Meteorology and Climate change?

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What is water conservation?

Water conservation is an interdisciplinary area that draws upon various disciplines to ensure the sustainable management and protection of freshwater resources.

What are the main features of water conservation?

  • Interdisciplinary: Water conservation requires expertise from hydrology, engineering, ecology, economics, and social sciences. Understanding water systems, technology for efficient use, environmental impacts, economic costs, and social aspects are all crucial.
  • Sustainability: The core principle is ensuring long-term availability of clean freshwater for present and future generations.
  • Integrated Management: Water conservation approaches consider the entire water cycle, from source to use and disposal.

What are important sub-areas in water conservation?

  • Hydrology: Studies the movement, distribution, and properties of water on Earth, including surface and groundwater systems.
  • Water Engineering: Develops and implements technologies for efficient water use, including water treatment, irrigation systems, and leak detection.
  • Water Resource Management: Focuses on developing strategies for allocating and managing water resources to meet various
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What is land conservation?

Land conservation prioritizes the preservation and sustainable use of land It encompasses various ecosystems beyond forests, including grasslands, wetlands, mountains, and deserts. The field draws upon knowledge from ecology, soil science, environmental science, geography, and land management practices.

What are the main features of land conservation?

  • Multifaceted Approach: Land conservation considers both ecological and social aspects, aiming to protect natural resources while supporting sustainable land use practices.
  • Sustainability: Balancing human needs for land with the long-term health of ecosystems is a core principle.
  • Landscape-Scale Thinking: Conservation efforts often focus on large landscapes, considering the interconnectedness of different ecosystems within a broader region.

What are important sub-areas in land conservation?

  • Ecological Restoration: Focuses on repairing degraded land and restoring it to a healthy state, promoting biodiversity and ecosystem services.
  • Soil Science: Studies the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil, crucial for understanding land use impacts and sustainable management.
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Article summary with Affect and emotions as drivers of climate change perception and action: A review by Brosch - Exclusive

What is this article about?

This is a review of recent findings concerning the role of affect and emotion in climate change perceptions and judgment as well as their potential as drivers of sustainable action. The affective responses people experience toward climate change are found to be strong predictors of risk perceptions, mitigation behavior, adaptation behavior, policy support, and technology acceptance. Communication and intervention studies show that inducing both positive and negative emotions may under certain conditions promote sustainable behavior. This follows from accumulating research in the affective sciences. The field of behavioral sciences could benefit from incorporation of these concepts and

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Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access )

Ga als vrijwilligers mangroves helpen herstellen in Madagaskar

mangroves planten

Ga aan de slag als vrijwilliger in Ambondrolava (Madagaskar) om samen met lokale projectmedewerkers onderzoek te doen en onderhoud te plegen aan de bedreigde mangrove bossen. Er is steeds plaats van maximaal 4 vrijwilligers en de duur van het project is tussen de 1 en 3 maanden. Het is mogelijk om binnen je verblijf in Ambondrolava je PADI te more

Artikel De reflexwerking van het internationale recht in de klimaatzaak van Urgenda

De Urgenda-uitspraak is opvallend in de zin dat internationaal en nationaal milieu- en klimaatrecht tegelijkertijd worden toegepast. De open Nederlandse rechtsorde maakt dit mogelijk, doordat internationale bepalingen die een ieder verbinden rechten en verplichtingen voor de Nederlandse burger en overheid met zich kunnen meebrengen. Het internationale milieurecht is vooral gevormd door normatieve verdragen, voortvloeiend uit VN-resoluties en internationale conferenties. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn de Stockholm Verklaring uit 1972 en de Rio Verklaring uit 1992, verantwoordelijk voor het VN-Klimaatverdrag uit 1992. Deze verdragen richten zich niet zozeer op de het milieu en de natuur zelf, maar meer op het behoud van ecosystemen in het belang van de mensheid en diens toekomst. De International Law Association (ILA) heeft in haar rapport van 2014 de ILA Legal Principles Relating to Climate Change vastgesteld met inbegrip van beginselen zoals duurzame ontwikkeling, preventie en voorzorg, en plicht tot internationale samenwerking. Deze beginselen zijn zowel privaatrechtelijk als.........Read more

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What is water conservation?

Water conservation is an interdisciplinary area that draws upon various disciplines to ensure the sustainable management and protection of freshwater resources. What are the main features of water conservation?

  • Interdisciplinary: Water conservation requires expertise from hydrology, en...

What is land conservation?

Land conservation prioritizes the preservation and sustainable use of land It encompasses various ecosystems beyond forests, including grasslands, wetlands, mountains, and deserts. The field draws upon knowledge from ecology, soil science, environmental science, geography, and land management practi...


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What is land conservation?

Land conservation prioritizes the preservation and sustainable use of land It encompasses various ecosystems beyond forests, including grasslands, wetlands, mountains, and deserts. The field draws upon knowledge from ecology, soil science, environmental science, geography, and land management practi...

What is water conservation?

Water conservation is an interdisciplinary area that draws upon various disciplines to ensure the sustainable management and protection of freshwater resources. What are the main features of water conservation?

  • Interdisciplinary: Water conservation requires expertise from hydrology, en...

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Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Meteorology and Climate change
mangroves planten

Ga aan de slag als vrijwilliger in Ambondrolava (Madagaskar) om samen met lokale projectmedewerkers onderzoek te doen en onderhoud te plegen aan de bedreigde mangrove bossen. Er is steeds plaats van maximaal 4 vrijwilligers en de duur van het project is tussen de 1 en 3 maanden. Het is mogelijk om b...

Spotlight summaries related to Meteorology and Climate change
What is water conservation?

Water conservation is an interdisciplinary area that draws upon various disciplines to ensure the sustainable management and protection of freshwater resources. What are the main features of water conservation?

  • Interdisciplinary: Water conservation requires expertise from hydrology, en...

What is land conservation?

Land conservation prioritizes the preservation and sustainable use of land It encompasses various ecosystems beyond forests, including grasslands, wetlands, mountains, and deserts. The field draws upon knowledge from ecology, soil science, environmental science, geography, and land management practi...

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