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Backpacking and travel abroad

Backpacking and travel around the world

Pick your destination  - Check your travel documents - Insure your activities - Pack your stuff

Fair backpacking - Sustainable travel

Planning your trip for travel abroad: where and when to go?

Planning your trip for travel abroad: where and when to go?

When to plan a travel trip?

  • When you are planning a trip it is important to know what is the best time to visit a specific country. It can be pretty disappointing to find out that it is actually rainy season, while you planned to spend a few weeks on a sunny tropical beach. When it is winter north of the equator, it is summer on the other side. The summer is not automatically the best time to visit certain areas. In short, when to go can be quite a complicated matter. When you are going to your dream destination make sure to check the weather and other conditions during the time of your visit!

What are tips concerning the travel time?

  • Often the rainy season in a tropical country is not as harmful as it seems (Indonesia, Thailand). Most of the time the weather is fine, unless you are very unlucky. Look for a destination where the weather differs per region, so that you can always escape from the rain.
  • Watch out for places that are known for extreme weather circumstances. Natural phenomenons such as hurricanes and cyclones are usually not a lot of fun.
  • If you are going scuba diving, make sure that during the time your visit the sea is not to rough, so that the visibility is clear.
  • In some areas it is important to be aware of common diseases, such as malaria and dengue, which are being spread during specific weather or seasons.
  • Going to Africa to see some wildlife? Make sure you plan your trip when the wildlife parks are open. You do not want to find out that the park is closed when you already in Tanzania.
  • Some places can be a lot of fun to visit during special events, such as carnival in Brasil, a mid-summer night party in Scandinavia etc. Sometimes it is better to avoid certain events. Try, for instance, to find a restaurant that is open during the Ramadan in a Muslim country.
  • Unfortunately our climate is changing, so you cannot completely rely on the information that is available. It happens more and more that locals tell you that it is the first time in thirty years that it is raining this early in the season or that they don’t understand where all the clouds are coming from.
  • People have different opinions about the best time to visit a specific region. Some people like to go to a place when it is 40 degrees Celsius, while other people already think 20 degrees Celsius is too hot.
  • Be aware of the difference between minimum and maximum temperatures. The minimum temperature in San Francisco in the summer is 12 degrees and the average temperature is 18 degrees. This means that in the evening you will need a sweater.
  • Be aware of height. Ecuador is a tropical country, but the capital Quito lies 3.000 meters above sea level. This means that it can be very warm during the day, but very chilly in the evening.
  • The temperature of the sea water can be much colder than the temperature of the air. The weather in Tunisia might be OK in February or March, but swimming can be very unpleasant at that time of the year.

How much time you need to visit a certain regions or countries?

  • For most travelers the answer to this question depends on their school, university, job, family, friends etc. The only question that really matters for them is how much time you need to visit a certain regions or countries. For people who are traveling for a few months or longer, there are some extra factors to take into consideration:
    • When does the travel tiredness strike? (the moment you are fed up with all those amazing temples)
    • What can you do to avoid travel tiredness?
    • When becomes traveling a "race"?
    • How long does it take to travel over land though a certain continent?

A week to two weeks

  • In recent years it has become much easier to take a shorter/in between break/holiday to a far away destination: you can go by car to Italy to go skiing (depending on where you are coming from). Cheap tickets are also available to countries in the Mediterranean sea and even to some Caribbean Islands. The downside of these cheap last minutes is that people run the risk of arriving at a destination where the water is freezing cold, temperatures are low or heavy rainfall spoils your stay.
  • Depending on the flight time the following destinations are suitable for a short holiday:
  • Between November and April/May: Sri Lanka, Maldives, Gambia/Senegal, Zanzibar, Goa, Caribbean Islands, Florida, Bali, Thailand and Mexico.
  • The temperature is not as stable but the Canary Islands, Jordan or the Red Sea (scuba diving) also great places for a one or two week holiday.

Three to four weeks

  • The best time to explore and get familiar with a country or a large part of a country is somewhere between three to four weeks. Even most “world” travelers do not stay much longer in a particular area. In three or four weeks you can easily travel around, visit a few cities and still have some time to relax and take it easy. Try to avoid areas where it will take up to 3 days to travel from one highlight to another.
  • The best destinations for three to four weeks on holiday are: Ecuador, Peru/Bolivia, Guatemala/Honduras, Southern Africa, China, Tibet, North India, Nepal, South India, Thailand, Malaysia, parts of Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, the US West Coast.

From a few months to a year

  • How long should your world trip take? Do you need a year or is a month or four months sufficient? Of course this depends on your travel plan and your budget. In practice not many people manage to do a proper around-the-world trip in a year. Due to limited resources or time most world travelers will have to skip large parts of the world. If you would like to make a trip from Australia to India through South East Asia to India and China it is possible to do this in three to five months. When you do this you spend just as long in one country as it takes other world travelers to travel several continents.
  • Skipping expensive countries, such as Australia, New Zealand and North America, is a good way to save money, so that you can stay away for a longer time. The more time you have for your trip the easier it will be to change your plans completely or stay at one place for a longer period without ruining your plans.
  • When you are traveling for less than three months you probably don’t need an expensive travel insurance, tickets will be cheaper, it is easier and quicker to save the money for your trip and it will be much easier to fit into your study schedule or work.

Best travel times: what is de the best time to go to ...?


  • North Thailand: the best time is from November to February, least favorable seasons are from April to September. During the latter period South East Thailand is the best place to visit as well as the South.
  • South Thailand: best time to visit is March to May.
  • Laos: best time to visit is from November to February.
  • Myanmar(Burma): best time to visit is from November to February.
  • Indonesia: relatively calm weather, no extreme seasons.
  • Malaysia: only from November to January the weather is not as good as the rest of the year.
  • Himalaya: Eastern India: best from April to November.
  • Nepal and Western India: best time to visit October to December and February to April.
  • Tibet: best time to visit May to October. From November to March it can be (too) cold and there can be a lot of snow.
  • Mongolia: best time to visit from May to October.
  • China: best time to visit March/April and September/October.

Latin America

  • The Andes (Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru): from June to September is the best time to visit, but this area is accessible during the whole year.
  • Bolivia: December to April in the Andes is the best. In the Amazon you will then be bothered by the mud, insects and other inconveniences.
  • Peru: it is better to avoid the months December to April when you want to visit Machu Picchu/Cuzco. The Amazon: May-July are the “best” times for a visit. From December to April it will rain even more than is usually does. During the rainy season in the Peruvian Amazon it rains two times a day on average, but in between the showers the weather will be fine.
  • Iguazu Falls: December-April is the best time for a visit.
  • Central America: best time to travel is from December to April/May, after these months the rainy season begins. Countries with nicer weather during these months are: Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala.


  • Southern Africa: April-September are the best for visiting. For Cape Town and the surrounding areas November-March are the best times to visit.
  • Eastern Africa: June to October is the best time for visiting, followed by December to February.
  • West Africa: November - December are the best time to visit.
  • The best times to visit the wild parks in Southern Africa are in the European (late) summer (during the dry season the animals will come out to the drinking spots where you can see them) but there are other good periods for a visit.


  • During the summer it can get very hot, but the other seasons the weather is usually fine.
  • Be aware that in winter the northern part can become ice cold and in the south it can get surprisingly cool.


  • Northern Europe: countries such as the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Germany are quite cold and humid to visit during the period November-March. These months are, however, ideal for skiing activities (In Switzerland, Austria etc.). April-September is a very pleasant time for traveling throughout Europe, as temperatures do not tend to be very high.
  • Southern Europe, including countries like Spain, Italy, Greece, France and Portugal, has a pleasant climate with sunny days throughout the year, although the summer months July and August can be unpleasantly warm on some days.

North America

  • Canada and Alaska can be very cold and dark during the period November-March. The period outside these months would be more suitable to visit these countries, but since it concerns such a wide area, there are a lot of regional differences.
  • The United States also varies per region, but in general has cold winters, hot summers and mild fall and spring seasons. The south can be very humid with sporadic rainfall and has two subtropical seasons, contrary to most states.
  • Mexico has a wet and a dry season, with warm and humid weather throughout the year. Mexico also has a hurricane season lasting from June through November.
Packing your things for abroad: blogs and contributions of WorldSupporters - Bundle

Packing your things for abroad: blogs and contributions of WorldSupporters - Bundle

Choosing sustainable outdoor gear

Choosing sustainable outdoor gear


In 2019, it's hard to ignore thinking about how your consumption choices affect the world. While you're probably familiary with the bad impacts of flying, the meat and dairy industry and the plastic soup that we call oceans, the textile industry hasn't entirely made it's way into the spotlights. 

A couple of months ago I saw the documentary "Stacey Dooley Investigates: Fashion's Dirty Secrets". While I was aware of terms like sustainable fashion, I had never been presented with the blunt facts or shocking images that come with it, nor had I tried to read into it. The fast fashion industry comes at a huge cost to the environment; water pollution, toxic chemicals, fashion waste and transportation costs. Furthermore, the water footprint of fabrics like cotton, and even more shocking, organic cotton, is huge. And while we are on the safe-side of the fashion industry (for now...), millions of people are suffering from the fashion choices we maken. 

Fast fashion is an industry focusing on low costs and speed. In reducing the costs for clothes, companies often choose for the cheapest countries with little (enforced) rules on environmental impact. The vibrant colours you love so much in your clothes, are often created with the use of toxic chemicals of which the residues end up in rivers and oceans, making this practice the second largest pollutor of clean water, following the number one we're all aware of; agriculture. By making such choices, fashion companies can constantly provide new collections at low costs, and the consumer is presented with cheap attractice new options all the time. In turn, this has caused a high-turnover of clothes in people's closets. Whereas in the past you used to have the same trousers for years, now you might have worn them 5 times before buying new ones and sending these to the second hand shop, hence the increasing amounts of textile waste. 

What can you do?

I was shocked by what I saw in the documentary and it totally changed my view on fashion. I'm not the only one, many blogs can be found on the internet regarding sustainable fashion, or even cutting out clothes shopping as a whole (check out this girl who didn't buy clothes for a year). While the latter option is something I might consider as a new-years resolution next year, it's a bit difficult with my upcoming trip and my lack of outdoor clothing. Therefore I have found some other ways to reduce my environmental fashion impact, which I would love to share with you. 

