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Psychology AU Amsterdam: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance with the Bachelor and Masters

Psychology AU Amsterdam: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance with the Bachelor and Masters

Assortment of summaries and study assistance

Which summaries and study assistance can you use and expect with JoHo?

Bachelor 1:

  • Introductory Psychology; Brain and Cognition; Research Methods and Statistics; Developmental Psychology; Work and Organisational Psychology; Social Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Neuropsychology; First year thesis

Bachelor 2 Shared Program:

  • Scientific and Statistical Reasoning; Practical training: Psychological Communication; Practical training: Psychological Research; Fundamentals of Psychology


  • various courses, a.o.: Current Topics: Introduction to Cultural Psychology; Youth Interventions: Theory, Research and Practice; Clinical Skills: Developmental Psychology; Adolescence: Developmental, Clinical and School Psychology; KNP Diagnostiek; Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Skills; Teams in Organisations; Emotion

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Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics by Andy Field, fifth edition – Summary chapter 11

Moderation refers to the combined effect of two or more predictor variables on an outcome. This is also known as an interaction effect. A moderator variable is one that affects the relationship between two others. It affects the strength or direction of the relationship between the variables.

The interaction effect indicates whether moderation has occurred. The predictor and the moderator must be included for the interaction term to be valid. If, in the linear model, the interaction effect is included, then the individual predictors represent the regression of the outcome on that predictor when the other predictor is zero.

The predictors are often transformed using grand mean centring. Centring refers to transforming a variable into deviations around a fixed point. This fixed point is typically the grand mean. Centring is important when the model contains an interaction effect, as it makes the bs for lower-order

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Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics by Andy Field, fifth edition – Summary chapter 10

Researchers should not compare artificially created groups in an experiment (e.g. based on the median). There are several problems with median-splits:

  1. Median splits change the original information drastically
  2. Effect sizes get smaller
  3. There is an increased chance of finding spurious effects

Comparing the difference between the means of two groups is predicting an outcome based on membership of two groups. A t-statistic is used to ascertain whether a model parameter is equal to zero. In other words, the t-statistic tests whether the difference between group means is equal to zero.

There are two types of t-tests:

  1. Independent t-test (independent measures t-test)
    This is comparing two means in which each group has its own set of participants.
  2. Paired-samples t-test (dependent t-test)
    This is comparing two means in
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Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics by Andy Field, fifth edition – Summary chapter 8

Variance of a single variable represents the average amount that the data vary from the mean. The cross-product deviation multiplies the deviation for one variable by the corresponding deviation for the second variable. The average value of the cross-product deviation is the covariance. This is an averaged sum of combined deviation. It uses the following formula:

A positive covariance indicates that if one variable deviates from the mean, the other variable deviates in the same direction. A negative covariance indicates that if one variable deviates from the mean, the other variable deviates in the opposite direction.

Covariance is not standardized and depends on the scale of measurement. The standardized covariance is the correlation coefficient and is calculated using the following formula:

A correlation coefficient of values

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Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics by Andy Field, fifth edition – Summary chapter 9

Any straight line can be defined by the slope (1) and the point at which the line crosses the vertical axis of the graph (intercept) (2). The general formula for the linear model is the following:

Regression analysis refers to fitting a linear model to data and using it to predict values of an outcome variable (dependent variable) from one or more predictor variables (independent variables). The residuals are the differences between what the model predicts and the actual outcome. The residual sum of squares is used to assess the ‘goodness-of-fit’ of the model on the data. The smaller the residual sum of squares, the better the fit.

Ordinary least squares regression refers to defining the regression models for which the sum of squared errors is the minimum it can be given the data. The sum of squared

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Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics by Andy Field, fifth edition – Summary chapter 7

Non-parametric tests can be used when the assumptions of the regular statistical tests have been violated. Non-parametric tests use fewer assumptions and are robust. A non-parametric test has less power than parametric tests if the sampling distribution is normally distributed.

