Volunteering abroad

blogs, contributions, summaries, study assistance and experiences abroad


What is volunteer work abroad?

  • Volunteer work abroad means that you work abroad for a certain period of time at a foreign project or organization to help, learn or transfer knowledge.
  • You usually do not receive any compensation for your work in the form of salary, expense allowance or room and board.
  • If you do receive an expense allowance, or room and board, and the value is more than 180 euros per month, then in principle there is no longer any volunteer work.
  • Projects that have little or no income themselves will generally ask volunteers for compensation for the guidance or for the room and board provided.
  • In the case of an intermediary organization, this compensation can also be made via the intermediary organization.

Why should you volunteer abroad?

  • To help others with your efforts and skills.
  • To support projects or goals that you consider important in your life.
  • To gain experience in your own field of work, or in the sector where you may want to work later.
  • To see yourself at work in a different environment.
  • To be able to work in another area and see if you like it.
  • To use as a stepping stone to a local job with salary.
  • Because you don't think it's necessary for a project to incur extra costs for your presence while they really need every dime.
  • Because you have already raised money for the project or organization where you will be working

What do you need if you want to do volunteer work abroad?

  • Flexibility: you already need some form of flexibility, the rest you gain during your stay abroad.
  • Ability to communicate: depending on the type of work, you will need to have a reasonable to good command of the local language.
  • Independence and/or self-confidence: you already need a certain form of independence, and this will increase your self-confidence.
  • Being environmentally aware: an important element for your stay abroad.
  • Collaboration: also abroad it is important that you learn, or are able to, collaborate when you work with others.
  • Be organizationally aware.
  • Empathy.

Where is the best place to volunteer abroad?

  • If you are looking for social volunteer work: Curaçao - Ghana - Guatemala - India - Nepal - South Africa
  • If you are looking for corporate volunteer work: Australia - Curaçao - Spain - United States of America
  • If you are looking for volunteer work caring for or protecting animals: Costa Rica - Curaçao - Ecuador - Indonesia - South Africa
  • If you are younger than 18 years old: Spanish language course with volunteer work in Spain - or volunteer work for young people in Malawi, Uganda or South Africa
  • If you are looking for volunteer work and are traveling for the first time as a 'woman alone': Australia - New Zealand - Argentina - Ecuador - Costa Rica - Thailand - Indonesia. - Nepal - Ghana
  • If you want to gain experience 'as a woman alone', go to: Bolivia - Peru - Guatemala - Nicaragua - China and Hong Kong - South Africa - Kenya - Malawi

To what extent are you insured for the risks of volunteering abroad?

  • There may be several reasons why you need separate insurance when volunteering abroad, or at least you should carefully check your insured situation.
    • Local organizations usually offer no, or very limited, insurance.
    • There is a risk of accidents, for example because you are doing work with which you have little experience.
    • During your volunteer work abroad where you receive more than €190 per month in compensation (or, for example, food and housing), your Dutch health insurance coverage will normally lapse. You will then need special insurance to remain insured against illness and accidents.
  • Read more about insuring volunteer work abroad.


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Volunteer abroad - Theme
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What is sustainable tourism?

Sustainable tourism is a travel philosophy that minimizes negative impacts on the environment, respects local cultures, and ensures economic benefits are shared with host communities. It aims to balance the needs of tourists with the long-term well-being of a destination.

What are some main features of sustainable tourism?

  • Community Empowerment: Involving local communities in tourism planning and operations, ensuring they benefit directly.
  • Economic Viability: Supporting local businesses and ensuring tourism contributes to the economic development of the destination.
  • Sociocultural Awareness: Respecting local traditions and customs, promoting cultural exchange, and ensuring tourism benefits local communities.
  • Environmental Responsibility: Minimizing resource use (water, energy), reducing waste, and supporting conservation efforts.

What is the importance of sustainable tourism?

Sustainable tourism is important for:

  • Protecting the Environment: It helps conserve natural resources and biodiversity, combating issues like pollution and habitat loss.
  • Supporting Local Communities: It promotes fair trade practices and ensures
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What is ecotourism?

Ecotourism is a travel philosophy that promotes responsible exploration of natural environments. It prioritizes minimal environmental impact, education for tourists, and supporting conservation efforts and local communities.

What are main features of ecotourism?

  • Focus on nature: Ecotourism destinations are primarily natural areas like rainforests, mountains, or coral reefs.
  • Low-impact travel: Practices minimize negative environmental impact through responsible activities and waste management.
  • Education and awareness: Travelers learn about the local ecology and culture, fostering appreciation and respect.
  • Conservation benefits: Ecotourism supports conservation efforts through park fees or direct funding for projects.
  • Community benefits: Economic benefits reach local communities, empowering them and promoting cultural exchange.

Why is ecotourism important?

Ecotourism offers a win-win situation:

  • Environmental protection: It provides financial incentive for preserving natural areas, combating threats like deforestation or poaching.
  • Sustainable development: Ecotourism supports economic growth in local communities, encouraging responsible resource management.
  • Cultural preservation: It fosters respect
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Where to study in El Salvador do an internship, do volunteer work or look for a job in El Salvador?

Why study, do an internship, volunteer or work temporarily in El Salvador?

  • because education is of increasingly better quality (reasonable to good knowledge of Spanish though required).
  • because there are opportunities for studies of indigenous cultures in El Salvador.
  • because your colleagues are often helpful, friendly and interested.
  • because there is much to develop and research in the
....... read more

Wereldstage: stage, tussenjaar, vrijwilligerswerk en werk op Curaçao

Since 2000, Wereldstage has been arranging internships, project placements and graduation assignments for students in Curaçao. Over the years, various other programs and services have been added, such as gap year programs, volunteer job placement, job placement and the guidance of professionals who work temporarily in Curaçao. The service focuses on good preparation for your departure to Curaçao and experienced guidance during your stay. Wereldstage supports local projects by placing volunteers and actively setting up social initiatives.
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In dit magazine probeer ik regelmatig mogelijkheden voor online vrijwilligerswerk te plaatsen. Heb jij, of steun jij, een online volunteering project? Plaats zelf een request of deel je ervaringen. Ik check regelmatig alle nieuwe WorldSupporter bijdragen over online volunteering en zet de beste sugg...


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Organizations related to Volunteering abroad

Since 2000, Wereldstage has been arranging internships, project placements and graduation assignments for students in Curaçao. Over the years, various other programs and services have been added, such as gap year programs, volunteer job placement, job placement and the guidance of professiona...

Spotlight: favorites

Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Volunteering abroad

reNature is a Dutch initiative to make the world a little greener again. In many countries intensive and or monoculture agriculure have degraded the soil. Through training of farmers and local organisations reNature tries to change the way farmers use their land. Agroforestry is their solution. By p...

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What is ecotourism?

Ecotourism is a travel philosophy that promotes responsible exploration of natural environments. It prioritizes minimal environmental impact, education for tourists, and supporting conservation efforts and local communities. What are main features of ecotourism?

  • Focus on nature: Ecotourism ...

What is sustainable tourism?

Sustainable tourism is a travel philosophy that minimizes negative impacts on the environment, respects local cultures, and ensures economic benefits are shared with host communities. It aims to balance the needs of tourists with the long-term well-being of a destination. What are some main features...

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