Universiteit Amsterdam: UVA


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Universiteit Amsterdam: UVA

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Psychology AU Amsterdam: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance with the Bachelor and Masters

Psychology AU Amsterdam: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance with the Bachelor and Masters

Assortment of summaries and study assistance

Which summaries and study assistance can you use and expect with JoHo?

Bachelor 1:

  • Introductory Psychology; Brain and Cognition; Research Methods and Statistics; Developmental Psychology; Work and Organisational Psychology; Social Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Neuropsychology; First year thesis

Bachelor 2 Shared Program:

  • Scientific and Statistical Reasoning; Practical training: Psychological Communication; Practical training: Psychological Research; Fundamentals of Psychology


  • various courses, a.o.: Current Topics: Introduction to Cultural Psychology; Youth Interventions: Theory, Research and Practice; Clinical Skills: Developmental Psychology; Adolescence: Developmental, Clinical and School Psychology; KNP Diagnostiek; Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Skills; Teams in Organisations; Emotion

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Gross (2010). Emotion regulation.” – Article summary

Emotions may facilitate adaptation by readying behavioural responses (1), enhancing memory for important events (2) and guide interpersonal interactions (3). However, emotions are maladaptive when they are of the wrong type (1), at the wrong time (2) or at the wrong intensity level (3). Emotions consist of three key features:

  1. Emotions arise when an individuals attend to a situation and understands it as being relevant to one’s current goals (i.e. the meaning a person assigns to a situation).
  2. Emotions are multifaceted and involve changes in subjective experience (1), behaviour (2) and peripheral physiology (3) (e.g. it gives rise to subjective feeling).
  3. Emotions are malleable (i.e. it gives rise to response tendencies that can be changed).

The behavioural changes as a result of emotions are associated with autonomic and neuroendocrine changes that anticipate the associated behavioural response with an emotion.


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Tucker-Drob, Briley, & Harden (2013). Genetic and environmental influences on cognition across development and context" – Article summary

Cognition is about 50% - 70% heritable at the population level. Heritability is maximized when people choose their own environments and experiences.

Gene-environment correlation states that people with more similar genes experience more similar environments and vice versa. Transactional models state that early-life behaviours, driven by genetics, lead to a person selecting particular types of environments. These environments have a causal effect on cognition, leading to the notion that the original behaviours led to these experiences and this cognition (e.g. having higher IQ leads to environments where you can stimulate IQ, which leads to an even higher IQ). Traits such as intelligence, motivation and intellectual interest are important in selecting these environments. Genes are thus very important in selecting environments which, in turn, have large impact on cognition. This leads to a large estimate of heritability.

The availability of environmental experiences is essential in

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Taraban & Shaw (2018). Parenting in context: Revisiting Belsky’s classic process of parenting model in early childhood.” – Article summary

According to Jay Belsky’s process of parenting model, parenting is determined by characteristics of the parent, child and family social context. Parental personality and parental psychological functioning are important factors in the parental domain. In the child’s domain, a difficult temperament is important. In the social context domain, parents’ work habits, sources of parental social support and marital relationship quality are important. 

Positive parenting refers to dimensions of parenting such as warmth, sensitivity, limit setting, appropriate scaffolding and contingency-based reinforcement. Negative parenting refers to behaviours that are inconsistent, over-reactive, controlling and harsh. Negative parenting has been linked to negative child outcomes (e.g. lower academic achievement) while positive parenting has been linked to adaptive child outcomes. Associations between parenting and child outcomes are stronger in early childhood. Adolescence may also be a critical period.

Fathers have taken up a larger parenting role over the recent years. Research

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Kuppens & Ceulemans (2019). Parenting styles: A closer look at a well-known concept”. – Article summary

Parenting practices refer to directly observable specific behaviours that parents use to socialize their children (e.g. supervision with homework). There are two broad dimensions of parenting:

  1. Parental support
    This refers to the affective nature of the parent-child relationship. Behaviours involve showing involvement (1), acceptance (2), emotional availability (3), warmth (4) and responsivity (3). This is associated with positive child outcomes.
  2. Parental control
    1. Behavioural control
      This refers to behaviours aimed at controlling, managing or regulating the child’s behaviour through enforcing demands and rules (1), disciplinary strategies (2), punishment (3) or supervisory functions (4). This is associated with positive child outcomes if not used excessively or not at all.
    2. Psychological control
      This refers to behaviours aimed at manipulating children’s thoughts, feelings and emotions. This is associated with negative child outcomes.

It is possible that

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Bjorklund & Causey (2017). Biological bases of development” – Article summary

Evolution refers to the process of change in gene frequencies within populations over many generations. The major principle of evolution is reproductive fitness, which refers to the likelihood that an individual will produce offspring or that that individual’s offspring will produce offspring. Evolution provides an explanation for how a mechanism developed but also why it developed. Previously adaptive mechanisms may not be adaptive anymore in modern society.

Evolutionary developmental psychology refers to a field which looks at development of humans from an evolutionary perspective. It is useful to look at which cognitive operations underlie adaptive behaviour. Psychological mechanisms (e.g. cognitive psychology) may be the missing link between evolution and behaviour.