First of all, the number one rule is buy less. It's a simple solution to a big problem, buying less means less waste, less chemicals, less transportation, less water use etc. This is immediately connected to the second thing: buy recycled and good-quality. Recycled clothes are often the best as little pressure is put on virgin resources used for new clothingBuying good quality means the clothes will last longer and therefore again, you'll also have to buy less. However, not all good quality fashion is sustainable, so make sure to look at the brands. 

Since this blog is about outdoor brands, I want to give you a list of brands that from most sustainable to least sustainable based on the amazing website "". 

Vaude scores the highest in the list of outdoor brands and therefore achieves a B-label. This is due to their use of 100% green electricty, their policies regarding toxic substances and their waste and packaging management. Furthermore they are a member of the Fair Wear Foundation. 

Jack Wolfskin
Jack Wolfskin is assigned a C label. They have implemented several measures to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and work with organic cotton and certified manufacturers. However, they are not entirely transparent about their practices and therefore many impacts remain unknown. 

Fjällräven & Patagonia
Even though I've repeatedly been told Patagonia is one of the most sustainable brands, both Fjällräven and Patagonia score a C-label as well on the rankabrand website. Since the website uses a strict set of criteria, if the brand is not transparent about this, or does not publish results on their impacts, they score rather low. 

Other C-labels are assigned to Pyua, Trigema, Schöffel, Norrona, Deuther. Furthermore, D-labels are assigned to Bergans, Burton, Icebreaker, Regatta and Millet

When looking at a review of the fair cottage websiteVaude again pops up as the top sustainable choice, followed by Houdini and La Sportiva. 

The Greenpeace campaign "detox our fashion" on the use of PFCs (long-term severe pollutants) also gives an overview of the big outdoor brands. Their detox champions are again Vaude, and Paramo and Rotauf. The brands that are moving towards becoming more sustainable but that are definitely not their yet are The North FaceHaglöfs, Black Yak, Jack WOlfskin, Mammut, Salewa and Norrona. The brands that score the worst are Arcteryx, Columbia and Patagonia. While they mention that Patagonia is one of the leaders in sustainability, they are definitely falling short in their detox from PFCs. 

Interestingly, an independent website,, puts Patagonia as the most sustainable brands out of a list of outdoor brands. Patagonia is refered to on many websites and in many articles as one of the most sustainable brands due to, for example, their focus on recycled fabric. While they score the highest on theprch, the website does mention that they are far from perfect and not very transparent. However, they do provide a lot of information on how they try to reduce their impacts, while many other companies hardly make any efforts at all. 

Patagonia is followed by REI, which has a B score. In the D category, the North Face, Mountain Hardware, Mammut, Marmot, Columbia, Black Diamond and Arc'teryx are listed. The worst brands, according to this list, are SmartWool, Sea to Summit, Osprey, Big Agnes, Coleman, Exped, Five Ten, Granite Gear, Gregory, Kelty, KUHL, MSR, NEMO
If you want to know more about how these brand were scored, check out the theprch website

All in all it seems that Vaude is definitely the most sustainable brands. Whether Patagonia follows, I'm not sure. They mentiion that they try to do a lot to be more environmentally friendly, but they lack actual reporting and therefore score quite low. Furthermore, they are not active in reducing their PFCs. I think it's best to buy products from Vaude, look into what products you buy from B/C categories, and definitely avoid the brands with a B-label. If one of your brands is not in the list, you can request RankaBrand to review it through this page. 

Last of all, I want to mention the option of second hand clothes. While it can be tricky with outdoor clothing, there are still plenty of options to find good clothes. Check out second hand (outdoor) shops, people selling clothes on the internet, shops, or even brands selling used clothes ( for example). 

Well, hopefully this helped you in making your sustainable outdoor shopping easier! Let me know if you have any more ideas, thoughts, tips or comments below :). 



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Drink SAFE with a Tulip Water Filter

Drink SAFE with a Tulip Water Filter


What if you are traveling and no shops around and need water, use a Tulip Water Filter to make clean water!

The Tulip Siphon is a lightweight portable water purifier that is easy to use and store. It purifies 4–5 liters of water per hour. The filter can be used in emergency situations as well as for daily usage. It has a unique backwash function making sure that the filter stays clean and fit for purification and a fast flow rate. The Tulip Siphon lasts up to 7000 liters. After which the candle can be easily replaced.

Watch the video how it works here

You can buy the Tulip Siphon at JoHo Support Centers

Travel lifesaver - a period cup

Travel lifesaver - a period cup


So, a bit of a different topic today, but one that you can't ignore when travelling as a woman, period. I mean, periods! Yeah, it's the one thing I'm always worried about. Ah, let's book a skiing holiday! Oh no, what if I have my period and two full days of cramps? Let's go diving! Ohhhh, but what if......................... Sometimes life sucks as a woman, and while it's a bit easier if you can take a contraceptive pill and have the upper hand over your periods, I can't, so I've had to work my way around it. Aside from that, putting a bunch of hormones in your body is something I'm not very fond of anyways because of all the side-effects it can have, although some women of course hardly experience any! Since there are more women who have to, or want to, get rid of all the hormonal stuff, the period-market is opening up! Yay. A couple of years ago I've found my near-perfect solution and while it still sucks to have my period, and to be subjected to two full days of pain, it has made my life a lot easier. 

A cup!? Yes, a cup....... 

About three years ago, I saw this add on Facebook for the Organicup. What? A cup? For your periods? How does that work? I had no idea, but it caught my attention! I was trying to live more sustainably and to reduce my waste, so this seemed to fit right into my lifestyle. After doing some research I found out that there were a couple (not as many as today) of period-cups on the market. These are small cups, that you can insert in your you-know-what, and which you have to empty around 3 times a day. You'll never need tampons or sanitary napkins ever again! WHAT A BLESSING! And if you use them correctly they can last for 10 years. Imagine how much money and unnecessary waste you can save! I was convinced, so I decided to buy one. Since the Organicup had good reviews, is vegan and free of chemicals, this was going to be the one. 25 euros, but only the best for my.... since I wouldn't want to put any chemicals in there (I believe this can be the case with some of the cheap cups you can buy on AliExpress for example). Now there are many more options, of which probably a bunch are safe. The only way to know which one is best for you eventually, is just to try them out. Which was what I was going to do. Eventually, I found the Organicup quite stiff, which didn't work for me, but in Germany I bought a Fair Squared cup (which was also slightly cheaper) which was a lot more comfortable. Unfortunately I totally burned it because I was boiling it and forgot, so I had to buy a new one. It seems like there can be minor differences since this one works a little bit less well for me, but I'm still super satisfied and wouldn't want to go back to anything else anymore!

The first try

Within a couple of weeks the cup arrived. There are two sizes, the small one for women whom haven't had kids, and the bigger one for women who had. The thing looked a bit uncomfortable, and I couldn't imagine not feeling that thing the whole day even though that was what many women mentioned. After reading through the instructions of how to use it (boil it first, fold it double and insert and twist), I decided to give it a try. It was a bit uncomfortable at first, so I decided not to ditch my previous period-stuff immediately. I would definitely recommend to combine it with sanitary napkins or panty-liners on your first couple of tries, just to make sure you get a hang of how to put it in. The important part that I only found out after a couple of tries, is to twist the thing after putting it in. In that way you make sure it creates a vacuum, so that no stuff can pass it. Then, depending on how heavy your periods are, you have to empty it a couple of times a day, since it fills up. I believe it is recommended not to leave the cup in for more than 12 hours at the most, but emptying it more often is of course more hygienic. 


This is where I started to appreciate the toilets with a little tab inside of the toilet room. What a lifesaver! Although I believe these cups shouldn't be a taboo anymore, I do feel slightly awkward walking around with a cup with my period blood and emptying it in the sink next to someone who's washing their hands. But well, sometimes there's just no other option. Every time you take it out and empty it in the toilet, you have to clean it before using it again. The best way is just to wash it with some water (and make sure the vacuum holes on the side are clean as well). I usually do this in the shower in the morning, which makes things a lot easier. However, if water is not at hand (which is the case in some washrooms), then there are three other options; (1) bring your own bottle of water and just wash it above the toilet, (2) clean it as much as you can with toilet paper, (3) use the Organiwash or Organiwipes. 

Before every first use, make sure to boil it in water for about 5-10 minutes as to fully clean it. This is the only real obstacle I found while travelling. During my last trip, which would be a packpacking trip through Asia for some months, I was mostly worried about this part. Staying in a hostel, there are always people around you, so boiling a period cup in a hostel pot can be a bit awkward. Or maybe there isn't even a kitchen available, if you're in the middle of the jungle for example. To work my way around this, I looked for other options. Eventually I found out about Organiwash and Organiwipes. I figured this would be a good way to clean the cup while not having access to a kitchen or anything, and whenever it would be possibly I would just boil it then. Eventually this worked out well, and makes travelling a lot easier!

The pros

For me this cup makes travelling a lot easier. I don't have to worry about where to buy sanitary products, or where to throw them out. It saves tons of money, and I can still take part in activities that I otherwise wouldn't have been able to, such as snorkeling, diving, surfing, or any other sport for that matter. Also, I'm happy that I don't have to use all these throwaway product anymore. So much unnecessary waste every month!! However, the most important reason why I'm happy with my cup is just because it makes life so much more comfortable. I hate the feeling of most sanitary products, it feels unhygienic, you have to change them quite often, and there's a possibility of ilnesses if you don't. With this cup, I really don't feel anything throughout the day (the only problem with this is that sometimes I forget that it is still inside), so yeah, it makes my life a lot easier.

The cons

Personally, I can't find many cons, but there are some. The biggest one for me is that every cup is a bit different and it can therefore be difficult to find the right one. If it doesn't go in correctly or doesn't entirely fit well, then it can leak a bit. This is not really a problem, but 100% leakproof is of course the best. On my worst days this isn't always the case with my current one (the previous one, the one I totally burned, was perfect though), so I wear panty-liners on these days anyway. I did recently buy washable ones though (yeah, they exist as well!! :D), since this eventually is cheaper and better. Another con is the washing, obviously. You can't simply throw it away and be rid of it (or well, you can, but this will cost you about 25 euro's every time). However, when you get used to washing it, you'll find your own way to deal with inconvenient situations. The last con I can come up with is that it can take some time to learn how to use it, but that is easily overcome by just trying. 

