Universiteit Enschede: Twente


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Universiteit Enschede: Twente



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What do attachment theories say about development? - Chapter 11

Children develop certain forms of attachment. Attachment is an emotional bond with a specific person, a bond that remains constant over time. Attachment is often discussed as the relationship between a child and his/her caregiver, but attachment can also occur in adulthood.

Which attachment styles do we distinguish?

What is the attachment theory?

The attachment theory was proposed by Bowlby. This theory states that children have a biological predisposition to attach themselves to the caregivers, in order to increase the chance of their own survival. Later, Ainsworth expanded and tested Bowlby's ideas. According to Freud, children's development is shaped by their early relationship with their mothers. Bowlby agreed on this, but

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How does emotion development in children take place? - Chapter 10

How do emotions develop in children?

Emotions are often equated with feelings. Development ideologists have a more complex approach to look at emotions. They see emotions as consisting of multiple components: neural responses, the physiological factors (heartbeat, breaths, hormone levels), subjective feelings, emotional expression and the desire to take action (flee, approach, or change people or things in the environment). However, there is a lot of discussion about whether emotions are innate or not.

What are theories regarding the nature and development of emotions?

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What are the theories on social development in children? - Chapter 9

What do psychoanalytic theories claim about the social development of children?

Psychoanalytic theories have had the greatest impact on western cultures. These theories have had a major influence on the way of thinking about personality and social developments. This is mainly because og Sigmund Freud. Erik Erikson later accounted on the ideas of Sigmund Freud. Both theories are based on biological ripening. According to Freud, the behavior is motivated by the need to satisfy basic drifts. The resulting instincts

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What is intelligence and how does it develop? - Chapter 8

What is intelligence?

The concept of intelligence is difficult to describe. One way, is to describe intelligence through three levels of analysis:

  1. Some see intelligence as one factor called general intelligence, g. General intelligence are cognitive processes influencing the ability to think and learn on all intellectual tasks.
  2. There are also good arguments for intelligence to consist of two types of intelligence, fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence. Fluid intelligence is the ability to solve new problems at a certain moment,
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How does conceptual development take place? - Chapter 7

Concepts are general ideas or terms that can be used to group objects, situations, qualities, or abstractions, that let them become equal in a certain way.

How do children learn to understand who and what?

How do children learn to divide objects into categories?

Children use categorical hierarchy to distinguish between categories. The categories are classified into set-subset relation, such as animal-dog-poodle. Small children especially use perceptual categorization: grouping objects that are similar. It can already be seen in children from 3 to 4 months old. As children grow older, they also understand hierarchical and causal relationships between categories. The categorical hierarchies’ children are forming often

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How does language develop? - Chapter 6

How does language develop in children?

We use symbols to communicate with other people and to reflect or exchange our thoughts, feelings, and knowledge. Symbols are a tool when communicating with other people. Using language includes language comprehension and language production. Language comprehension is the understanding of what other people say, write or portrait (passive). Language production is speaking, writing or portraying to other people and is active. Language comprehension leads to language production.

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How do children develop perception, action, and learning? - Chapter 5

How does perceptual development work?

There is a difference between perception and sensation. Sensation is the processing of basic information from the external world, through sensory receptors in the sensory organs and the brain. Perception is a process focusing on organizing and interpreting sensory information.

How does visual development take place in children?

In the past the visual capacity of babies was underestimated. Research shows that babies have a greater visual capacity than previously believed. Research was done through preferential looking technique and habituation. The preferential looking technique is a method for research of the baby's visual attention, whereby babies are presented with two patterns or

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How do nature and nurture play a role in development? - Chapter 3

The first studies on development were trying to answer the question of which of the following is more influential on the child’s development: the genes or the environment. Since the discovery of the DNA, the basic component of heredity, enormous advances have been made in deciphering the genetic code. Researchers have mapped the entire genome, the complete set of genes of an organism. Later studies on development found both, the genes and the environment, as important influences in the development of a child. The genes and the environment interact continuously with each other, therefore both influence the development of a child.

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How does prenatal development work? - Chapter 2

How does prenatal development work?

Throughout history, many different ways to view prenatal development can be found. Aristotle rejected the idea of epigenesis, the emergence of new structures and functions during development.

For example, the Beng in West Africa believe that every baby is a reincarnation of an ancestor. The spirit of the ancestor, the wru,

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Search summaries and vacancies within topic: Universiteit Enschede: Twente
Displaying 41 - 48 of 151
Summary of Person-centered Approach Lecture

This summary includes the Person-centered Approach lecture, which took place at the University of Twente on 09-05-2023. The lecture covered Chapter 6 of The Individual Book (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition)   Person-centred approach: The humanistic approach – third force

  • 1st Force -- P...

 Summary of Cognitive-behavioral approach Lecture

This summary includes the Cognitive-behavioral approach lecture, which took place at the University of Twente on 02-05-2023. The lecture covered Chapters 2 and 4 of The Individual Book (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition) [editorial note: some images have been removed for technical and/or copyright reasons] ...

Summary of Psychodynamic Approach Lecture

This summary includes the Psychodynamic approach lecture, which took place at the University of Twente on 28-04-2023. The lecture covered Chapters 3 and 5 of The Individual Book (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition)   Psychodynamic Approach: Chapters 3 and 5, The Individual Psychological suffering 7 char...

How does language develop? - ExamTest 6
  • Questions
  • Answers
  • Questions Question 1 Which concept is defined by the following? The smallest units of meaning in a language, composed of one or more units.

    1. Semantics.
    2. Phonemes.
    3. Morphemes.
    4. ...


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Whether you use the summaries to keep up with the material from the beginning of the block, or to learn at the last minute if you failed your resolutions: JoHo & Dimensie will assist you in studying for your exams Check the available and expected JoHo summaries for your study(year) for the com...

Summary of Narrative identity, McAdams (2011)

This is a summary of the article McAdams, (2011). Narrative identity. In S. Schwartz, K. Luyckx, & V. Vignoles (Eds.), Handbook of identity theory and research (pp. 99-115). New York, NY, US Narrative identity McAdams, 2011 “To be adult means among other things to see one’...


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Together with Dimensie we are able to provide summaries for one of the upcoming theory exams in your second module! And it gets even better: to celebrate our new partnership we can provide them for free! Just come by in the Rubix and pick them up when you also pick up books! There is only a limited ...


Whether you use the summaries to keep up with the material from the beginning of the block, or to learn at the last minute if you failed your resolutions: JoHo & Dimensie will assist you in studying for your exams Check the available and expected JoHo summaries for your study(year) for the com...

Favorite summaries and study notes related to Universiteit Enschede: Twente
How does language develop? - Chapter 6
  • How does language develop in children?
  • What components does language have?
  • What are the requirements for language?
  • How does the process of language acquisition work?
  • What are the different theories on language development in children?
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Summaries and study assistance by Dimensie

  • Dimensie is the Study Association to support Psychology students at the University of Twente. 
  • As a Study Association, Dimensies tries to facilitate the connection between the study Psychology and its students as well as constantly tr...

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Summaries and study assistance by Dimensie

  • Dimensie is the Study Association to support Psychology students at the University of Twente. 
  • As a Study Association, Dimensies tries to facilitate the connection between the study Psychology and its students as well as constantly tr...

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