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Healthcare education and Nursing: Checklists, Jobs, Projects, Skills, Study Assistance & Summaries

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Latest changes and updates tagged with: Healthcare education and Nursing

What is nursing?

Nursing is a broad academic field dedicated to preparing individuals to provide patient care. It combines scientific knowledge with clinical skills and a deep understanding of human needs.

What are the main features of nursing?

  • Evidence-Based Practice: Nursing practice is grounded in scientific research and best practices.
  • Holistic Care: Focuses on the physical, emotional, and social well-being of patients.
  • Lifelong Learning: Continuous education is essential to stay updated on advancements in healthcare.
  • Teamwork: Nurses collaborate with physicians, therapists, and other healthcare professionals to deliver comprehensive care.

What are important sub-areas in nursing?

  • Adult Health Nursing: Caring for adult patients across various settings like hospitals, clinics, and home care.
  • Pediatric Nursing: Specializes in the care of infants, children, and adolescents.
  • Mental Health Nursing: Provides support and treatment for patients with mental health conditions.
  • Critical Care Nursing: Cares for critically ill patients in intensive care units.
  • Women's Health Nursing: Focuses
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What is medical skills?

Medical Skills is a specialized field of study within healthcare professions. It focuses on the development, refinement, and mastery of practical techniques and abilities used in patient care.

What are the main features of medical skills?

  • Hands-on Learning: Emphasis on practical training through simulations, practice scenarios, and supervised clinical experiences.
  • Multidisciplinary Approach: Integrates clinical skills, communication skills, and critical thinking for holistic patient care.
  • Lifelong Learning: Continuous skills development through ongoing education and adapting to advancements in technology.

What are important sub-areas in medical skills?

  • Clinical Skills:
    • Physical examination techniques
    • Diagnostic test interpretation
    • Medication administration
    • Procedural skills (e.g., suturing, injections)
  • Communication Skills:
    • Active listening
    • Patient education and rapport building
    • Clear and concise communication with colleagues
  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving:
    • Clinical reasoning and diagnosis
    • Treatment planning and decision-making
    • Adapting to unforeseen situations
  • Technical Skills:
    • Operating medical equipment
    • Using digital
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Samenvatting artikelen rond het thema Gehandicaptenzorg

Deze verzameling (wetenschappelijke) artikelen rond het thema gehandicaptenzorg werd gebruikt in 2018 bij het vak 'gehandicaptenzorg' Universiteit Utrecht.

Bij deze cursus werden de lessen opgebouwd met de volgende thema's

  • Thema: Raamwerken en ontwikkelingen in de zorgsector
  • Thema: Familieleven en beperkingen
  • Thema: Gedragsinterventies
  • Thema: Diagnostiek en behandeling
  • Thema: Levensloop
  • Thema: Autisme
  • Thema: Cerebral Palsy

NRR-standaarden: Geneeskundige standaarden en richtlijnen bij reanimatie

De Nederlandse Reanimatie Raad heeft diverse richtlijnen en notities opgesteld over reanimatie verwante onderwerpen. Sinds 2015 zijn de vernieuwde richtlijnen met Europese standaarden (ERC richtlijnen) gepubliceerd. Ze zijn aangepast en waar nodig herschreven, om zo goed mogelijk aan te sluiten bij de Nederlandse situatie en bij reeds bestaande protocollen van de verschillende wetenschappelijke verenigingen, en bij de al bestaande notities van de NRR zoals de richtlijn ‘Starten, niet starten en stoppen van reanimatie’.


NRR-richtlijn - Reanimatie van volwassenen



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Motivational interviewing within the different stages of change van Noordman et. al. (2013) - Article

Summary on the article: Motivational interviewing within the different stages of change van Noordman et. al. (2013). An analysis of practice nurse-patient consultations aimed at promoting a healthier lifestyle

Research has found that primary health care may have a positive influence on the prevention and management of a patient’s lifestyle behaviour. A practice nurse is the one who can address a patient’s lifestyle and the one who can suggest certain lifestyle programmes. According to research, the practice nurses are the people, who look after the patients with severe conditions, give them lifestyle advice and help them during their battle against cigarettes and weight. Most primary nurses try to help people change by telling them the benefits of change in their lifestyle. However, according to some studies, the effectiveness of this method is ambiguous. By just telling people about the benefits of changing one’s lifestyle may not help changing complex

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Essentie van anatomie: Basisbegrippen en definities

Basisbegrippen en definities voor kennis over anatomie

Begrippen & Terminologie

Regionale anatomie Lichaam verdeeld in delen als romp en hoofd.