All in all, I'm super happy with my period cup. It is my most important travel companion (with the Organiwash) on longer trips and I wouldn't want to live without it anymore. It's definitely worth the money, since you'll save loads in the future, and it adds to your sustainable lifestyle as well! Of course, everyone has their own preferences, so I can only speak for myself, but if you're in doubt about getting one, just try it! And if you have any questions about my experience, just post them in the comments below :). 

Stasher, reusable, resealable bags

Stasher, reusable, resealable bags


Hi! Recently a good friend of mine surprised me with a present from Japan; a Stasher resealable bag! I never knew this things existed so this was awesome! For hiking I bring resealable bags to store my breakfast (cereals with water) overnight. This means I have to throw away a plastic bag every day. Well, now I don't have to anymore! Furthermore, they are temperature resistant (can even go into the oven and microwave). So, I just wanted to let you know this alternative for plastic resealable bags exists! Another good alternative to plastic, yay!!

Scrubba Wash Bag

Scrubba Wash Bag


When I'm travelling I always envy people with little luggage. It makes travelling so much more relaxed, convenient and easy. But how do they do it? Why don't they need multiple pairs of pants, a lot of underwear and many, many t-shirts? What if you can't find a washing machine? How do you survive if you're out of clean panties? 

Well, recently, while preparing my next trip, I found out about the scrubba wash bag. It's a portable wash bag that kind of works like a portable washing machine, but then by hand and as a bag. You simply put your clothes in it, add water and detergent and scrub for a couple of minutes. Because the bag has knobs in the bottom, you can really scrub your clothes clean. 

I haven't tried it myself, but would really like to bring one with me. It's on the expensive side (50 euro's), which is why I haven't bought it, but hopefully cheaper versions might become available. However, if you have it, you do save money on laundromats. 



World Habits, Food Customs & Country philosophies Bundle

World Habits, Food Customs & Country philosophies Bundle

What are typical Asian habits, food customs and Asian philosophies?

What are typical Asian habits, food customs and Asian philosophies?


Why this blog about habits and philosophies in Asia

I love Asia. I feel at home in Asia. I am half chinese and half dutch. I feel more at ease in filipino culture than chinese culture. I have a good friend from Japan. Throughout the years, I have tried to be open to everything Asia has to offer. To embrace Asia in my being, in my core and to understand and learn more of this continent in the world. Some of the things that really caught me...  Any Asian habits that particulary interest you? 

    Habits in China

    • Don't scoop food in your bowl for yourself, but wait for your host or hostess to do so.
    • It is impolite to eat everything in your bowl; leave a small amount as a sign of respect.
    • Slurping while eating is not rude in China, but rather a sign that you like the food. Let's slurp.
    • Never refuse an offer to have some food or drinks.
    • Red is the color of happiness, do not wear it at funerals.
    • When you have tea, make sure the teapot points at the other tables, not at a person on your table, that doesn't bring luck.
    • Squat toilets, yes they are still widely used all over China.
    • Public spitting is still a habit for some people. 
    • Drinking hot water is normal and considered healthy.
    • Early rising is a habit for many chinese people and to practice tai chi.

    Habits in Indonesia

    • Gotong royong is the spirit of communal cooperation and mutual assistance. It's a deeply ingrained value in Indonesian society and is often seen in neighborhood clean-up efforts or helping neighbors in need.
    • When having a meal together it is customary to wait for the host to start eating before you dig in. It is also considered impolite to refuse food that is offered to you. If you are full, you can take a small portion and say thank you.
    • Eating together is a time for families and friends to connect and socialize. Rice is a staple food in Indonesia and is usually eaten with every meal without rice it is not considered a meal. It's not uncommon for Indonesians to eat with their hands.
    • Life Cycle Ceremonies happen around various stages of life. Tedak Siten, a Javanese ceremony, celebrates a baby's first steps. Metatah, a Balinese ritual, involves the filing of a child's teeth to mark their passage into adulthood.
    • Batik - is an Indonesian fabric with cultural significance. Different patterns have different meanings and are worn for different occasions.

    Habits in Japan

    • Bonsai - Japanese people recreate nature in miniature, this specific horticulture is called bonsai. 
    • Ikigai - What is worth living? What is it worth coming out of bed for? What drives you? What inspires you?
    • Kintsugi (golden joinery) - is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum, As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise. You can buy Kintsugi kits in the Netherlands, it is in my opinion a very nice way to glue broken things, with golden glue. 
    • Kirei - is an activity. You look at all your possessions and decide what you want to keep and what can go away. It is an emotional literal clean-up and clean-up action. By cleaning up, you reflect on your past and future.
    • Kurashi - translates to “way of life” or “the ideal way of spending our time,” but like many words lost in translation, it means more than that. If you haven’t tidied using the KonMari Method, focusing on your kurashi will motivate you to start.
    • Mottainai - (もったいない or 勿体無い) It is a term of Japanese origin that has been used by environmentalists. The term in Japanese conveys a sense of regret over waste; the exclamation "Mottainai!" can translate as "What a waste!" Mottainai is the feeling of sadness you have when something hasn't reached its full potential. Recycle and repair. It's all about the love you have for your old stuff.
    • O-hanami - In april are the cherry blossom viewing parties.
    • Omikuji - These are slips of paper that tell your fortune, divided into kichi (good luck) and kyo (bad luck). Depending on the shrine there are various grades of good and bad luck in between. One theory says if you read it without showing anyone else and then tie it to the branch of a tree in the shrine grounds before going home, even bad luck is converted into good luck.
    • Omoiyari - Omoi is thinking, memories and emotion. Yaru is doing. It is empathy, freely translated, it is on the other hand more ordinary and special. It's just because it's part of everyday life in Japan, not just an empathetic reaction. It is special because it makes compassion a part of the community. How do you master omoi? Start with yourself, focus inwards. If you recognize and understand your own feelings, you can translate that into compassion for others. The essence of omoiyari is that you are aware, of other people in life. You behave in a way that is pleasant for others.
    • Shintoism - Shinto is the early religion of Japan. It is a combination of two chinese characters, which means: "The way of the gods." In Shintoism the Kami are being worshipped. Kami are gods of nature. Some kami are bound to be found in certain places, others are united with bigger objects and phenomena. Amaterasu is for example the god of the sun. Marie Kondo the "spark-joy guru of tidying" and her method, the KonMari method, is based on Shintoism. Keeping the house tidy is part of the practice.
    • Shinrin-yoku - I have sent my japanese friend once a photo of me snow bathing (in a bathing suit swimming in the snow) and asked her the japanese term for snow bathing. There is no japanese term for it. And I thought there was! The Japanese have a term for forest bathing: Shinrin-yoku. To be in the forest with the trees, will make sure you will be re-energized and that you can feel your own core.
    • Sumo, Judo and Karate
    • Tea ceremony - The aim of the tea ceremony (in a small space) is to reduce daily life to the barest essentials and idealize form. Behind this idea is to intensify the brief time spent together as a moment to be cherished. Tea utensils, the preparation of tea and the tea ceremony etiquette is all very important. When you will experience a true tea ceremony it is advised to prepare yourself to understand more beforehand of this Japanese ceremony.
    • Tenei- It is about patience and respect of the daily things. Try to find harmony in the day to day activities, to be correct and punctual towards others and to be persistent of the things which are important to you, even when it is not easy. 
    • Tokimeki - As explained by the latest Marie Kondo on Netflix or in her book, do what you like and what you think is important in your life…
    • Tsukumogami - According to Shinto animism, some inanimate objects could gain a soul after 100 years of service, a concept know as tsukumogami.
    • Omiyage and Temiyage - Omiyage and Temiyage are Japanese names for two kinds of gifts. Omiyage are souvenirs you bring home from a trip. Temiyage are thank-you gifts you bring when you visit someone. Japanese people have the habit of buying plenty of gifts for their friends. As a foreigner it is appreciated when you bring Omiyage and Temiyage.
    • Wabisabi 侘 寂 - A lot of things around me are Wabisabi, especially when you try to use things as long as possible. And when you are open to see things in the light they are, and not everything has to be perfect around you. Life in it's imperfection.
    • Zakka - is to be grateful for the normal, simple things that make life special. For example your favorite sweater of coffee cup.

    Habits in Laos

    • Cultural habits: Lao people generally prioritize balance and well-being over material possessions. Lao people are known for their patience and laid-back attitude. Stress in uncommon. This is reflected in their daily lives and business interactions.
    • Boh penyang means "never mind". It is a way of life and considers the slow pace the best. 
    • Social habits & communication: Wai - This is a traditional greeting where people press their palms together in front of their chest and slightly bow their head. The higher the hands, the more respect shown.
    • Sabai-dee- A common greeting that translates to "Are you well?" This reflects the Laotian emphasis on well-being and politeness.
    • Showing anger or disappointment in public is inappropriate. It causes everyone to lose face, better to keep smiling and keep your voice low, speak softly.
    • Pointing and gesturing with hands is frowned upon. 
    • Lao people are not big on waiting in line. They often push and shove to get to the head of the line.
    • Etiquettes & traditions: Spirit worship - Alongside Buddhism, many Lao people also believe in spirits and engage in traditional rituals to honor them.
    • Women should avoid touching a monk, the robes and not sit besides a monk. Almsgiving can be done directly in the bowl, not handed directly to the monk.
    • Never point your feet or soles towards people, a buddha, a temple or statues. That is considered disrespecfull.
    • Eating & drinking habits: Lao people eat with spoon and fork, not with chopsticks. It is common to sit on the floor while eating.

    Habits in Mongolia

    • There are certain habits in the ger, the yurt.
    • Sleep - Always sleep with your feet facing the door, never toward the altar.
    • Whistling - Whistling in a ger is considered rude.
    • Be aware that fire is sacred to Mongolians. Do not throw garbage into the fire.
    • Elders - Always let elders lead the way and do not sit with your back or feet to the altar.
    • Hospitality - When you are offered food or drink, accept it, even if it is just a little. Use your right hand, with your left hand for support. It is customary to give small gifts to your hosts, such as fruit, candy or alcohol.
    • Holding a cup - Hold a cup underneath, not by the rim.
    • Say no in an indirect way, that is polite.

