Travel to Turkmenistan to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?





Backpacking or traveling in Turkmenistan?

  • Traveling through Turkmenistan offers insight into one of the world's most closed societies with an authoritarian regime. Traveling comes with challenges because most of the time you must have a pre-planned tour. If you manage to get a visa, you will be rewarded with sights like the burning Darvaza gas crater and the marble city of Ashgabat and the incredibly friendly and curious people. 
  • You do have to adjust to strict rules and limited access. 
  • Activity spotting: visit Merv, one of the most important cities on the ancient Silk Road; camp in the stars under the beautiful Karakum desert; explore the ancient ruins of Kunya-Urgench; wander the streets of Ashgabat and visit the National Museum; admire the “Gates of Hell,” the Darvaza gas crater that has been burning for decades; attend traditional Turkmen festivities! 
  • Animal spotting: caracal sheep, goitered gazelle, karakal (desert lynx), wolves, flamingos, pelicans.
  • Food spotting: plov (rice dish with mutton), Shashlik (grilled meat or chicken satay), manti (type of dumplings), chorek (flatbread), samsa (savory pastries), ayran (sour yogurt drink) and local cheeses and many vegetable dishes.

Studying in Turkmenistan?

  • Considerable strides are being made in terms of studying in Turkmenistan and there are several educational institutions you can go to. 
  • However, education is influenced by the government. There is little room for critical thinking and discussion and the facilities are generally somewhat outdated. It does offer you an insight into one of the most secluded communities in the world and a glimpse into Turkmen culture.  
  • So it is possible to study in Turkmenistan, but getting a visa can be tricky. But don't be discouraged if you want to get to know the culture and the country better and study in Turkmenistan! 
  • Popular studies include engineering, agriculture, medicine, economics and business administration. Especially focused on the situation and developments of the home country. 
  • Language: Turkmen, Russian and some English programs. 

Internship in Turkmenistan?

  • Internship opportunities in Turkmenistan are relatively limited due to the closed nature of the country and strong government control. However, there are some sectors where you can find opportunities as an international intern. These include the energy/oil & gas sector, agriculture and water management, education and with international organizations in the field of diplomacy. 
  • Competencies: adaptability, intercultural communication, diplomacy, international cooperation, problem-solving skills. 

Doing volunteer work in Turkmenistan?

  • It is very difficult to find volunteer work in Turkmenistan. 

Working in Turkmenistan?

  • To work in Turkmenistan, you need knowledge of the language. The easiest sectors to find work are oil & gas, marketing, construction and finance. 

Working as a digital nomad in Turkmenistan?

  • It is not a popular country for digital nomads, due to internet restrictions, censorship and small expat community. There are also few good facilities for working remotely. 
  • Favorite locations: Ashgabat, Mary, Dashoguz. 

Living in Turkmenistan?

  • Living in Turkmenistan is a unique experience and is not for everyone. You live in a strict, isolated society with few other foreigners. Yet the country also offers a fascinating insight into one of the most closed and traditionally minded societies in the world, with special cultural customs and historical sites to explore.
  • Turkmenistan has a deeply rooted, traditional culture. Family values and respect for elders are important, and many people still live according to ancient customs. The Turkmen are proud of their nomadic and tribal history, which is reflected in festivals, costumes, and crafts.
  • The expat community in Turkmenistan consists mainly of diplomats, employees of international organizations, and workers in the oil and gas industry. Social interactions with locals may be limited due to language barriers and cultural differences.
  • Turkmenistan is relatively safe in terms of crime. Strict government control ensures that there is little violence or organized crime. Still, the ubiquitous presence of the security forces can be perceived as intimidating, and expats, especially women, may be harassed.
  • Health insurance: health care is reasonable, measure not very modern. So be sure to have your own well-covered health insurance if you need to go to a private clinic, for example.

Supporting content

Turkmenistan Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Turkmenistan Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Turkmenistan: Updates & Travel

Turkmenistan: Updates & Travel

Travel in Turkmenistan

  • When you think of Turkmenistan, you don't immediately think of a whole slew of attractions to visit. Not so long ago, the country was very closed off from the rest of the world. Nowadays, the country is visited a little more often mainly because Central Asia is becoming increasingly popular among adventure travel enthusiasts. The ancient ruins on the edge of the deserts suggest that the country has had a rich history, about which there is much to learn. Other than that, really only modern Ashgabat is worth visiting.

Updates Turkmenistan

  • More about Turkemenistan, updates and contributions, see the link below.
Turkmenistan: selection of contributions by WorldSupporters - Bundle
WorldSupporter: theme pages for activities abroad
Backpacking and travel your way around the world - Theme
Emigration and moving abroad - Theme
Gap Year, Time out and Sabbatical - Theme
Internship Abroad - Theme
Learning languages and language courses abroad - Theme
Remote working abroad for digital and global nomads - Theme
Study Abroad - Theme
TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language and learning English - Theme
Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
Volunteer abroad - Theme
Work abroad an working holidays - Theme




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Spotlight organizations related to Turkmenistan
  • Bij CultureRoad staat reizen, erfgoed en toerisme centraal. CultureRoad organiseert groepsreizen en individuele tours naar bijzondere bestemmingen binnen o.a. Azië, Latijns-Amerika en Europa. CultureRoad begeeft zich buiten de gebaande paden in landen als Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Venezu...
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Turkmenistan: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Turkmenistan
  • Updates Turkmenistan
  • Travel in Turkmenistan

    • When you think of Turkmenistan, you don't immediately think of a whole slew of attractions to visit. Not so long ago, the country was very closed off from the rest of the world. Nowadays, the c...
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