Diving instructor and divemaster abroad: what is it, why do it and where is the best place to go?


What do you do when you are a divemaster of dive instructor?

  • Being a diving instructor or divemaster means that you teach diving theory and practice, you teach about what you see underwater and how to deal with it.
  • You are also involved in all kinds of practical matters such as how to handle equipment and what the signals are for mutual communication underwater.
  • At the end of a course you will take an exam, evaluate the students and hand out certificates.

What do you learn?

  • Becoming a diving instructor means learning to teach students who want to get their diving license.
  • You learn to give specific training for navigation or underwater photography.
  • You will learn how to advise students on the most appropriate courses and programs.

Why should you become a divemaster or dive instructor?

      What do you need as a diving professional?

      • To work as a diving instructor you will need to have the appropriate licenses, certifications, sufficient "flight hours and to have a medical certificate from a doctor regarding your health, signed within the last 12 months".
      • To be and feel empathetic: feeling for people with a love of underwater flora and fauna.
      • To dare to take risks: you should not be too frightened.
      • To be aware of your surroundings: being environmentally aware love of underwater flora and fauna.
      • To be conscious of the organization: being organizationally aware safety is an element that comes back every minute. You must always be able to stay alert, because you are responsible for yourself and your students.
      • To be flexible: do not be too impatient.

      Where can you go to work as a divemaster or dive instructor?

      • Some of the most favorite diving destinations for instructors and divers
      • Micronesia: Palau
      • Red Sea: Egypt, Djibouti
      • Indian Ocean: Maldives, Pemba & Zanzibar 
      • Caribean: Bonaire, Cayman Islands
      • Indonesië: Sulawesi (Bunaken!), Borneo (Sipidan!), Lombok (cheap)  Raja Ampat
      • Papua New Guinea: Several options
      • Australia: Great Barrier Reef, if the right spot
      • Central America: Honduras, Cozumel (Palancar reef), Panama (Bocas del Torro)
      • India: Andaman islands, Ladakshadweep islands
      • Oman

      What do you have to insure?

      • There may be several reasons why you need separate insurance when doing paid work abroad, especially in the diving sector.
      • During work, internship or volunteer work abroad, the coverage of your local health insurance normally expires. You will then need special insurance to remain insured for illness and accidents.
      • Local employers usually offer no, or limited, additional insurance. When working as a diver, you may already be insured by your employer during your work. This varies per country and per employer. Check it carefully.
      • If you become a diving instructor or diver master, special rules apply and there are specific insurances that take into account the risks you run.
      • Some specialized insurances offer opportunities to do (temporary) paid work abroad.
      • Read more: Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
      • Read more: Verzekeren van duikactiviteiten in het buitenland (NL)


      Tip category: 
      Paid work & Work for board and lodging
      Related organization or sector:
      Sector: organizations for diving and marine conservation
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