
Archelon is dedicated to protecting the sea turtle in Greece.

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Solomou 57
104 32 ATHENS
More about Archelon in past and present

Products & Services CV 

Sea turtle conservation

  • Archelon (The Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece) aims to conserve and protect the sea turtle through different projects.
  • The organization protects nesting area's so hatchlings can reach the sea undisturbed.
  • Sick of injured turtles are treated in the rescue centre, and released back to the sea when fully recovered.
  • Beside protecting the sea turtle, Archelon also educates people and raises awereness on the subject. The organization welcomes visitors to their rescue centre and gives presentations at schools.

Work & Internship CV 


  • According to the information available to JoHo, Archelon has no vacancies at the moment.


  • Archelon offers internships at their organization. Interns can work at one of the volunteering projects. Look at the website or contact the organization for further information.


  • Archelon offers several volunteering options at their projects. It is possible for volunteers to work at the rescue centre, protect the nesting area's or collect necessary data. 
  • English is the language used in all projects and some projects require a volunteer who is fluent in Greek.
  • Look at the website or contact the organization for further information.
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