It is possible that domain-specific mechanisms designed by natural selection to deal with specific aspects of the physical or social environment (e.g. face recognition) evolved. However, evolution has also influenced domain-general mechanisms (e.g. executive

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Childhood: Developmental Psychology – Article overview (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

This bundle contains a summary of all the articles that are needed for the course "Childhood: Developmental Psychology" given at the University of Amsterdam. It includes the following articles:

  • Bjorklund & Causey (2017). Biological bases of development” – Article summary 
  • “Kuppens & Ceulemans (2019). Parenting styles: A closer look at a well-known concept”. – Article summary 
  • “Taraban & Shaw (2018). Parenting in context:
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Research methods in psychology by B. Morling (third edition) – Chapter 14 summary

Replication gives a study credibility, and it is a crucial part of the scientific process. There are several types of replication:

  1. Direct replication
    Researchers repeat an original study as closely as they can to see whether the effect is the same in the newly collected data.
  2. Conceptual replication
    Researchers explore the same research question, but use different procedures. In this replication, the conceptual variables are the same, but the operationalizations are not.
  3. Replication-plus-extension
    Researchers replicate their original experiment and add variables to test additional questions.

The replication crisis refers to the fact that a lot of psychological studies don’t share the same results when they’re replicated. Replication studies might fail, because some original effect are contextually sensitive and when the replication context is too different, the replication is more

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Research methods in psychology by B. Morling (third edition) – Chapter 13 summary

A quasi-experiment differs from a true experiment in that the researchers do not have full experimental control. In quasi-experiments, researchers might not be able to randomly assign participants to one level or the other. They are assigned by other things (e.g: teachers, political regulations or nature).

A non-equivalent control group design is a quasi-experiment in which there is a treatment group and a control group, but the participants have not been randomly assigned. A non-equivalent control group pretest/posttest design is a quasi-experiment in which participants are tested before and after the experiment, but are not randomly assigned to groups. An interrupted time-series design is a quasi-experiment that measures participants repeatedly on a dependent variable. A non-equivalent control group interrupted time-series design is a quasi-experiment in which the independent variable was studied as a repeated-measures variable and an independent groups variable.

There are several

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Research methods in psychology by B. Morling (third edition) – Chapter 12 summary

Experiments with more than one independent variable allows researchers to look for an interaction effect. This is an effect where the effect of the original independent variable depends on the level of another independent variable. If the two lines of the independent variables cross, there is a crossover interaction, also known as “it depends”. If the lines are not parallel, there is an interaction and if the lines are parallel, there is no interaction. A spreading interaction occurs when the two lines spread out and can be labelled as an “only when..” interaction. An interaction is a difference in differences

Testing for interactions is done with factorial designs. A factorial design is one in which there are two or more independent variables. In a factorial design, researchers study each possible combination

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Twee kanten op stampen - Onderzoeksmethode en Statistiek I

Leer je begrippen twee kanten op (vergelijk Engels-Nederlands en Nederlands-Engels). Leer bijvoorbeeld wat expressieve afasie betekent, maar ook welke term academici gebruiken wanneer iemand het vermogen heeft verloren om spraak te produceren



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Klinische Psychologie - Collegeaantekeningen (2014-2015)

Week 1 Hoorcollege 1 Psychopathologie Het Nederlandse woord voor abnormal behavior is psychopathologie. Psychopathologie is de wetenschappelijke studie naar afwijkende patronen van functioneren (doen, voelen en denken) om psychische stoornissen te beschrijven, voorspellen, verklaren en veranderen. I...



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  • VSPA is the study association for the Psychology students ​at the University of Amsterdam.
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UvA Methodologiewinkel Wiki

Hulp nodig bij Statistiek en Onderzoeksmethoden? Check out de Methodologiewinkel van de Universiteit van Amsterdam! Op deze wiki vind je informatie over de statistische aspecten van wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Deze wiki is gemaakt door researchmaster studenten van de opleiding psychologie. Zij hebbe...


The three most important elements of Bayesian statistics are:

  • The Prior: the relative plausibility of hypothesis, before seeing the data
  • Likelihood: the predictive updating factor
  • The Posterior: the relative plausibility of hypothesis, after seeing the data

For ...


De stadia van een slecht nieuws gesprek zijn:

  1. Voorbereiding
  2. Mededelen slecht nieuws Eerst aftasten wat de cliënt wilt en weet en daarna stapsgewijs brengen.
  3. Stoom afblazen en ruimte bieden voor emoties Hier is het belangrijk niet te snel over te stappen op de volgende...

Favorite summaries and study notes related to Universiteit Amsterdam: UVA

What can I find on this page? On this page, you can find a summary for all the study materials you need for the developmental specialization of the Psychology bachelor's programme at the University of Amsterdam. There is a link for all the separate courses. The courses have been organized into ...


What can I find on this page? On this page, you can find a summary for all the study materials you need in the second year of the Psychology bachelor's programme at the University of Amsterdam. There is a link for all the separate courses. The courses have been organized into so-called bundles, whic...

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Summaries and study assistance via VSPA

  • VSPA is the study association for the Psychology students ​at the University of Amsterdam.
  • VSPA organizes study-related and social activities.

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