Universiteit Enschede: Twente


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Universiteit Enschede: Twente



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How does gender development take place? - ExamTest 15


Question 1

Which term is described? The tendency to affirm connection with others through being emotionally open, empathetic, or supportive. 

  1. Assertion.
  2. Collaboration.
  3. Affiliation.
  4. Empathy.

Question 2

Which theory that focuses on biological differences regarding gender emphasizes the physical differences between men and women that can have both behavioral and social consequences?

  1. Evolutionary psychology theory.
  2. Biosocial theory.
  3. Neuroscience theory.
  4. Social science theory.

Question 3

Which theory on gender development proposes that children enact gender-typed behaviors as soon as they can label other people's and their own gender?

  1. Cognitive developmental theory.
  2. Social identity theory.
  3. Social cognitive theory.
  4. Gender schema theory.

Question 4

The gender similarities hypothesis emphasizes that in areas of cognitive behaviors

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How does moral development take place? - ExamTest 14


Question 1

According to Piaget, there are two stages of development in children's moral reasoning, with a transitional period between them. During which ages does this transitional period occur?

  1. From 2 – 4 years old.
  2. From 4 – 7 years old.
  3. From 7 – 10 years old.
  4. From 10 – 12 years old.

Question 2

Which stage does not belong to Kohlberg's theory of moral judgement?

  1. Preconventional moral reasoning.
  2. Conventional moral reasoning.
  3. Postconventional moral reasoning.
  4. Complete moral reasoning.

Question 3

Kohlberg based his stages of morality on ...

  1. Reasons behind moral decisions.
  2. The stages of prosocial development.
  3. The results of his studies of prosocial dilemmas.
  4. Evidence that peers
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What is the influence of peers on the development of a child? - ExamTest 13


Question 1

From which of the following we cannot notice that two young children are friends?

  1. They defend each other.
  2. They can verbally tell who their friends are. 
  3. They will call for help when their friend is upset. 
  4. They prefer to play with their friends than with nonfriends. 

Question 2

Which term is described by the following? Peer groups that children voluntarily form or join themselves, usually of the same sex and race. 

  1. A clique.
  2. A crowd.
  3. A gang.
  4. A mob.

Question 3

Which of the following is not a sociometric status?

  1. Rejected children.
  2. Average children.
  3. Bullied children.
  4. Neglected children.

Question 4

What's true about bullied children?

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    What is the influence of family on the development of children? - ExamTest 12


    Question 1

    Which parenting style is described by the following? Parents are cold, nonresponsive and high in demandingness. They are oriented toward control and expect their children to comply without question or explanation.

    1. Authoritative parenting.
    2. Authoritarian parenting.
    3. Permissive parenting.
    4. Uninvolved parenting.

    Question 2

    The process through which children acquire the values, knowledge, and behaviors that are regarded as appropriate in their culture is known as ...

    1. Parenting style.
    2. Socialization.
    3. Behaviorism.
    4. Discipline.

    Question 3

    A recent trend in famiy structure in the United states is the increasing ages of first-time parents. Which of the following is not true of these older parents compared with younger parents?

    1. Older parents tend to
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    What do attachment theories say about development? - ExamTest 11


    Question 1

    What is the third step in the attachment process according to Bowlby? 

    1. Reciprocal relationships.
    2. Clear-cut attachment.
    3. Pre attachment.
    4. Attachment-in-the-making.

    Question 2

    Which attachment pattern does not originally belong to the three attachment patterns of Ainsworth?

    1. Secure attachment.
    2. Insecure ambivalent attachment.
    3. Insecure disorganized attachment.
    4. Insecure avoidant attachment.

    Question 3

    What is NOT characteristic of an insecure ambivalent child?

    1. The child behaves very clingy.
    2. The child calms down through the presence of a stranger.
    3. The child is difficult to comfort when the mother returns after being separated from her.
    4. The child is comforted just as easily by a stranger as by the mother after divorce from the mother.
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    How does emotion development in children take place? - ExamTest 10


    Question 1

    Which theory is based on the idea of Darwin that emotions are innate? 

    1. The functionalist perspective
    2. The dynamic systems theory.
    3. The basis-affection system theory.
    4. The discrete emotions theory.

    Question 2

    Which of the following statements is true?

    1. Poor people experience as much depression as rich people. 
    2. The percentage of depression decreases when children reach puberty. 
    1. Only statement 1 is true.
    2. Only statement 2 is true.
    3. Both statements are true.
    4. Both statements are false.

    Question 3

    What are two examples of self-aware emotions?

    1. Shame and anger.
    2. Fear and Anger.
    3. Pride and shame.
    4. Pride and joy.

    Question 4

    What is the first form of emotional regulation that children

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    What are the theories on social development in children? - ExamTest 9


    Question 1

    What is the right order of Freud's developmental stages?

    1. Oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency period, genital stage. 
    2. Anal stage, oral stage, phallic stage, latency period, genital stage. 
    3. Oral stage, anal stage, latency period, phallic stage, genital stage. 
    4. Oral stage, anal stage, genital stage, latency period, phallic stage.

    Question 2

    During which developmental stage does the Oedipus complex occur?

    1. Anal stage.
    2. Phallic stage.
    3. Latency period.
    4. Genital stage.

    Question 3

    Who is the founder of behaviorism?

    1. Albert.
    2. Erikson.
    3. Skinner.
    4. Watson.

    Question 4

    John takes a biscuit from the biscuit tin before eating, while his parents told him he wasn't allowed to. John feels guilty after eating the

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    What is intelligence and how does it develop? - ExamTest 8


    Question 1

    Which of the following statements is true?

