If you are going to teach abroad, this can range from a paid job as an English teacher at a local school in Asia to volunteering at a nursery school somewhere in Africa.
As a non native English speaker abroad, you have the best chance of a job as an English teacher at a school or as a private teacher.
For all other subjects, from music to mathematics, the possibilities are more limited.
In addition to teaching English, there are also many Dutch people who work as a Dutch teacher or German people who work as a German teacher or French people who work as a French teacher. Not only at Dutch, German or French schools but also at foreign educational institutions where the language is offered as a study or subject.
What do you need or can you learn if you teach or work in education abroad?
Being aware of your surroundings: wherever you teach, you will always have to take your surroundings into account. Every country has its own rules and customs that you will have to adhere to to a certain extent.
Being aware of the organization: every school or educational institution also has its own way of looking at education or teaching. Here too, you will have to take more account. Just like with the limitations/challenges that some schools have due to a lack of money or facilities.
Communication skills: knowledge of the local language is not a must but is a great advantage.
What is the best place to go if you want to teach abroad a paid employee?
Aruba: working in lower vocational education, secondary education or secondary special education.
Bonaire: teaching at a primary or secondary school in various subjects
China: At the moment, more than 300 million Chinese are learning English. No wonder that most (well-paid) jobs in education can be found in China.
Brazil: Many opportunities to teach within large companies and the thousands of language schools spread across the country; from small villages to the big cities.
Chile: often has a relatively higher demand for English teachers.
Suriname: for example as a teacher in the interior of Suriname.
Italy: there has been a high demand for English teachers in Italy for a long time, for example in Rome.
Spain: working as an English teacher teaching Spaniards who want to improve their chances on the job market.
Are you properly insured if you are going to teach abroad?
There may be several reasons why you need separate insurance for paid or unpaid work abroad, or at least check your insured situation carefully.
Local organisations generally offer no, or very limited, insurance.
There is a chance of accidents because, for example, you are doing work with which you have little experience.
During your work abroad, the coverage of your local health insurance normally expires. You then need special insurance to remain insured against illness and accidents.
You teach basis English vocabulary and sentences through English songs
You prepare one English song per class according to the students’ English level
You develop online teaching materials.
What do you gain?
Competences: to be aware of your sur...
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