Systemische anatomie Lichaam verdeeld in orgaansystemen die samenwerken.

Klinische anatomie Manier waarop lichaam gebruikt wordt in geneeskunde.

Mediane vlak Vlak verticaal door midden van lichaam.

Sagittale vlak Vlak verticaal parallel aan mediane vlak.

Frontale vlak Vlak verticaal loodrecht op mediane vlak.

Transversale vlak Vlak horizontaal door het lichaam.

Superior/Craniaal Dichterbij het hoofd.

Inferior/Caudaal Dichterbij de voeten.

Anterior/Ventraal Dichterbij de voorkant (buik).

Posterior/Dorsaal Dichterbij de achterkant (rug).

Mediaal In het midden/centrum van het lichaam.

Lateraal Naar de zijkanten van het lichaam.

Proximaal Dichterbij een bepaald punt

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Check or search within topic: Healthcare education and Nursing
Displaying 1 - 4 of 16
What is medical skills?

Medical Skills is a specialized field of study within healthcare professions. It focuses on the development, refinement, and mastery of practical techniques and abilities used in patient care. What are the main features of medical skills?

  • Hands-on Learning: Emphasis on practical traini...

What is nursing?

Nursing is a broad academic field dedicated to preparing individuals to provide patient care. It combines scientific knowledge with clinical skills and a deep understanding of human needs. What are the main features of nursing?

  • Evidence-Based Practice: Nursing practice is grounded in s...


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Selected spotlight content related to Healthcare education and Nursing
Samenvatting bij Basisboek systeemgericht werken van Nabuurs
  • Hoofdstuk 1: Systeemgericht werken voor de social worker
  • Hoofdstuk 2: Vier systeemtheorieën nader bekeken
  • Hoofdstuk 3: Gezinnen als systemen
  • Hoofdstuk 4: Interactie
  • Hoofdstuk 5: Factoren bij systeemgerichte hulpverlening
  • Hoofdstuk 6: Het aa...
What is medical skills?

Medical Skills is a specialized field of study within healthcare professions. It focuses on the development, refinement, and mastery of practical techniques and abilities used in patient care. What are the main features of medical skills?

  • Hands-on Learning: Emphasis on practical traini...

What is nursing?

Nursing is a broad academic field dedicated to preparing individuals to provide patient care. It combines scientific knowledge with clinical skills and a deep understanding of human needs. What are the main features of nursing?

  • Evidence-Based Practice: Nursing practice is grounded in s...

Spotlight: favorites

Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Healthcare education and Nursing
  1. Voorbereidingen
  2. Laten we beginnen bij het begin. 1,5 jaar geleden kwam ik terug in Nederland na mijn buitenlandse stage in Ethiopië! Al direct bij terugkomt miste ik het land en had ik heimwee naar de plek waar ik was en de mensen die ik er heb leren kennen.  Het gevo...

Spotlight summaries related to Healthcare education and Nursing
Samenvatting artikelen rond het thema Gehandicaptenzorg

Deze verzameling (wetenschappelijke) artikelen rond het thema gehandicaptenzorg werd gebruikt in 2018 bij het vak 'gehandicaptenzorg' Universiteit Utrecht. Bij deze cursus werden de lessen opgebouwd met de volgende thema's

  • Thema: Raamwerken en ontwikkelingen in de zorgsector
  • Thema:...

What is medical skills?

Medical Skills is a specialized field of study within healthcare professions. It focuses on the development, refinement, and mastery of practical techniques and abilities used in patient care. What are the main features of medical skills?

  • Hands-on Learning: Emphasis on practical traini...

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