    1. Crystallized intelligence is the ability to think on the spot to solve novel problems.
    2. Fluid intelligence is the factual knowledge about the world.
    1. Only statement 1 is true.
    2. Only statement 2 is true.
    3. Both statements are true.
    4. Both statements are false.

    Question 2

    Which intelligence test is used for children of 6 years and older?

    1. The Stanford-Binet intelligence test.
    2. Revisie Amsterdamse Kinder-Intelligentie-Test (Rakit).
    3. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC).
    4. Raven's Progressive Matrices.

    Question 3

    Which of the following is true about IQ?

    1. IQ scores are strong predictors of academic, economic and occupational achievements. 
    2. Correlations between individual alleles of genes and IQ are very
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    How does conceptual development take place? - ExamTest 7


    Question 1

    Which of the following does not belong to the three categories that children use to distinguish by categoral hierarchy? 

    1. Not-living things.
    2. Animals.
    3. Humans.
    4. Living things.

    Question 2

    Which of the following is true?

    1. An important component of false belief problems is the understanding of the relation between desires and actions.
    2. Theory of mind is the understanding of how the mind works and how this influences behavior.
    1. Only statement 1 is true.
    2. Only statement 2 is true.
    3. Both statements are true.
    4. Both statements are false.

    Question 3

    Which of the following concepts is not developed by children to understand the world?

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      How does language develop? - ExamTest 6


      Question 1

      Which concept is defined by the following? The smallest units of meaning in a language, composed of one or more units.

      1. Semantics.
      2. Phonemes.
      3. Morphemes.
      4. Syntax.

      Question 2

      What is the second step in learning language?

      1. The preparation for the production of speech by means of repetitive consonant-vowel sequences.
      2. The perception of speech, by means of rhythm, tempo, cadence, melody, etc. 
      3. The first words.
      4. Categorical perception.

      Question 3

      A child says: "I getted that from my grandmother". 'Getted' consists of three ...

      1. Phonemes.
      2. Morphemes.
      3. Syntaxes.
      4. Modularities.

      Question 4

      What's the Importance of Infant Directed Talk?

      1. It is critical to the child's language development.
      2. It
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      Displaying 25 - 32 of 151
      Summary of Narrative psychology Lecture

      This summary includes the Delivery formats online Lecture, it's a recorded lecture. The lecture covered Article McAdams (2011)   LIFE STORIES  -- NARRATIVE IDENTITY “Language doesn’t describe reality, but constructs it” WHY FOCUS ON LIFE STORIES? FUNCTIONAL APPROACH


       Summary of Self and Motives Lecture

      This summary includes the Delivery formats online Lecture, it's a recorded lecture. The lecture covered Chapter 13, 14 The individual Book (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition)   CHARACTERISTIC ADAPTATIONS SELF AND IDENTITY HOW DO PEOPLE DIFFER IN MOTIVES?

      • Personal motives:

         Summary of Personality traits Lecture

        This summary includes the Personality traits Lecture, it's a recorded lecture. The lecture covered Chapter 10, 11, 12, and only pages 429 – 448 (without the boxes on pages 437- 439, and 444 - 445), and pages 461 - 467 of chapter 18 The Individual Book (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition)   DI...

        Summary of Brain and Cognition (UT Twente) by Lubbe - 1st edition

        Summaries per chapter with Brain and Cognition (UT Twente) Table of content

        • Chapter 0 -  What is the book 'Brain and Cognition' about?
        • Chapter 1 - What is biopsychology and what does the biopsychological approach entail?
        • Chapter 2 - How do the evolutionary perspective...

        Summary of Psychology by Ciccarelli and White - 6th edition

        Summaries per chapter with Psychology Table of content

        • Chapter 1 - What does psychology consist of?
        • Chapter 2 - What is the biology behind our behavior?
        • Chapter 3 - How do our senses work and how do we process them?
        • Chapter 4 - What is consciousness and how is it ...

        Summary of Social Psychology by Kassin - 11th edition

        Summaries per chapter with Social Psychology Table of content

        • Chapter 1 - What is social psychology?
        • Chapter 2 - How is social psychological research conducted?
        • Chapter 3 - What does the social self entail?
        • Chapter 4 - How do we perceive persons?
        • Chapter ...


        Search & Find within term: Universiteit Enschede: Twente
        Displaying 13 - 16 of 151
        Ch. 15: Drug addiction and the Brain's reward circuits - Exclusive

        This is the Chapter 15 of the book Biopsychology, Global Edition (Pinel & Barnes, 2018). Which is content for the exam of the Theory component of Module 5 (Mental Health) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands   Drug Use, Drug Addiction, and Brain’s Reward Circuits “Glo...

        Ch. 7: Depression and Mood Disorders - Exclusive

        This is the Chapter 7 of the book Psychopathology (Davey, G. C., 2021). Which is content for the exam of the Theory component of Module 5 (Mental Health) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands   Depression and Mood Disorders  

        • Depression: prominent emotion in mood disorde...

        Study Guide for summaries with Brain and Cognition by Lubbe

        Summaries and Study Assistance with Brain and Cognition by Lubbe Table of content Summaries and study assistance with the 1st edition of the book:

        • Summary with the book: Brain & Cognition by Lubbe - 1st edition
        • Bullets with the book:Brain & Cognition by Lubbe- 1st edition<...>


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        Summaries and study assistance by Dimensie

        • Dimensie is the Study Association to support Psychology students at the University of Twente. 
        • As a Study Association, Dimensies tries to facilitate the connection between the study Psychology and its students as well as constantly tr...

        Spotlight organizations

        Summaries and study assistance by Dimensie

        • Dimensie is the Study Association to support Psychology students at the University of Twente. 
        • As a Study Association, Dimensies tries to facilitate the connection between the study Psychology and its students as well as constantly tr...

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