    Habits in the Philippines

    • Use of 'face' in communication - Briefly raise eyebrows to confirm or to mean yes to a question and also used as a brief greeting (all silent).
    • Indicating direction by pursing lips and turning head in direction, all silent as well.
    • Baon - refers to the monetary allowance or food normally provided by the parent to a child who goes to school.
    • Bayanihan - When a house is broken, the whole community helps fixing the house. You might have seen the pictures of a group of people carrying a hut, when it needs to be transferred. It is a true community spirit. You talk, you help and protect the people around you. It is team effort, only possible when done with a group. It is truly a beautiful thing. 
    • Cockfighting is a popular national sport in big and small arenas all over the country. Goal is to gamble (win money) and eat the roosters who lost the game.
    • Finding your spot - Recently I was back in the Philippines, taking public transportation. When you would like to take your window seat, be reminded you have to climb over other peoples lap. Squeeze in between the seat in front of you and the seat with the passenger on it. Enough space, a little intimate but do-able, it has something about it.
    • Pacquiao - Filipinos adore boxer (and politician) Manny 'Pagman' Pacquiao.
    • Pagmamano - Children take your hand, put it on their forehead, as a way of greeting you. It is an act of respect. The child says mamo po, can I have your hand please? Most of the time, they say God bless (you), when put on their forehead.
    • Pasalubong -In the Philippines it is common when you have been on a trip, that you bring a token of love back to the people who stayed home. It is a filipino tradition of travellers bringing gifts from their destination to people back home. It can be anything, something to eat or to drink is always a welcoming gift, since filipinos love eating! It is actually not about what you bring, it is something that you have brought, so the other person knows you thought about them while away. The first time, I heard bring pasalubong, from multiple people, and didnt know how to act. When you see souvenir stores in the Philippines, it has the sign pasalubong. So now you are prepared.... just bring something back... 
    • Noise and music - Filipinos are crazy about high volumes and karaoke (called videoke) and music from the 70s like The Carpenters. There was one big world hit: Anak by Freddie Aguilar in 1978.
    • Remedio - Is fixing things, even though you dont know how to fix it. The filipinos use remedio. Remedio used to drive me crazy. It is fixing things with what you have, in a creative way, and if it works again... that will be clear in the near future. You have to be flexible to embrace remedio.
    • Squeeze - Squeeze your but, in the jeepney, also when you think it is already full. There will be place, when you squeeze. When you are for example sitting at the window in an airplane and you have two filipinos beside you, you squeeze your body in and out going to the aile. It is not a habit to stand up, when you can squeeze, when used to it, it works perfectly fine.
    • Volume - Pump up the jam, pump up the volume. Filipinos love loud music, loud talking, as long as it is lively. The high amounts of volume makes you feel festive and alive, even when there is not a party.
    • 'Whitening' products such as soap, make-up, deodorant are very popular, to stimulate white skin.

    Habits in South Korea

    • In South Korea, and other places I have seen it in Asia, they brush their teeth, three times a day after a meal. People bring portable toothbrushes and you often see people brushing their teeth in the washroom in their office.
    • Family is everything and the eldest son carries the responsibility of the family.
    • Kimchi is a national dish. People make kimchi at home. In the supermarkets a lot of dark bordeau red buckets can be found, so you don't see the stains of the herbs going to be fermented with the vegetables.
    • I personally love banchan. When you order Korean food it is likely you get a lot of different small bowls, (most of the time vegetarian) side dishes. For me as a dutch person, I can do without the maindish, since banchan is so delicious.

    Habits in Taiwan

    • Politeness - Taiwanese people are very polite and respectful. It is customary to bow when greeting someone and to say “thank you” and “please.”
    • Respectfulness - Taking off shoes when entering a house: In Taiwan, it is customary to take off your shoes before entering someone's house. This is done as a sign of respect and to keep the house clean.
    • Respect for elders is considered vital, as is loyalty toward the family.
    • Leave some food on your plate - It shows appreciation for the amount of food served and is considered polite.
    • Cleanliness - Using toilet paper with the right hand: In Taiwan, toilet paper is used with the right hand, while the left hand is considered unclean.
    • Bubble tea is a Taiwanese invention, same like stinky tofu. That stinks.
    • KTV – Karaoke is a popular waste of time or night.
    • Convenience stores – Open 24/7, with a variety of food, drinks and everyday items available.
    • Gifts – Knives and scissors are not appreciated and will be seen as severing a relationship. Clocks and handkerchiefs are best avoided, that will be connected to death and funerals. Check the label: made in Taiwan is not an interesting gift and the recipient from Taiwan already has (all) things made in Taiwan.

    Habits in Thailand

    • Thai people will talk about architecture, dance, festivals and food when you ask about their culture. 
    • Sanuk is a term to express that everything should have something sanuk. Something which is worth doing. The sense or approach with a little playfulness. Even work can be sanuk, singing while working, cracking jokes in combination with the thai smile. 
    • Saving face is important as is in many Asian countries. The habit is to avoid confrontation, and not to embarrass yourself or others.
    • Social rank plays an important part in society. It goes with obligations, obedience, caring for, respect, sharing of wealth. The "big person or senior" pays the bill when dining or entertaining. The person with the most social rank pays for everyone.

    Did you know that.... 

    Asia is the biggest continent in the world. It is huge, this is the list of most Asian countries (including the Middle East)


    What are typical European habits, food customs and remarkable philosophies?

    What are typical European habits, food customs and remarkable philosophies?


    Habits in Albania

    • Superstitousness - Albanian are very superstitious people. The evil eye is a superstitious belief. The evil eye means that someone could become jealous or envious of you and your family and do a black magic ritual to bring you bad luck.
    • Other Albanian beliefs are don't point at a graveyard with your finger.
    • One for good luck: Throwing salt or sugar to the ground will bring good luck.
    • When you enter a friend's house step inside with your right foot first.
    • When you are in Albania, you can see Dordolec - That is a protective doll or stuffed animal placed on a house or property. It acts as a charm to ward off the evil eye – a curse believed to be brought on by envy. Essentially, it's a decoy to attract envious gazes, the homeowner's possessions will be protected from misfortune this way. Or Dordolec can also mean "scarecrow" which protects crops from birds.
    • Besa - An unique concept which means "keeping the promise" and forms the structure of Albanian social life. It emphasizes honor, loyalty and hospitality. It forms the moral code that guides interactions in daily life.

    Habits in Austria

    • People in Austria love their sweets, breakfast most of the time consists of sweet breads, or with honey or jam. Apfelstrudel is an all time Austrian favorite served with coffee.
    • It is normal to drink alcohol in Austria, also during lunchtime. Schnaps is a common drink, it is a drink with fruits, without any additional sugar in it.
    • To add (flat or sizzling) water with the wine, literally is very common. 
    • Costume is socially completely accepted in everyday life in Austria. Besides the famous Lederhosen and Dirndls, there are many other forms of authentic costume that you can find, not only in villages but also in cities. By the way the woman's apron is tied, you can tell if she is single or married.
    • In 1685 the first coffeehouse was opened. Austrian coffeehouses are famous. Did you know that Vienna's coffee houses are officially recognized cultural heritage and have also been recognized as such with UNESCO.
    • Yodeling is an ancient tradition found not only in Austria, but also in other Alpine countries. The history of yodeling goes back to prehistoric times, making it one of the oldest means of communication. With yodeling, people communicate with each other between two different mountains, always switching between chest and head voice. 
    • Almabtrieb - Once the days get shorter and temperatures drop, it is time for the shepherds and shepherdesses to take the livestock back from the alpine pastures to the stables. During Almabtrieb, people celebrate the success of summer and the fact that the animals have returned safely. There are parades with decorated cattle, farmers' markets and live music. Almabtrieb takes place every year between September and October.

    Habits in France

    • France is the land of liberté, égalité and fraternité. And every year the French show this by going on strike if they disagree with something. This often takes place in March and April. 
    • La Bise - It is quite normal in France to greet someone with some kisses. In some areas they give two kisses, in others even four. Moreover, this is also regularly done when you see someone for the first time and want to introduce yourself.
    • Both at noon and in the evening they eat warm food, and often go for three courses. It is therefore quite normal at lunch to order an appetizer and dessert, and it is certainly customary to drink a glass of wine with it. 
    • Think France, think cheese, baguette, madeleine cookies, champagne, escargos, crepes all bought on the marche (market).
    • Apéro: Around drinking time (between 6 and 8 p.m.), the terraces fill up with people enjoying an "apéro." This is a time to relax with a drink and some tasty snacks.
    • Chansons -  French music, or chanson, is loved around the world. Enjoy the beautiful melodies and lyrics of artists such as Edith Piaf, Jullette Greco and Charles Aznavour.

    Habits in Poland

    • Food, food, food and food. Love goes through the stomach. A lot of plates and a lot of food is meant as a warm welcome. Food like bigos, zurek, rosol and pierogi. There are a lot of choices of sausages and ham.
    • Poland is very proud of their culture and traditions. 
    • Wodka is the drink of the country, and special wodka bars. Many wodka with spices and flavors are served.
    • Wigilia (Christmas Eve) is an important celebration. 12 dishes without meat stands for the 12 apostles.
    • Name days are celebrated, you can compare it to celebrate a birthdays. Each day of the year is associated with specific names (of saints). Name days are celebrated with parties and family of course.
    • Kapcie are offered to you, once you enter a house or a hotel. Kapcie are your house shoes. You dont want to walk around in your shoes or on your socks.
    • Family is important, time is spent with family. 

    Habits in Portugal

    • The Portuguese are traditional and conservative. Innovation and major changes within the family or community are not easily accepted. Life in Portugal revolves around the family and even now in the 21st century, old customs and traditions can be seen daily.
    • Fado is a typical Portuguese music movement from the 19th century and the life song of the locals. While Fado used to be popular only in bars and brothels of the poorer neighborhoods in Lisbon and Coimbra, nowadays it is very popular and you come across it in many places.
    • Typically Portuguese are azulejos, Portuguese tiles that you find a lot on and in railway stations, churches and houses. Often they are blue and white, but they can also be richly colored.
    • Ginja - The liqueur is always served in a shot glass, with a spirit at the bottom. 
    • Port is also a typical Portuguese drink.
    • A lot of fish is eaten, which is not surprising given the coastline of 850 kilometers. Popular fish dishes are the bacalhau recipes used to prepare dried cod. It is said that there is a bacalhau recipe for every day of the year. Besides dried cod, grilled sardines and caldeirada, stew with potato and different types of fish, are favorites. The Portugese love their meat as well: chicken piri-piri or arroz de sarrabulho (rice with pigblood).
    • Most towns and villages in Portugal have their own traditional festas or romarias. Romarias are local religious festivals that honor the saints of a particular area in Portugal.
    • Time is relative and being late for appointments is very common. 