Ranking the data refers to giving the lowest score the rank of 1, the next highest score a rank of 2 and so on. This eliminates the effect of outliers. It does neglect the difference in magnitude between the scores. If there are two scores that are the same, there are tied ranks. These scores are ranked by the value of the average potential rank for those scores (e.g. rank 3 and 4 will become rank 3.5).

There are several alternatives to the four most used non-parametric tests:

  1. Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z
    It tests whether two groups have been drawn from the same population.
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Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics by Andy Field, fifth edition – Summary chapter 6

Bias can be detrimental for the parameter estimates (1), standard errors and confidence intervals (2) and the test statistics and p-values (3). Outliers and violations of assumptions are forms of bias.

An outlier is a score very different from the rest of the data. They bias parameter estimates and have an impact on the error associated with that estimate. Outliers have a strong effect on the sum of squared errors and this biases the standard deviation.

There are several assumptions of the linear model:

  1. Additivity and linearity
    The scores on the outcome variable are linearly related to any predictors. If there are multiple predictors, their combined effect is best described by adding them together.
  2. Normality
    The parameter estimates are influenced by a violation of normality and the residuals of the parameters should be normally distributed. It is normality
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Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics by Andy Field, fifth edition – Summary chapter 3

There are three main misconceptions of statistical significance:

  1. A significant result means that the effect is important
    Statistical significance is not the same as practical significance.
  2. A non-significant result means that the null hypothesis is true
    Rejecting the alternative hypothesis does not mean we accept the null hypothesis.
  3. A significant result means that the null hypothesis is false
    If we reject the null hypothesis in favour of the alternative hypothesis, this does not mean that the null hypothesis is false, as rejection is all based on probability and there still is a probability of it not being false.

The use of NHST encourages ‘all-or-nothing’ thinking. A result is either significant or not. If a confidence interval contains zero, it could be that the population effect might be zero.

An empirical probability is the proportion of events that

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Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics by Andy Field, fifth edition – Summary chapter 5

A good graph has the following properties:

  1. Shows the data
  2. Induce the reader to think about the presented data
  3. Avoid distorting data
  4. Present many numbers with minimum ink
  5. Make large data sets coherent
  6. Encourage the reader to compare different pieces of data
  7. Reveal the underlying message of data

There are also some graph building guidelines:

  1. If plotting two variables, never use 3-D plots
  2. Do not use unnecessary patterns in the bars
  3. Do not use cylinder shaped bars if that is not functional
  4. Properly label the x- and y-axis.

There are different types of histograms:

  1. Simple histogram
    Visualize frequencies of scores for a single variable
  2. Stacked histogram
    Compare relative frequencies of scores across groups
  3. Frequency polygon
    The same as a simple histogram, but
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Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics by Andy Field, fifth edition – Summary chapter 1

The research process generally starts with an observation. After the observation, relevant theories are consulted and hypotheses are generated, from which predictions are made. After that, data is collected to test the predictions and finally the data is analysed. The data analysis either supports or does not support the hypothesis. A theory is an explanation or set of principles that is well substantiated by repeated testing and explains a broad phenomenon. A theory should be able to explain all of the data. A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a fairly narrow phenomenon or set of observations. Hypotheses are theory-driven. Predictions are often used to move from the conceptual domain to the observable domain to be able to collect evidence. Falsification is the act of disproving a hypothesis or theory. A scientific theory should be falsifiable and explain as much of the data as possible.


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Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics by Andy Field, fifth edition – Summary chapter 2

Many statistical models try to predict an outcome from one or more predictor variables. Statistics includes five things: Standard error (S), parameters (P), interval estimates (I), null hypothesis significance testing (N) and estimation (E), together making SPINE. Statistics often uses linear models, as this simplifies reality in an understandable way.

All statistical models are based on the same thing:

The data we observe can be predicted from the model we choose to fit plus some amount of error. The model will vary depending on the study design. The bigger a sample is, the more likely it is to reflect the whole population.

A parameter is a value of the population. A statistic is a value of the sample. A parameter can be denoted by ‘b’. The outcome of a model uses the following formula:

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  • VSPA organizes study-related and social activities.

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Summaries and study assistance via VSPA

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