
Latest changes and updates tagged with: Hiking, trekking and walking abroad

What is sports?

Sport is a structured physical activity governed by rules or customs, often competitive, requiring skill and physical exertion. It can be individual or team-based, with a focus on achieving a goal or outcome through physical performance.

What are some of the main features of sport?

  • Physical Activity: The core element of sport is physical movement and exertion.
  • Competition: Often, sports involve competition between individuals or teams, striving to achieve victory.
  • Rules & Structure: Sports are governed by a defined set of rules and regulations that ensure fair play and consistency.
  • Skill & Training: Athletes require dedication and training to develop the necessary skills and techniques for success.

Why is sport important?

Sport plays a significant role in society for several reasons:

  • Physical & Mental Health: Participation in sports promotes physical fitness, improves cardiovascular health, and can boost mental well-being through stress reduction and increased
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Wat brengt sport teweeg?! - Oratie - Knoppers (2006) - Artikel

Op de website van het NOC*NSF is te lezen dat sport fantastisch en mooi is, dat het veel oplevert en dat het belangrijk is. Rapporten van het ministerie van VWS geven aan dat sportdeelname is toegenomen. Dit wordt toegejuicht, omdat sport een oplossing zou zijn voor maatschappelijke opvoedingsvraagstukken, zoals integratie, emancipatie en individuele gezondheid. Ook zou sport een preventie zijn voor veel ziekten, zoals artrose, astma, dementie, depressie, diabetes, epilepsie, hart- en vaatziekten, huidaandoeningen, hypertensie, lage rugpijn, migraine, osteoporose, Parkinson’s, etc. Sport wordt als wondermiddel gezien. De auteur vraagt zich echter af of het rechtvaardig is om gezondheid aan sport te koppelen. Deze koppeling is namelijk complex en we weten er weinig over. De

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Chadar Trek - An Ethereal Experience One of Its Kind

Chadar Trek - An Ethereal Experience One of Its Kind

Chadar Trek - An Ethereal Experience One of Its Kind

The Chadar Trek, also known as the Frozen River Trek, is an iconic trekking trail located in the Ladakh region of India. This trek gives the most unforgettable experience which connects to nature.

  • The trek gets its name from the Zanskar River, which freezes over during the

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Annapurna Base Camp Trek - A Complete Guide

 Annapurna Base Camp Trek - A Complete Guide

The Annapurna Base Camp Trek is a popular trekking route in the Annapurna region of Nepal. The trek starts from Nayapul, a small town located on the outskirts of Pokhara, and follows the Modi Khola River through dense forests, terraced fields, and traditional villages. Along the way, trekkers can enjoy breathtaking views of snow-capped mountains, including Annapurna South, Hiunchuli,

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The 10 Most Exciting Trekking Places Near Bangalore



Live life king size! How many of us can follow this? Do you think buying a flat, going to a party, shopping in malls, watching movies in Inox or PVR, or having a car is the king size of life? After a few times you will get bored of all these. For a change you can visit some tourist....... read more

A Complete Guide of Skandagiri Trek



This popular tourist spot has an illustrious past because it is home to fort ruins that hold a significant place in Karnataka's history. The mighty Tipu Sultan and the British engaged in battle at this fort. The British conquered and demolished the fort in 1791 A.D., putting an end to the ruler of the Mysore Kingdom's insurrection.

About the....... read more

Check or search within topic: Hiking, trekking and walking abroad
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What is sports?

Sport is a structured physical activity governed by rules or customs, often competitive, requiring skill and physical exertion. It can be individual or team-based, with a focus on achieving a goal or outcome through physical performance. What are some of the main features of sport?

  • Physica...

Foundations of sport and exercise psychology (Weinberg)

Summary of Foundations of sport and exercise psychology by Weinberg donated to WorldSupporter

  • Chapter 1 - Introduction to sport and exercise psychology
  • Chapter 2 - Sport and personality
  • Chapter 3 - Motivation
  • Chapter 4 - Stress, arousal and anxiety
  • Chap...

Summary of Sports Economics by Downward: 1st edition
  • Chapter 1 - Economics of sport
  • Chapter 2 - Nature, organization and economic significance of sport
  • Chapter 7 - The professional sports market
  • Chapter 8 - Outcome uncertainty
  • Chapter 9 - Professional sports leagues and cross-subsidization
  • Chapter...


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Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Hiking, trekking and walking abroad

Hiking in Romania Usually, people who visit Romania are mostly interested in Dracula, medieval cities or the capitol Bucharest overlooking the Carpathians. The Carpathians offer impressive views from the tops, there are more then enough courses to follow for inexperienced hikers and still be rewarde...


When travelling we often like to post pictures of our adventures to social media. With our phone's gps function we can even add an almost exact location to the image, this is called geotagging. Geotagging has caused quite some controversy over the years, especially in the US, as many people hav...


Hiking in Japan is something that can’t be skipped! If you’re up for an adventure outside of the everyday city excitement, get up to the mountains around Kyoto. In this blog you’ll find a description of Fushimi Inari, Hieisan, Daimon-ji, Takao-Hozukyo Fushimi Inari The hike up Fus...


Triglav National Park owes its name to the beautiful mount Triglav, Slovenia's highest peak at 2864m. It is a part of the Julian Alps, a mountain range covering both Italy and Slovenia. With it's lush green forest, clear blue rivers and rocky peaks, it presents a great places for nature lovers,...

Spotlight summaries related to Hiking, trekking and walking abroad
Foundations of sport and exercise psychology (Weinberg)

Summary of Foundations of sport and exercise psychology by Weinberg donated to WorldSupporter

  • Chapter 1 - Introduction to sport and exercise psychology
  • Chapter 2 - Sport and personality
  • Chapter 3 - Motivation
  • Chapter 4 - Stress, arousal and anxiety
  • Chap...

What is sports?

Sport is a structured physical activity governed by rules or customs, often competitive, requiring skill and physical exertion. It can be individual or team-based, with a focus on achieving a goal or outcome through physical performance. What are some of the main features of sport?

  • Physica...

Summary of Sports Economics by Downward: 1st edition
  • Chapter 1 - Economics of sport
  • Chapter 2 - Nature, organization and economic significance of sport
  • Chapter 7 - The professional sports market
  • Chapter 8 - Outcome uncertainty
  • Chapter 9 - Professional sports leagues and cross-subsidization
  • Chapter...
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