    Habits in Spain

    • Siesta-Nap and relax time (shops are generally closed) when the sun is shining between 2.30 and 4.30 PM.
    • Tapas-Shared with drinks and in company, small dishes. In many ways served from the counter or from the menu: grilled pimiento, manchego, chorizo, patatas bravas, tortilla.
    • Dinner is eaten late during the evening, 9 PM is general time to start. 
    • Flamenco-Dance from Andalusia, with costumes and music with a soul.
    • Eat a grape, every hour the clock makes a sound on new year's eve. Twelve times and it will bring you prosperity.
    • Kisses (two) are common as a greeting, also when you don't know each other well.
    • Manana, manana means tomorrow, in general do not stress out and take it easy. Do not worry the Spanish are not so strict with their punctuality, being late is common.
    • Cursing and talking loud is part of the culture. Often you can just follow conversations on the street.
    What are typical Mediterranean habits, food customs and remarkable philosophies?

    What are typical Mediterranean habits, food customs and remarkable philosophies?


    The Mediterranean Sea is surrounded by 16 countries. Of these 16 countries, 6 are in Europe, 5 are in Africa, 4 are in Asia. The 6 European countries that border the Mediterranean are Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Greece, and the island country of Malta and Turkey. The 5 African countries are Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco; the 4 Asian countries are Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Cyprus. Since the Mediterranean area is quite big, it is difficult to generalise, but let's try for a change.

    To me the Mediterranean is famous for food. Often people speak about the Mediterranean diet. A Mediterranean diet consists food that is found in the region like fresh vegetables, local herbs and spices, fish and seafood, lentils, poultry, eggs, cheese, yoghurt, nuts. Consume with (a moderate amount of) wine and plenty of water.  Many nutrition experts recommend the Mediterranean diet for health reasons. There is hardly any red meat in the diet.

    Habits in Cyprus

    • Family is a priority in Cyprus. Parents take care of their children. When parents grow old, children will take care of them. Old people take care of their grandchildren. Family is everything!
    • People Cyprus are generally slow and they postpone things until the next day. Nobody is in a hurry and try to enjoy every minute of life.
    • The meze is a selection of small dishes, like tapas. The meze is a good formula to enjoy multiple flavors and to socialize over a long meal.
    • Some people in Cyprus believe in the evil eye, which brings bad luck, there are charms to keep you protected.

    Habits in Egypt

    • The hot climate has defined the Egyptians' national character - calmness. People in Egypt like to take it easy. They are often late and spend a lot of time to make a decisions. Non-punctuality and slowness are justified by the habit of living by the "Egyptian time". It is from the Mediterranean habit to relax. Egyptians' favorite word is "Bukra", which means "tomorrow". Which reminds me of mañana mañana.

    Habits in France

    • Fresh and homemade are the two words that describe home cooking in France. Most meals are freshly prepared meals. Everything made from scratch from salad dressings to bread. It is a daily practice for many Europeans. The French are famous for drinking wine with their dinner. All in moderation, then it is even good for health!

    Habits in Greece

    • It is recently I have visited Greece. Greece was on my bucket-list. Greece with an interesting history. What I remember is that people in Greece consume greens as well as herbs numerous times. They love to drink herbal drinks such as chamomile, Greek mountain tea, and add thyme and oregano to their meal every day.
    • A Mediterranean habit is everything in moderation and it was coined by the Greek philosopher Cleobulus. It is key in living well.
    • Messimeri - is the Greek siesta, from 2PM - 5PM. Shops are closed, people are eating lunch or sleeping. 
    • A Greek year revolves around saints days and festivals. Most people are named after a saint, areas, stations, boats you name it. Did you know that name days are more important than birthdays? And of course take the Mediterranean habit to celebrate it all!
    • Panigiria is a celebration where everyone/the whole village comes together to celebrate. Music, food (souvlaki), the syrto, the sirtaki and other dances are ingredients of this celebration. 
    • The Greeks eat late, around 9, 10 or even 11 PM with a lot of ouzo (anis drink with 40% alcohol) and cozy times around the dining table.
    • The Greek used to throw their plates on the floor after the meal. This tradition is typically Greek, but already forbidden. It is dangerous because of the shreds flying around. When you see plates flying around, that might be because the restaurant has a permit. 
    • Olive oil and olive trees are found all over Greece. The Greek love their olive oil.
    • Mezedes - are the Greek tapas. Keftedes, salad, calamaris, souvlaki, octopus, spanakopita (spinach and feta in dough).

    Habits in Israel

    • Israeli diet is considered the healthiest of the world. It totally fits the Mediterranean diet, it is the Mediterranean diet! A lot of vegetables, lemon, chickpeas, moderate amounts of dairy and meat, and all with olive oil. All meals are served in small portions. 

    Habits in Italy

    • I remember my time in Italy with huge meals, of multiple courses, hours and hours spent around the table dining with friends and family. One specific ingredient used in Italy is olive oil. Healthy to the max, used in small portions. 

    Habits in Malta 

    • Daily life in Malta is very laid back. No one seems to ever be in a rush.
    • Many locals enjoy good conversation over a coffee. Malta is a very much family-orientated island, and you can see families spending time together.
    • It is too hot during the day, especially in summer, when the sun is high on the horizon, so the shops are closed and people are resting.

    Habits in Monaco

    • Monacan habits are also connected to food! Daily eating habits reflect a Mediterranean heritage. French and Italian influences can be found in the local recipes. Breakfast is very small, but lunch and dinner often have multiple courses.

    Habits in Morocco

    • Morocco has a small part of the country, which is on the Mediterranean coast. You will find Mediterranean habits in Morocco. Family is for most Moroccans is the most important element in life. It is family before work, friends and sometimes even marriage. Many Moroccans live with their families before and after marriage. The topic family is a populair topic to talk about. It is normal to inquire about details of family relationships of a person you don't know.
    • The people in the country are in general warm, open and do not have any inhibitions. A guest is a gift from Allah. People are likely to invite you to their homes. 
    • Dine and feed your guests even if you are starving is a proverb. The people are generous and will likely send you home stuffed and full. 

    Habits in Spain

    • Flamengo is the example of exercise in a fun way, while dancing. Joy and sorrow threaten to overwhelm you. The raw passion of flamengo can bring you to another world. Get transformed as well and listen to:
    • Pata Negra, Blues de la fontera (1987)
    • Chambao, Flamenco chill (2002)
    • Every one takes naps, the so called siesta. Shops are closed, people eat with family and friends and take a nap afterwards. The nap has the effect that you can't sleep early, so you work until later in the evening, since you had a siesta. You have dinner later and you sleep later.
    • Mañana mañana is a word from the Spanish language that means tomorrow and morning. This word describes the period of time between midnight and noon. It means it is done sometime tomorrow, which means no stress. Take it easy. Enjoy life and relax when possible.

    Please help me adding

    • Algeria
    • Libya
    • Syria
    • Lebanon
    • Tunisia
    What are typical Scandinavian habits, food customs and remarkable philosophies?

    What are typical Scandinavian habits, food customs and remarkable philosophies?


    Why habits?

    For a while now, I am inspired by all kinds of ways of living... Hence this magazine about Scandanavian Habits. I wish you can add as well. You hear more and more about all kinds of Scandinavian habits. All kind of different habits or way of dealing with life, that are interesting. What do you think?

    Habits in Denmark


    • The danish word Hygge is impossible to translate, same as the dutch word Gezelligheid. What is the difference between Hygge and Gezelligheid, from my point of view? I think Hygge you are. It is a way of life, the way you live your life, instead of a way of making a sort of atmosphere. Gezelligheid can be made or the atmosphere is already with you, and thus as well a part of you. The dutch use the term Gezelligheid more of an atmosphere. It is not a reflection of you. Hygge is a mentality, a part of the danish identity. You will sit cosy at the couch with your thick socks, with a cup of Moon tea, in total harmony with yourself and the surroundings. You are, and you are not making an atmosphere. Not sure if I am right. What do you think?
    • "Hygge is een toestand die je ervaart als je in harmonie bent met jezelf, je echtgenoot, de belastingdienst en je ingewanden". - Tove Ditlevsen

    Habits in Finland

    Jokamiehen oikeudet

    • Jokamiehen oikeudet is common in Finland. They have a concept called ‘Everyman’s rights’, it allows everyone to roam freely in nature, camp, eat and pick berries and mushrooms anywhere in forests. How nice is that? As long as it all causes no damage or disturbance to nature or the landowner. 


    • Sisu is the national character of the people in Finland. It is determination, interior gutts that comes from inside. What else can it be, living in a dark and cold country? Does sisu also apply to where you are from?

    Habits in Iceland

    • Loud Sniffing - Sniffing in Iceland is not unusual, it's considered normal there. Blowing your nose is seen as impolite.
    • Dining etiquette - Talking with your mouth full, reaching out to the other side of the table, on top of someone else’s plate, eating quickly, using toothpicks is considered as normal dining etiquette. Same as obtaining a second without being offered is normal. Leaving the table before everyone is done, and bringing your plate to the kitchen is also normal.
    • Soaking in hotsprings - Icelanders take full advantage of their abundant hot springs. Public pools and hot tubs are a common sight, and soaking naked is a daily social activity for many.
    • Strong Naming Traditions - Icelanders have patronymic surnames, meaning their last name reflects their father's name.You either have the family name with -son or -daughter (dóttir) behind it.

    Habits in Norway


    • Frilufsliv is the concept of an outdoor lifestyle. Rejuvinate in nature. Go on a date in nature. Walk, hike up the mountain, ski before work. Walking on sundays is a common habit. You get the point. 

    Helgefylla, Julebord, Afterski

    • Drinking alcohol in Norway is very expensive. So Norwegians specify the time, when alcohol is being consumed. The specific time in the weekends is known as Helgefylla. During holidays, at a Christmas party is Julebord, or after a day of skiing the so called Afterski. We call it Apresski, the drinking after skiing, but can be every day, we don't go skiing that often.... In Norway when it is alcohol-time, a lot goes down the throat. 


