by Kahneman about?

  • Thinking, Fast and Slow is an internationally renowned book written for anyone interested in personal well-being and human development.The book gives a schematic explanation of how people can make better choices by describing how our thinking interprets past, future, and present situations in correct and incorrect ways.
  • Thinking, fast and slow’, a New York Times bestseller and multiple prize winner, is a highly praised book that provides us many insights into the human mind. It is seen as a guide to detecting and correcting our biased misunderstandings of the world. We see ourselves as rational thinkers and decision makers, but this book demonstrates how we are subject to many systematic errors, which we are not even aware of or tend to ignore.
  • The author, Daniel Kahneman, won the Nobel Prize in economics in 2002. Kahneman collaborated with psychologist Amos Tversky until his death in 1996, they together produced a fair amount of the research mentioned in this book. He brings in his own research, as well as that of other renowned experts (psychologists, economists, statisticians). Kahneman (1934) is Eugene Higgins Professor of Psychology Emeritus at Princeton University and Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs Emeritus at Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Kahneman is considered one of the greatest psychologists. He provides new insights into the understanding of risk, cognitive psychology, behavioral economics, the study of well-being and happiness and the analysis of reason and rationality. It is not only an important read for people who want to learn about human behaviour, the findings are valuable to investors, businesses, consumers, teachers, physicians, politicians, marketers and many others.
  • The book focuses mostly on biases of intuition. Kahneman’s aim is improving the ability to identify and understand errors of judgment and choice, particularly in ourselves, by presenting a view of how the mind works that draws on recent developments in social and cognitive psychology (as opposed to many authors who discuss earlier research). One of these developments is the better understanding of the flaws and wonders of intuitive thought.
  • The book is mainly about the distinction between fast and slow thinking, which Kahneman refers to as ‘System 1’ and ‘System 2.“Thinking, fast and slow’ is divided into five parts. Parts 1 discusses the basis elements of this two-system approach to judgment and choice. It demonstrates the distinction between System 1 (automatic operations) and System 2 (controlled operations) and how associative memory, the heart of System 1, consistently creates a coherent interpretation of what is happening around us. This automatic process underlies intuitive thinking and explains the heuristics of judgment. Part 2 is about new insights into judgment heuristics and why it is so hard to think statistically in contrary to thinking associatively. Part 3 demonstrates a significant limitation of our mind: the excessive confidence
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Study Guide with article summaries for Economic and Consumer Psychology at Leiden University

Study Guide with article summaries for Economic and Consumer Psychology at Leiden University

Article summaries with Economic and Consumer Psychology at Leiden University

Table of content

  • The effectiveness of brand placements in the movies
  • Is this review believable?
  • Feelings that make a difference
  • How morality judgments influence humor perceptions of prankvertising
  • An investigation of the endowment effect in the context of a college housing lottery
  • Of great art and untalented artists
  • Still preoccupied with 1995
  • I am what I do, not what I have
  • Gender stereotypes in advertising
  • Articlesummaries with prescribed articles for Economic and Consumer Psychology 2020/2021
Labyrint Course Pointer with study material and exam info for Psychology Specialisations at University of Leiden - 2024-2025

Labyrint Course Pointer with study material and exam info for Psychology Specialisations at University of Leiden - 2024-2025

Study material and exam info

Blocks 1 & 3

Applied Cognitive Psychology

  • Study material: Articles via Brightspace
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of the exam (40%) and two projects (60%)
  • Examdates: 22 oktober 2024

Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

  • Study material: Articles via Brightspace
    • week 1:
      • Scherer, K.R. (2000). Emotion. In M. Hewstone & W. Stroebe (Eds.). Introduction to Social Psychology: A European perspective (3rd. ed., pp. 151-191). Oxford: Blackwell
    • week 2:
      • Buss, K.A., & Kiel, E.J. (2004). Comparison of sadness, anger, and fear facial expressions when toddlers look at their mothers. Child development, 75, 1761-1773. 
      • Novin, S., Bos, M.G.N., Stevenson, C.E., Rieffe, C. (2018). Adolescents’ responses to online peer conflict: How self-evaluation and ethnicity matter. Infant Child Development, 27:e2067 
    • week 3:
      • van Zonneveld, L., Platje, E., de Sonneville, L., Van Goozen, S., & Swaab, H. (2017). Affective empathy, cognitive empathy and social attention in children at high risk of criminal behaviour. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 58(8), 913-921.
      • Glenn, A. L., & McCauley, K. E. (2019). How biosocial research can improve interventions for antisocial behavior. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 35(1), 103-119. 
    • week 4:
      • Broekhof, E., Bos, M. G. N., & Rieffe, C. (2021). The roles of shame and guilt in the development of aggression in adolescents with and without hearing loss. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 49, 891-904. doi: 10.1007/s10802-021-00769-1.
      • Tangney, J. P., Stuewig, J., & Mashek, D. J. (2007). Moral emotions and moral behavior. Annual Review of Psychology, 58, 345-372. 
    • week 5:
      • Sheeber, L. B. et al. (2009). Dynamics of affective experience and behavior in depressed adolescents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50, 1419-1427.
      • Du Pont, A., et al. (2018). Rumination and psychopathology: Are anger and depressive rumination differentially associated with internalizing and externalizing psychopathology? Clinical Psychological Science, 6, 18-31. 
    • week 6:
      • Wierenga L.M., Ruigrok A., Aksnes E.R., Barth C., Beck D., Burke S., et al. (2024). Recommendations for a better understanding of sex and gender in the neuroscience of mental health. Biol Psychiatry Glob Open Sci. 4100283 
    • week 7:
      • Krieger, Piškur, B., Schulze, C., Jakobs, U., Beurskens, A., & Moser, A. (2018). Supporting and hindering environments for participation of adolescents diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder: A scoping review. PloS One, 13(8), e0202071–e0202071.
      • Tsou YT, Nasri M, Li B, Blijd-Hoogewys EMA, Baratchi M, Koutamanis
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Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Masters at Leiden University

Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Masters at Leiden University


Applied Cognitive Psychology

Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Child and Adolescent Psychology

Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on worldsupporter.org

  • Including summaries
  • see the supporting content of this assortment pointer for Psychology Masters at Leiden University

Child and Adolescent Psychology

Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Child and Adolescent Psychology

Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on worldsupporter.org

  • Including summaries and bulletsummaries
  • see the supporting content of this assortment pointer for Psychology Masters at Leiden University

Clinical Neuropsychology

Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Clinical Neuropsychology

Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on worldsupporter.org

  • Including summaries
  • see the supporting content of this assortment pointer for Psychology Masters at Leiden University

Clinical Psychology

Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Clinical Psychology

Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on worldsupporter.org

  • Including summaries
  • see the supporting content of this assortment pointer for Psychology Masters at Leiden University

Economic and Consumer Psychology

Online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track Economic and Consumer Psychology

Other online Summaries and study assistance with the Master track on worldsupporter.org

  • Including summaries
  • see the supporting content of this assortment pointer for Psychology Masters at Leiden University

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Labyrint: samenvattingen en studiehulp

Labyrint: samenvattingen en studiehulp


Samenvattingen en studiehulp via de Studievereniging Labyrint

  • Labyrint is dé studievereniging voor psychologiestudenten in Leiden.
  • Naast het organiseren van tal van studiegerelateerde activiteiten, is Labyrint er ook om het contact tussen de psychologiestudenten te bevorderen. Bovendien verkoopt Labyrint de studieboeken voor alle jaren van de studie psychologie. Als lid van Labyrint kun je zowel deelnemen aan
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