How do nature and nurture play a role in development? - ExamTest 3


Question 1

Which of the following is true?

  1. Adoption studies examine whether siblings who grew up apart, are more different than siblings who were raised together.
  2. Adoptive twin studies compare identical twins who grew up together versus identical twins who were raised apart.
  1. Only statement 1 is true.
  2. Only statement 2 is true.
  3. Both statements are true.
  4. Both statements are false.

Question 2

Which statement about heritability is true?

  1. Heritability gives information about certain populations. 
  2. Heritability gives information about individuals. 
  3. High heritability means that a certain trait is unchangeable.
  4. Heritability gives information about differences between certain groups. 

Question 3

  1. More boys than girls are born.
  2. Boys are more likely to be delivered by C-section than girls.
  3. The Y chromosome fertilizes an egg more aften than the X chromosome.

Which statement(s) is / are correct?

  1. Statement I is correct, statements II and III are incorrect.
  2. Proposition I and II are correct, Proposition III is incorrect.
  3. All statements are correct.
  4. All statements are incorrect.

Question 4

What is the genotype?

  1. The inherited genetic material of an individual.
  2. The observable expression of the genes, namely the bodily characteristics and behavior.
  3. The all-encompassing aspect of an individual and his / her surrounding aspects.
  4. The heritable changes that do not involve alterations in the DNA sequence.

Question 5

Father has a dominant brown gene and a recessive green gene. Mother has a dominant green gene and a recessive green gene. What are the chances of their child having green eyes?

  1. 25%.
  2. 50%.
  3. 75%.
  4. 100%.

Question 6

What do we mean by passive gene-environment interactions?

  1. The child's environment is changed by the genes.
  2. A child evokes reactions from the environment through which certain genes are expressed.
  3. The child's environment matches his / her genes, because the child's genes make sure he / she chooses a particular environment.
  4. A child's genes are changed by the environment.

Question 7 

Marcus has red hair, green eyes, and freckles. He is very active but shy. These characteristics are a reflecten of Marcus's ...

  1. Dominant genes.
  2. Recessive genes.
  3. Genotype.
  4. Phenotype.

Question 8

An individual's genetic sex is determined by ...

  1. Whether the mother has a Y chromosome.
  2. The random interaction of the sex chromosomes of the mother and father.
  3. The sex chromosomes contributed by the mother.
  4. The sex chromosomes contributed by the father.

Question 9

The continual switching on or off of specific genes at specific times throughout development is hte result of a chain of genetic events primarily controlled by ...

  1. Alleles.
  2. Regulator genes.
  3. Glial cells.
  4. Synaptogenesis.

Question 10

Traits such as aggression and shyness are the result of the contributions of a complex combination of genes. These traits are examples of which process?

  1. Polygenetic inhberitance.
  2. Experience-expectant plasticity.
  3. Mendelian inheritance.
  4. Experience-dependent plasticity.

Question 11

A twin-study design project reveals that the correlation between identical (MZ) twins on a given trait is substantially higher than that between fraternal (DZ) twins. Which of the following statements offers the most plausible explanation for the difference in how this trait is correlated in MZ twins compared with DZ twins?

  1. Environmental factors are substantially responsible for the difference in correlation.
  2. Genetic factors are substantially responsible for the difference in correlation.
  3. Environmental and genetic factors are equally responsible for the difference in correlation.
  4. No assumption can be made as to the contributions of environmental or genetic factors for the difference.

Question 12

Which of the following responses would be consistent with the statement "high heritability does not imply immutability"?

  1. The concept of inheritance plays a very small role in dictating an individual's phenotype.
  2. Highly heritable traits affect all individuals in the same way.
  3. Intervention efforts can successfully influence the course of development related to an inherited trait.
  4. There is little point in trying to improve the course of development related to an inherited trait.

Question 13

The points at which neurons communicate with one another are called ...

  1. Synapses.
  2. Glial cells.
  3. Dendrites.
  4. Myelin sheaths.

Question 14

The process of synaptogenesis ...

  1. Involves the formation of connections between neurons.
  2. Causes the elimination of excess neurons.
  3. Is basically complete before birth.
  4. Is the proliferation of neurons through cell division.

Question 15

The capacity of the brain to be molded or changed by experience is referred to as ...

  1. Synaptogenesis.
  2. Associative learning.
  3. Plasticity.
  4. Neurogenesis.


Question 1

B. Adoption studies examine differences in traits between adopted and biological children and examine if the children resemble their biological relatives more than their adoptive ones. 

Question 2

A. The other three answers are misconceptions about heritability.

Question 3

C. All statements are correct: More boys than girls are born, boys are more likely to be delivered by C-section than girls, and the Y chromosome fertilizes an egg more often than the X chromosome.

Question 4

A. The genotype is the inherited genetic material of an individual. Answer B refers to 'phenotype', answer C refers to 'environment', and answer D refers to 'epigenetics'.

Question 5

A. The chances are 25%.

Question 6

B. A child evokes reactions from the environment through which certain genes are expressed.

Question 7

D. Phenotype.

Question 8

D. The sex chromosomes contributed by the father: Whether the genetic father passes on his X-chromosome or his Y-chromosome.

Question 9

B. Regulator cells control this process.

Question 10

A. Polygenetic inheritance.

Question 11

B. Genetic factors are substantially responsible for the difference in correlation.

Question 12

C. Intervention efforts can successfully influence the course of development related to an inherited trait.

Question 13

A. Synapses are the points at which neurons communicate with one another.

Question 14

A. It involves the formation of connections between neurons.

Question 15

C. Plasticity.




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