    • Coffee is the popular. Norway has a high number of amount of coffee drunk per person every year. Coffee in the morning, coffee in the afternoon, coffee in the evening. Coffee, coffee and coffee. With or without a cinnamon bun.

    Kos or koselig

    • What is kos? How is it done? It is like hygge, it can be practiced alone or with others. Inside your home or outside your home. In your bed, beside a fire place, on the couch, in a cafe, in the forest, on the beach. Actually anywhere cosy. Add a good book or movie, cookies and a few candles and you are totally koselig.

    Habits in Sweden


    • Have you heard of the ritual Döstädning? It is called death cleaning. Cleaning everything up, before you die, so others won't be hassled with your mess. It is a good way of saying goodbye to things, to share memories and to give away stuff which are important to you to others you love and share the story behind things. 


    • The Swedisch term Fika is having coffee or tea is a phenomena. It is part of life, an important time of day. Hanging out with friends and get to know each other. A common time to fika is 10 am or 3 pm. You can have tea or coffee or even something else. And a cinnamon bun is part of the deal. Different right? For me, a cinnamon bun is a whole meal. In the Netherlands we have cake when it is someones birthday, or eat a cookie together. Homemade cookies are still special, since not everyone has time to bake. What is your take on Fika?

    Fredags mys

    • Friday cosy or fredags mys is a popular concept in Sweden. It is eating comfort food, like pizza and chips. Wow, such a nice concept it is the dutch borrel, might be a little the same?


    • Just read a whole book about the concept of lagom. It is the Swedish way of life. Lagom is a balancing act, it’s a desire for the good doing everything just right. Lagom is an experience, art and a lifestyle. It is the design, interior decoration, architecture and nature.
    World habits, food customs and country philosophies - Theme

    World habits, food customs and country philosophies - Theme


    Habits, customs and philosophies from all around the world

    Table of contents

    • What are habits and customs?
    • What are typical Asian habits, food customs and philosophies in Asia?
    • What are typical European habits, food customs and philosophies in Europe?
    • What are typical Latin habits, food customs and philosophies in South America?
    • What are typical Mediterranean habits, food
    ........Read more


    Sustainable travel abroad: blogs and contributions of WorldSupporters- Bundle

    Sustainable travel abroad: blogs and contributions of WorldSupporters- Bundle

    Eco-Friendliness, Fair Trade and Sustainability

    Eco-Friendliness, Fair Trade and Sustainability


    This is a bundle of my favorite articles that address Eco-Friendliness, Fair Trade and Sustainability

    • Great gift ideas (The one in Dutch is about the store WAAR at various locations in The Netherlands, where you can buy unique Fair Trade goodies!)
    • Stories and tips
    • Recipes (These recipes are vegetarian or vegan friendly and, of course, you can make sure to use organic and fair trade products)
    Slow Travel - A conscious approach to travelling

    Slow Travel - A conscious approach to travelling


    Slow travel is a new term that stands for sustainable and conscious travelling. Nowadays, it's becoming increasingly popular, and not without a reason. But what is slow travelling? What can you do to travel slow? 

    Slow travelling originates from the "Slow movement", a movement in which the idea is to slow down one's life pace. Carl Honoré, a Canadian journalist, wrote the book "In Praise of Slow" about the slow movement. He describes it as 

    "[It is] a cultural revolution against the notion that faster is always better. The Slow philosophy is not about doing everything at a snail's pace. It's about seeking to do everything at the right speed. Savoring the hours and minutes rather than just counting them. Doing everything as well as possible, instead of as fast as possible. It’s about quality over quantity in everything from work to food to parenting"

    The movement can be applied to all aspects of life. Famous examples are the Slow Food and Slow Fashion movement, but there are many more (check out this wikipedia page for example: Slow travel is one of these sub-movements. A quote that came up in my mind relating to this way of travelling is the famous quote "It's not about the destination, it's about the journey". Since travelling around the world is so easy nowadays, I believe that most people focus on the destination and all the places they want to see. I have to admit, I sometimes feel the same way, but from experience I know that staying in one place for a long time suits me much more. 

    So what is slow travel? It's about losing the idea of having to see everything there is to see, it's about accepting that you don't have to see all the highlights, it's about enjoying the place you're visiting, or travelling through, it's about slowing down, enjoying the moment and leaving some room for improvisation. Before and during slow travel, you make conscious choices, in which you think about how you can relax during your trip and how you can connect with and truely experience the country and society you're visiting. By doing this you can give back to the communities you visit, engage with new people and even lower your carbon footprint. 

    When I went to Japan for 2,5 months, I knew I had a lot of time to see many things. However, after a couple of days I realised I was tired of visiting all those places on my list and travelling to a new places every 1-2 days. I was staying in a nice, cosy hostel and rather enjoyed talking to the staff and eating and cooking Japanese food. Eventually I ended up staying there for quite some time, before I left for my next destination. During my whole trip in Japan, so in 2.5 months, I had only visited Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto and Hiroshima. There were so many sights I hadn't seen, but I couldn't be bothered. During this time I made great friends (whom I still am in contact with after 7 years), got to know local culture, spent time with many Japanese people and enjoyed the beautiful landscape. I still feel so happy when I think back to this time, and I never think about the places I haven't seen. 

    Does this sound like something you want to experience? Then let('s) go! Let's leave our busy lifes behind and enjoy something new. There are many ways to travel slow, and of course it can still be combined with going sightseeing and planning your trip. Just take the time to enjoy planning, and maybe not plan everything. Here are some tips to prepare you're slow travels: 

    • Find a place you really want to experience, see, feel. 
    • Take time. Don't rush through a country or continent. You don't have to see everything. Maybe just choose a certain region to visit. 
    • Don't just look at a guidebook. Of course, they will show you the most famous places, but this doesn't mean they are the most beautiful ones. This usually means they are the most crowded ones. Asking locals or simply heading out by yourself might present you with even greater experiences. 
    • Search for a way to travel, in which you will see and experience most of the culture. This is generally a SLOW way of travelling. Airplanes bring you to your destination, but you will not really 'experience' the journey. So good alternatives are by train, hitchhiking, bus, or even cycling or walking. Make the journey fun, and really part of your trip. As a side-effect this is also helping your carbon footprint. 
    • Do things that truely make you happy, and not just things that are on an internet list. So if you don't like cities, don't go to cities. If you like nature, spend some time in a national park. If you love food, take a cooking course, find some special restaurants in the region, or eat at local markets. 
    • (Partly) forget about the usual sights and standard hotels and go off the beaten track. Find special accommodation on AirBnB, try house-sitting, look for local (but nice) hostels, visit the local market, ask a local (also possible on the couchsurfing website) what they think are underrated places in their country/region, etc. Not only will this make your experience more unique, it will also support the local industry, rather than the big businesses at the hotspots. 
    • Take part in local traditions and the local way of living. 
    • Don't make a plan! Leave your place and start walking around. Take a bus and get off wherever you feel like getting off, accept the uncertainty of not always knowing what will happen today. 

    By doing all, or some of these things, you can truely experience slow travelling, and hopefully relax more while really experiencing the local culture. There are also other advantages to slow travelling, I'll mention a couple of these: 

    • It is often cheaper. Staying in one place for a while saves money on travelling and you can find cheap but delicious places to eat. Also, visiting sights other than the touristy ones, will also really reduce your spendings. Furthermore, if you don't make a strict travel plan, you can work around expensive tickets by travelling on the days the prices are lowest. 
    • It is often more sustainable. Travelling different and less can really reduce your footprint on this world. 
    • You'll come back more relaxed. Because you plan less, and look at the time less, you can just do whatever you feel like, whenever you feel like it. No rush! 
    • You'll have a more unique experience. Depending on whether you care about this or not, it can be an advantage of slow travelling. You can experience the local aspects of life, instead of just the tourist hotspots. 
    Slow Travel

    Slow Travel


    When you read the trends and blogs, it is all about Sustainability. Real sustainability, no words but actions!

    I have stumbled over the trend: Slow Travel. 

    It is not because I am old(er).... that I like it. What is Slow Travel? It is what my mom used to say, when I was a child. It is about the trip, being on the way and not about the destination. Take your time, enjoy, stand still, observe, learn, grow and take it easy. It is not about more and it is also not about less. It is about balance and experience. 

    When you are at the start of your travel career, you like to see, or at least I did, as many places as possible. Waterfalls, the road less traveled and mountains, coasts, different coasts, certain cities. As long as you have seen it all and not missed anything. After a couple of waterfalls later, a couple of mountain treks and a lot of beaches, you realize, it is not about the amount of things you see, it is about how you experience a certain place and the people you meet.

    My trendy travel is definitely slow. Especially after covid and all the requirements needed to enter a certain country. I am taking time, to see and experience everything in the same country. In a slow way, no rush, with time to talk to people and to take time to meet locals. It is definitely a more balanced way of traveling. It is a state of mind, a low impact way of travel. And slow travel, brings slow living and I believe at the end, happiness and understanding. 

    Travelling sustainably and ethically: tips & tricks

    Travelling sustainably and ethically: tips & tricks


    Hey everyone, 

    Today I want to talk about travelling sustainably and ethically, since I think these are two of the most important things if you want to keep travelling and enjoying cultures/natures. 

    So much can be learnt through travelling. It is meaningful and wonderful and gives us the opportunity to explore other ways of thinking, other cultures, other perspectives on things and not to mention a great variety of beautiful ecosystems. It is easy to assume that the way we do things here is the right way, that how we live, is how it should be, but travelling can totally mess this idea up, in a good way :). However, tourism can also put great stress on other cultures and ecosystems. Whole societies can change and disappear if tourism is performed in an unsustainable way. In this day and age in which travelling is so popular, easy and cheap, it is therefore very important to travel sustainably to sustain a place and its character. 

    So what makes travelling sustainable? Many ideas and opinions exist about this, but I think it comes down to focussing on these things: respect, ethics, eco-tourism. Again, these terms can be interpreted in multiple ways of course haha. 

