Work as a sports and/or physiotherapist to assess and improve physical development of children in Mexico, Honduras or the Dominican Republic *

  • You research and improve the physical development of children.
  • You treat big and small injuries of several kinds.
  • You improve prevention methods that help discover possible physical problems at an early age.

What do you gain?

  • Competences: cooperation, relating to others, problem solving ability, gaining commitment.
  • You can benefit from fully equipped therapy rooms (depending on your work location).
  • You receive room and board, travel- and health insurance (during project work months) and a small monthly allowance (depending on your working schedule and time commitment).

What do you need?

  • Competences: result-orientated, role awareness, self direction, communication.
  • You are able to work with children from various backgrounds and with diverse mental and physical issues.
  • You have a relevant educational background and speak Spanish, or have the intention to learn Spanish.


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Paid work & Work for board and lodging
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WereldOuders biedt structurele hulp aan kwetsbare kinderen en gezinnen in negen landen in Latijns-Amerika. Door medische zorg, een veilig thuis en goed onderwijs komen kinderen uit de armoedespiraal en maken daarmee kans op een betere toekomst voor zichzelf en hun omgeving.

WereldOuders biedt ook vrijwilligerswerk aan voor young professionals die in hun eigen vak in een van de projecten

......Read more on this page
Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos
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