Universiteit Enschede: Twente


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Universiteit Enschede: Twente



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How do children develop perception, action, and learning? - ExamTest 5


Question 1

Which concept is defined in the following? The processing of basic information from the external world by the sensory receptors in the sense organs and brain.

  1. Perception.
  2. Observation.
  3. Sensation.
  4. Information processing.

Question 2

Fill in: Infants have high/poor contrast sensitivity, because the cones/rods in their retinas are immature.

  1. High, cones.
  2. High, rods.
  3. Poor, cones.
  4. Poor, rods.

Question 3

Which of the following is no reflex of a newborn?

  1. Grasping.
  2. Sucking.
  3. Swallowing.
  4. Splashing.

Question 4

Mutual understanding is also called ...

  1. Theory of Mind.
  2. Intermodal perception.
  3. Intersubjectivity.
  4. Active learning.

Question 5

A baby touches a block in a dark room. Then he enters

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What are different theories on the cognitive development of children? - ExamTest 4


Question 1

Which concept of Piaget is defined by the following: The process by which people process incoming information according to concepts they already understand.

  1. Modification.
  2. Equilibration.
  3. Assimilation.
  4. Accommodation.

Question 2

Which of the following is the right order of Piaget's stages?

  1. Sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operational stage, formal operational stage.
  2. Sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, formal operational stage, concrete operational stage.
  3. Preoperational stage, sensorimotor stage, concrete operational stage, formal operational stage.
  4. Preoperational stage, sensorimotor stage, formal operational stage, concrete operational stage.

Question 3

Which of the following is true?

  1. Core-knowledge theorist propose that children are born with general knowledge and that they expand this knowledge gradually. Piaget proposes that children are born with both general knowledge and specialized learning
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How do nature and nurture play a role in development? - ExamTest 3


Question 1

Which of the following is true?

  1. Adoption studies examine whether siblings who grew up apart, are more different than siblings who were raised together.
  2. Adoptive twin studies compare identical twins who grew up together versus identical twins who were raised apart.
  1. Only statement 1 is true.
  2. Only statement 2 is true.
  3. Both statements are true.
  4. Both statements are false.

Question 2

Which statement about heritability is true?

  1. Heritability gives information about certain populations. 
  2. Heritability gives information about individuals. 
  3. High heritability means that a certain trait is unchangeable.
  4. Heritability gives information about differences between certain groups. 

Question 3

  1. More boys than girls are born.
  2. Boys are more likely to be delivered by C-section
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How does prenatal development work? - ExamTest 2


Question 1

When does a fertilized egg be called 'fetus'? 

  1. Directly after conception.
  2. After three weeks.
  3. After nine weeks.
  4. After three months.

Question 2

What is cell differentiation?

  1. The process that takes place 12 hours after fertilization.
  2. The process whereby cells specialize in structure and function.
  3. The process of movement of newly formed cells away from their original location.
  4. The process whereby redundant cells are destroyed. 

Question 3 

Which of the following is no consequence of being small for gestational age?

  1. Learning problems.
  2. Social problems.
  3. Increased risk of infections.
  4. Insufficient growth.

Question 4

In what phase of development do teratogens cause the most severe damage?

  1. Directly after conception.
  2. In
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Why do we study the development of children? - ExamTest 1


Question 1

Which statement is true?

  1. It is not possible to suppose that children tell the truth in court.
  2. Specifically, young children are susceptible for suggestive questioning, when questions are repeated again and again.
  1. Only statement 1 is true.
  2. Only statement 2 is true.
  3. Both statements are true.
  4. Both statements are false.

Question 2

Which statement is true? Children can experience negative effects when they... 

  1. Have been in an unstable environment longer than 1 month after birth. 
  2. Have been in an unstable environment longer than 3 months after birth.
  3. Have been in an unstable environment longer than 6 months after birth.
  4. Have been in an unstable environment longer than 1 year
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How does gender development take place? - Chapter 15

What is the difference between sex and gender?

Sex is the difference between genetic female (XX) and genetic male (XY). Gender is the social assignment or self-categorization as a woman or man (or neither). Gender-typed refers to behavior that is expected for a person's gender. Cross-gender typed refers to behavior that is expected for the different gender than the person has. Gender typing refers to the process of gender socialization.

What is the gender binary?

The binary gender is the prevailing idea that there

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How does moral development take place? - Chapter 14

How does moral judgment develop in children?

The morality of a certain action is not always obvious. The reasoning behind certain behavior is crucial for determining whether that behavior is moral or immoral.

What is the idea behind Piaget's theory on moral development in children?

Piaget's theory on moral judgment refers to the fact that interaction with peers has a higher contribution to the moral reasoning of children than the interaction with adults. According to Piaget, there are two phases children go through in the development of moral reasoning, with a transitional period between these two phases:


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What is the influence of peers on the development of a child? - Chapter 13

Peers are people of about the same age and status who are not relatives.

What is the importance of play?

Play refers to voluntary activities that children do without any other motivation than for their own pleasure. Research has shown that play contributes to the social, emotional, cognitive and physical development of children. Children engage in increasingly complex forms of play as they get older. Play is also used as a basis

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What is the influence of family on the development of children? - Chapter 12

What family structures do we distinguish?

The adult family members who have the greatest effects on the development of a child are the ones with whom they live together. They are in regular contact, they raise the children and support them financially. The term family structure refers to the number of people living in a household and the relationships between them.

What kind of general family structure changes have occurred in the US?

More and more children are living with one parent or with unmarried parents. In 2014, 46% of children lived with parents in their first marriage, compared to

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Summary of Psychology by Ciccarelli and White - 6th edition

Summaries per chapter with Psychology Table of content

  • Chapter 1 - What does psychology consist of?
  • Chapter 2 - What is the biology behind our behavior?
  • Chapter 3 - How do our senses work and how do we process them?
  • Chapter 4 - What is consciousness and how is it ...


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Together with Dimensie we are able to provide summaries for one of the upcoming theory exams in your second module! And it gets even better: to celebrate our new partnership we can provide them for free! Just come by in the Rubix and pick them up when you also pick up books! There is only a limited ...


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Summaries and study assistance by Dimensie

  • Dimensie is the Study Association to support Psychology students at the University of Twente. 
  • As a Study Association, Dimensies tries to facilitate the connection between the study Psychology and its students as well as constantly tr...

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Summaries and study assistance by Dimensie

  • Dimensie is the Study Association to support Psychology students at the University of Twente. 
  • As a Study Association, Dimensies tries to facilitate the connection between the study Psychology and its students as well as constantly tr...

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