    Respect is one of the main things if you want to be accepted into a culture, but also preserve a culture. Respect begins with researching the country you're visiting. This means looking into the culture, the rules, the unwritten rules and sometimes even the language if you're up for it. Getting to know a culture before you see it (by reading, watching movies/documentaries, researching the internet) can already increase your respect for it. Even though you might already think you are respectful, understanding exactly what and why will help you to act on it even better! And, it's also great fun to know so much about a culture. You can talk to local people about it, or explain things to other tourists which in turn helps them to travel more sustainably as well. 

    Being respectful and being ethical has a lot in common. However, being ethical to me means that you are aware of what you do and how you do it, and that you really try to limit any negative impact you can have on cultures/environments. This means that for everything you decide to do, you do some research on how, why, where and by whom. So if you want to visit a local village for example, how is the trip conducted, what are the real reasons behind the trip (making money or supporting the local industry?), where are you going (what kind of village is it? Are they real local places, or are they places set up for tourism and making money?) and who is conducting the tour (is it local, what do they spend the profit on? etc). Of course, some of these things are really difficult to find out, but by trying to dig deeper than just booking the first cheap option, you might really have a positive impact on local cultures and help in preserving them. The same can be important for animal/wildlife shelters. 

    Ecotourism, a term defined by the World Conservation Union as "Environmentally responsible travel to natural areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature (and accompanying cultural features, both past and present) that promote conservation, have a low visitor impact and provide for beneficially active socio-economic involvement of local peoples." As you can read In ecotourism a big part of the money made by tourism is usually put into conservation practices, like tree planting, preserving lands or helping animals. This goes hand-in-hand with cultural conservation. It's all about minimising your impact on the environment and being aware of what you can do (through tourism) to preserve the country you're visiting. Again, you can do research on the impacts of certain things you want to do. You can also find out which place you should and shouldn't visit by reading reviews for example. For example in Thailand, elephant riding can be a very popular activity for tourists, but it is terrible for the elephants. If you do want to see an elephant though, or maybe even be super close to one, you can visit an animal/elephant shelter where the elephants live that were rescued from these terrible circumstances. Often, you can also volunteer at these places which helps them in taking care of the animals and sheltering more animals. 

    If you want to know more about eco-tourism, check out this page for example:

    Well, I think it's all about pre-reading, which is also a fun way to prepare for your travels. Learning about a country can help you in making sustainable decicions. Travel in a local way, eat in a local way and sleep locally, this can all help in preserving nature, food and whole cultures. If you have more suggestions, let me know! Good luck with planning your sustainable travels :). 





    Teach your way around the world: blogs and contributions - Bundle

    Teach your way around the world: blogs and contributions - Bundle

    Find someone who - Language teaching material

    Find someone who - Language teaching material

    teacher in class of students

    Education Category: Language
    Ages: 4-8, 8-12, 12-16

    A way for students to get to know each other in a new setting is to let them find someone who has had a specific experience. The students will ask each other predetermined questions, such as:

    'Look for someone who has...'

    • visited another country
    • played in a band
    • met someone famous

    Think about how many questions you want the students to ask each other. Think about the instructions you'll give about answering the questions, and about the questions which are culturally accepted in the country where you are teaching.

    Teaching English without Teaching English: TEDxTalk

    Teaching English without Teaching English: TEDxTalk

    Teaching English to students who's first language is not English can be quite difficult. They may be able to answer certain questions and do well on tests about the topics that they had to learn. However, when it comes to having a regular conversation with your students or asking about something outside of their learning area, students usually have great difficulty with answering questions. In this TEDx video, Robert Guzman, a full professor at the University of Puerto Rico, explains his teaching method that he calls "teaching English without teaching English". It is a very interesting video to watch,

    ...Read more
    Teaching English Abroad - Does age matter?

    Teaching English Abroad - Does age matter?

    Teaching English is a popular way to work abroad for a few months or even years. Although some cities are crowded with English teachers, more provincial areas still have many who are looking to improve their English.

    There are always many interesting questions involved, such as one today. A woman asked if age mattered when looking for a teaching job abroad. Although you can travel (and work) at any age - and it's probably more about your mindset than anything else.. Still in some countries of for some organizations it will be a deal breaker if you are over 60...

    Hopefully for those of you who are looking for opportunities to go abroad after retiring and looking for a teaching job > this interview with Donna who teaches English and travels the world at age 68 is inspiring!

    Turning tables: learning from students while teaching English abroad

    Turning tables: learning from students while teaching English abroad


    Recently I read a nice blog written by "TEFL" teacher Ashley Sheets. Ashley, or Miss Sheets, shows that teaching a (foreign) language abroad also is about learning the other way around. Learning about working and living in other cultures, acquiring new competencies, getting insights in other ways of living, etc.

    /// Ashley's blog ///

    Turning Tables

    Miss Ashley, Miss Sheets, Ashley teacher.....I get called a lot of things. I’ve taught English as a second or foreign language in quite a few different countries over the past seven years, and my work in international schools has given me access to students from more countries than I can remember. And these students have all had different names for me. In South Korea it was Ashley teacher (usually pronounced “Ash-uh-lee teach-uh!” by the little ones in my kindergarten class). In the sweltering Marshall Islands it was Miss Ashley. My Somali students referred to me simply, respectfully, as “Miss”. 

    Being in a room full of rambunctious 5 year old Koreans, all speaking their mother tongue and running amuck with the level of energy that is generally afforded to those of their age, was never something I expected in life. Nor did I ever expect to spend a year of my life teaching largely uninspired but utterly delightful island kids on a tiny piece of land the size of a football field (the same kids who couldn’t stand grammar lessons, but serenaded me with ukulele singalongs and shared their ramen/kool-aid mixtures with me). It just goes to show that if anything can be said about teaching English abroad, it’s that it is never, ever, dull! 

    For everything that I have ever helped a students to learn, they have taught me something in return. Regardless of age - child, teenager, adult - they all have something to teach me, and I could not possibly have chosen a profession that had more life lessons in store for me. Sometimes these lessons have been wonderful, sometimes difficult, sometimes life-affirming. When I lived in other countries and taught in their schools, I was a complete and total outsider, doing my best to swim against the current and offer up my students all the English that they could absorb during the short time they had with me. But outside of those classrooms, I was utterly immersed in learning as much as I could about the language and culture that enveloped me almost completely. I was a tiny foreign fish in a very large pond, and I always felt that way.

    But teaching in English speaking countries, specifically in America and in the UK, has been a different experience altogether. Helping my little fish in the big pond that I call home, where I can speak and understand the language inside and outside of school, creates a completely different atmosphere for learning, and adds a sense of urgency for these students that just want to communicate with the world they find themselves living in. 

    One of my very first teaching experiences is still, to my mind, one of the most rewarding I’ve had. In my hometown in Ohio, there exists a huge population of Somali refugees that have permanently emigrated to the USA. Years ago, I served as a teaching assistant in a class of only Somali woman, friends and neighbors all and ranging in age from 16 - 80, with very little English knowledge among them. These women needed the language, not just to move toward some goal of “assimilation”, or for a big test; but to find jobs and help their children in school, to fight with their aggressive landlords, and run their small businesses. 

    It was the purest form of language learning, and many of the women didn’t even know how to hold a pencil. My oldest student was nearly 80-although she couldn’t confirm it, as she had no way to be entirely sure of the date and year of her birth. With a wide, toothless grin she came to class every evening and, along with her classmates, helped me realize that I couldn’t really see myself doing anything else but helping people just like her learn my language, if that’s what they wanted or needed to do. 

    Now I teach in a school with a huge mix of students from countries around the world. Every day, we come together, and we teach each other. I refuse to think that they are the only ones learning anything, and hopefully they are learning as much from me as I do from them. So Ashley teacher it is. Or Miss Ashley. Miss Sheets works too. But what the students call me isn’t as important as what we continue to learn from each other. We’ve got a nice thing going.


    Share your experiences

    • In what way -and about what- did you learn yourself while teaching abroad? Share your experiences by posting a comment, or write a blog yourself.

    Read more

    • Thinking about Teaching English Abroad? Read more about the online and weekend TEFL course and increase your chances of finding a job abroad with an internationally recognised TEFL certificate.
    • Read Ashley's blog
    Backpacken en reizen - Thema


    Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
    How to stay healthy when you are backpacking, living, studying, traveling or working abroad?

    How to stay healthy when you are backpacking, living, studying, traveling or working abroad?


    What are the main remarks about staying healthy abroad?

    • Staying healthy during your trip to a foreign country is very important. For each trip you need to think what kind of medicine you have to bring and which extra measures you have to take to stay healthy.
    • Vaccines are not perfect. New vaccines are constantly being released but diseases continue to evolve
    • Some vaccines require a long period to take effect, but it is never too late to vaccinate
    • Health risks within a country can vary from locality to locality and local authorities may be slow to announce outbreaks of disease
    • Common infections contracted by travelers include those which follow contaminated food or water. Find out whether tap water and local food is safe to consume before you depart
    • There are a number of mosquito-born illnesses you can contract while overseas particularly in tropical areas. Be sure to take measures to avoid being bitten such as wearing light colored, loose fitting clothing that covers your arms and legs, regularly applying an appropriate insect repellent and staying in mosquito proof accommodation.
    • Travel websites, such as Lonely planet or Footprint, have useful health information as well.

    How can you plan and organize that you stay healthy abroad?

    • The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that all travelers should be covered from diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella and polio, as well as Hepatitis B, regardless of their destination. Since most vaccines don’t produce immunity until a couple of weeks after they’re given, it is advised to visit a physician a couple of weeks before you travel.
    • Make an appointment with your doctor or travel clinic to have a basic check-up and find out if any vaccinations or health checks are required at least 6-12 weeks before you depart.
    • Not all travelers to countries where there is a potential risk of infection need to be vaccinated but it is important that you discuss your personal travel plans with a doctor so they can determine the correct vaccinations for your trip.

    How can you travel with medicine?

    • Before leaving home, you should check that your medications are legal in the country you are visiting. You can do this by contacting the country’s embassy or high commission or by looking at official websites.
    • Since the National Health Act was amended in 1999, it is an offense to carry or post Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) medicines overseas unless they are for your personal use, or the use of someone traveling with you.
    • There are restrictions on the amount of PBS medicine that can be carried or sent overseas. When planning to travel overseas with PBS medicine it is important that you:
    • Talk to your doctor and discuss the medicine you will need to take (if you need to take any medicine at all).
    • Carry a letter from your doctor detailing what the medicine is, how much you will be taking, and stating that it is for your own personal use.
    • Leave the medicine in its original packaging so it is clearly labeled with your name and dosage instructions.
    • If you intend to travel with large quantities of medicine, including over-the-counter or private prescription medications, you should ask your doctor, dentist or pharmacist to provide you with a letter explaining why you need to carry such quantities.
    • If you have to inject your medication it might be preferable to carry your own needles and syringes but you should check with the embassy or consulate of the country you are visiting to make sure that this is acceptable. If you buy needles and syringes while overseas, be sure that you buy packs that are sealed and sterile. If you need to carry needles and syringes with you on the plane, inform your airline before you travel and if necessary, arrange a letter from your doctor explaining why you need to carry them.
    • It is important to be aware that some items purchased overseas may be packaged under a different brand name to those of the country of your destination. Keep an eye on the strength and active ingredients of similar-sounding medications overseas, they can vary.


    Surviving disasters abroad: main content and contributions

    Surviving disasters abroad: main content and contributions

    what should you do during a volcano eruption, and how dangerous is climbing an active volcano?

    what should you do during a volcano eruption, and how dangerous is climbing an active volcano?


    In which countries do volcanic eruptions occur?

    • Most volcanoes lie on fault lines where tectonic plates meet. These areas with active volcanoes are usually also places with an increased risk of earthquakes
    • The other volcanoes are located in so-called 'hotspots'; this type of volcano can for example be found in Iceland, Hawaii, Ethiopia and Reunion.
    • The largest numbers of active volcanoes are found in Indonesia, Japan, Papua New Guinea, the east coast of the US, Ecuador and Chile.
    • Active volcanoes attract many visitors every year who want to see, feel and smell, sometimes up close, what a volcano actually is. Popular volcanoes to visit include: Kīlauea (Hawaii), Etna (Italy), Merapi (Indonesia), Villarica (Chile), Cotopaxi (Ecuador), Volcán de Fuego (Guatemala) and Aso (Japan)

    How can you prepare for a possible volcanic eruption?

    • Volcanic eruptions, especially large ones, can now be predicted quite well by volcanologists
    • The dangers and frequency of eruptions vary by volcano type, year and location
    • The authorities involved usually have extensive evacuation plans in place and also a warning system for residents
    • When you visit an area with an active volcano, you can obtain information locally about these plans and systems

    What are the dangers of a volcanic eruption?

    There are major differences between one volcanic eruption and another. Although lava can look spectacular, it is certainly not the biggest danger during an eruption

    • Flying, red-hot rocks and steam: Small eruptions can sometimes eject red-hot material and steam from the crater at high speed. These types of explosions are especially dangerous if you are on the volcano itself.
    • Lava flows: The speed of a lava flow can vary between extremely slow and as much as 150 km/h. The hotter the lava, the faster it flows, but there are also various geological aspects that determine whether the lava from a particular volcano will flow quickly or less quickly
    • Pyroclastic flow: when an eruption column collapses during an eruption, a devastating pyroclastic flow or 'flare cloud' is created. In fact, the plume of hot ash and rocks rolls down like an avalanche at up to 90 mph. This current is hotter than 100 degrees and destroys everything in its path.
    • Lahar: A lahar is a mudflow of volcanic material, especially volcanic ash. Lahars are formed when ash and pumice stone, from the volcanic eruption, mixes with rainwater or meltwater. A lahar does not necessarily form on a volcano, if enough ash lands on, for example, a distant mountain, a lahar can also form there due to the weight of the ash.
    • Ash rain: All the ash, grit and stones that are shot into the air in a large plume during an eruption, come down again at a certain point, this phenomenon is called an ash rain. The greater the amount of ash, the more nuisance it causes, such as impassable roads and roof collapses.
    • Tsunamis: Some of the volcanoes on the coast or in the sea can cause a tsunami during an eruption.

    What can you do if you are caught in a volcanic eruption?

    • Because (large) volcanic eruptions are fairly predictable, it is especially important to follow instructions from local authorities when an eruption is imminent or has occurred.
    • When you are on a volcano during an eruption, there is really little you can do. Try to get away from the volcano as some volcanoes can erupt several times in a row
    • Volcano dust will fall in the wider area around the eruption, cover your mouth and nose to protect your lungs.
    • Also try to protect your eyes as much as possible against the sharp ash particles.

    Are you insured for the consequences of a volcanic eruption?

    • Climbing a volcano under the supervision of professional guides will often be covered by your travel insurance.
    • Travel insurance generally does not provide cover if negative travel advice is in force. Only specialized travel insurance for long or special stays abroad can provide a solution here.
    • In the event of an unforeseen volcanic eruption, you are generally insured
    What should you do during an earthquake, in which countries do they occur, and how dangerous are earthquakes

    What should you do during an earthquake, in which countries do they occur, and how dangerous are earthquakes

    earthquake house

    In which countries do earthquakes occur frequently?

    • An earthquake cannot be predicted (well), but in certain countries and areas you are much more likely to experience an earthquake
    • In Indonesia and Mexico you have more than 2000 every year! earthquakes
    • In addition to well-known earthquake countries such as Japan and Chile, Guatemala, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and Peru are also annually in the top ten of earthquakes per country

    How can you prepare for an earthquake?

    •  Check in advance whether your country of residence or residence has an official website with reliable information about natural disasters.
    •  Know the earthquake hazards in the area
    •  Consider the structural integrity of the home
    •  Place furniture and appliances so that they will not fall over if the ground shakes violently
    •  Have an emergency bag/kit for each member of the family
    •  Participate in earthquake drills provided by your employer, educational institution or local government

    What to do during an earthquake?

    •  Stay calm, don't panic
    •  Stay indoors if you are already in a structurally sound building or home
    •  If possible, quickly open a door to go outside
    •  Duck under a sturdy desk or table and hold on to it, or protect your head with your arms
    •  Stay away from windows, shelves, cabinets and other heavy objects
    •  Watch out for falling objects. Be alert and keep your eyes open
    •  If you're outside, go to an open space
    •  Stay away from trees, power lines, poles and concrete structures
    •  Move away from steep slopes that could be affected by landslides
    •  If you are close to the coast and feel an earthquake, especially a strong one, quickly move to higher ground to watch for possible tsunamis
    •  If you are in a moving vehicle, stop and get out. Try not to go over bridges, viaducts and viaducts that may be damaged, avoid tunnels

    What to do after the earthquake

    •  After the earthquake: take the quickest and safest way out of the building
    •  Do not use elevators, enter damaged buildings, or use telephones unless necessary
    What should you do in a hurricane, typhoon or cyclone, and how dangerous are strong winds?

    What should you do in a hurricane, typhoon or cyclone, and how dangerous are strong winds?

    cyclone hurricane cloud

    What are the travel destinations with the most hurricanes, typhoons and tropical cyclones, and when is the hurricane season?

    Note: storms don't care much about storm seasons, they can occur earlier or later depending on annual climate variations (and accompanying water temperatures). Climate change makes predicting these extreme storms also more difficult

    • Caribbean: Hurricane season: June 1 - November 30, with most storms forming in September and October. Islands of Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Cuba and Dominican republic are more likely to be struck than Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao
    • United States (including Hawaii): Hurricane Season: June 1 - November 30
    • Mexico: Hurricane Season: May 15 - November (East Pacific) or June 1 - November 30 (Atlantic/Caribbean)
    • Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, China: Typhoon season: Year Round
    • Philippines: Typhoon season: Year Round, peaking in May to November
    • Australia: Cyclone season: November to April
    • Madagascar: Cyclone season: November 15 - April 30, with peak activity in February

    Check beforehand whether your country of residence has an official site with reliable information in regards to natural disasters.

    • are hurricanes, typhoons or cyclones common in your country of living?
    • in which months is the highest activity of typhoons?
    • what are the most common areas impacted?

    What should you do before a hurricane, typhoon or tropical cyclone?

    1. When booking a visit to a hurricane destination during storm season be aware of the risks, accommodation might be cheap, but it comes with a prize
    2. Inspect your house for possible repairs (esp. roof).
    3. Clean drainage to avoid clogging.
    4. Store supplies; food, water, flashlight, batteries, and medical supplies. Canned goods are ideal for food.
    5. When living in a hazard prone or risk area, you should evacuate as early as possible.
    6. Keep up-to-date with the weather forecast (radio/tv/internet).
    7. When living in a flood prone area, move electric appliances to safe, high-up areas.

    What should you do during a hurricane, typhoon or tropical cyclone?

    1. Stay inside and stay calm. Avoid travel.
    2. Keep up-to-date with the weather forecast (radio/TV/internet).
    3. Don't operate electric appliances during flood.
    4. Avoid wading through flooded areas to avoid water-transmitted diseases.
    5. Close the windows and turn off the main power switch.
    6. Avoid the way leading to or along the river.

    What should you do after the storm struck?

    1. Keep up-to-date with the weather forecast (radio/tv/internet).
    2. If your house was damaged, make sure that it is already safe and stable when you enter.
    3. Watch out for live wires or outlet immersed in water.
    4. Boil water before drinking it to avoid diseases.
    5. Do not let water accumulate in tires, cans or pots to avoid creating a favorable condition for mosquito breeding that can cause dengue.

    What are cyclones, hurricanes, tornadoes, tropical storms and typhoons, and what's the difference?

    • Hurricanes, tropical storms and typhoons are forms of a tropical cyclone. They are extreme storms that arise above the sea in tropical areas, and are characterized by rare strong winds, very hard rain and sometimes a lot of damage. They often last several days to sometimes one or two weeks. Tropical cyclones can be up to 1000 km wide, and move depending on local weather conditions
    • A tropical storm is the weakest form of a cyclone.
    • The words hurricane, cyclone and typhoon mean the same thing but are used depending on where the storm originates. Above the Atlantic Ocean and the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean in the Northern Hemisphere we speak of hurricanes. Above the western half of the Pacific Ocean in the Northern Hemisphere we speak of a typhoon. Above the Indian Ocean and in the Bay of Bengal we speak of a Cyclone.
    • A tornado is a rapidly rotating column of air at the bottom of a thundercloud. A tornado is no wider than 3 km and lasts less long than a cyclone. This column of air is often visible as a trunk because water vapor condenses into clouds. A tornado also often becomes visible because it causes damage and you therefore see objects, such as sand, leaves and branches, flying through the air.
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