Clinical and health psychology


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Clinical and health psychology


Clinical and health psychology


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What is clinical psychology?

What is clinical psychology?

Clinical psychology delves into the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. It's a branch of psychology focused on helping individuals cope with a wide range of challenges that impact their well-being and daily functioning.

What are the main features of clinical psychology?

  • Clinical Focus: Clinical psychologists work directly with clients to understand their mental health concerns and develop evidence-based interventions to address them.
  • Scientific Foundation: Clinical practice relies heavily on scientific research and psychological theories to diagnose and treat mental health disorders effectively.
  • Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, is a core intervention used by clinical psychologists to help clients understand their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and develop coping skills.
  • Diversity: Clinical psychologists work with people from all walks of life, addressing a broad spectrum of mental health concerns across different age groups and cultural backgrounds.

What are important sub-areas in clinical psychology?

  • Adult Clinical Psychology: Focuses on mental health issues affecting adults, such as anxiety disorders, depression, personality disorders, and relationship problems.
  • Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology: Deals with mental and emotional challenges faced by children and adolescents, including ADHD, learning disabilities, and behavioral disorders.
  • Neuropsychology: Applies knowledge of the brain-behavior relationship to assess and treat cognitive impairments resulting from brain injury or illness.
  • Forensic Psychology: Applies psychological principles to legal issues, such as conducting competency evaluations or assessing risk of violence.
  • Health Psychology: Examines the psychological factors that influence physical health and illness, and promotes health behaviors.
  • Social Psychology: Explores how social interactions and cultural factors influence mental health and well-being.

What are key concepts in clinical psychology?

  • Mental Disorders: Patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that cause significant distress or impairment in functioning.
  • Psychotherapy Approaches: Different modalities of therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic therapy, and interpersonal therapy, tailored to specific needs.
  • Diagnosis and Assessment: Using standardized tests, clinical interviews, and observations to identify mental health disorders.
  • Evidence-Based Practice: Grounding interventions in research findings to ensure their effectiveness and safety.
  • Cultural Competence: Providing culturally sensitive care that considers the client's background and values.
  • Ethical Principles: Upholding ethical codes of conduct during clinical practice to protect client confidentiality and well-being.

Who are influential figures in clinical psychology?

  • Sigmund Freud (Psychoanalyst): Pioneered psychoanalysis, a form of psychodynamic therapy, greatly influencing modern psychology.
  • Carl Jung (Psychoanalyst): Developed the concept of the collective unconscious and analytical psychology.
  • Aaron Beck (Psychiatrist): A pioneer in cognitive therapy, revolutionizing the understanding of depression and anxiety.
  • Albert Ellis (Psychotherapist): Developed rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), emphasizing the role of beliefs in shaping emotions and behaviors.
  • B.F. Skinner (Psychologist): Pioneered behaviorism and its application in therapy through operant conditioning.

Why is clinical psychology important?

  • Improved Mental Health: Clinical psychology offers effective tools to manage mental health disorders, reducing suffering and improving overall well-being.
  • Promoting Mental Wellness: Clinicians help individuals develop coping skills, improve resilience, and enhance their mental well-being.
  • Social and Emotional Learning: Clinical psychologists can contribute to educational settings, promoting social more
What is health psychology?

What is health psychology?

Health psychology delves into the fascinating interplay between psychological, behavioral, and social factors that influence our physical health and well-being. It focuses on understanding how our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors can impact our susceptibility to illness, our experience of illness, and our efforts to maintain or improve our health.

What are the main features of health psychology?

  • Biopsychosocial Approach: Health psychology adopts a holistic view, considering biological, psychological, and social factors influencing health.
  • Prevention and Intervention: It emphasizes preventive measures to promote health behaviors and healthy lifestyles, while also developing interventions to manage existing health conditions.
  • Promoting Health Behaviors: This field focuses on understanding and modifying health behaviors such as diet, exercise, sleep, and substance use.
  • Stress Management: Health psychologists explore the impact of stress on health and develop strategies for stress management to promote overall well-being.

What are importants sub-areas in health psychology?

  • Behavioral Medicine: Applies behavioral principles to prevent, diagnose, and treat medical conditions.
  • Adherence and Health Promotion: Focuses on improving patients' adherence to treatment plans and promoting healthy behaviors.
  • Psychological Aspects of Chronic Illness: Examines the psychological impact of chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or cancer, and helps patients cope with them.
  • Pain Management: Studies the psychological factors associated with chronic pain and develops strategies for pain management.
  • Psychoneuroimmunology: Investigates the interaction between the nervous system, immune system, and behavior, exploring how psychological factors influence physical health.

What are key concepts in health psychology?

  • Biopsychosocial Model of Health: Views health as influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors.
  • Health Behavior Change: Understanding the factors that influence our health behaviors and developing strategies to promote positive changes.
  • Stress and Coping: Examining the impact of stress on physical and mental health, and exploring effective coping mechanisms.
  • Patient Adherence: Promoting patients' adherence to treatment plans for optimal health outcomes.
  • Prevention and Health Promotion: Encouraging healthy lifestyles and behaviors to prevent illness and maintain well-being.

Who are influential figures in health psychology?

  • Kelly McGonigal (Health Psychologist): Known for her work on the mind-body connection and the positive effects of stress.
  • Lisa Feldman Barrett (Neuroscientist): Pioneered research on emotions and their influence on health outcomes.
  • Steven Pinkerton (Health Psychologist): Contributed significantly to the understanding of the placebo effect and its implications for health.
  • Irwin Kirsch (Psychologist): Conducted influential research on the power of expectation in healing and pain management.
  • Joseph Wolpe (Psychologist): Pioneered systematic desensitization, a powerful technique for treating anxiety disorders.

Why is health psychology important?

  • Improving Health Outcomes: Health psychology interventions can significantly improve health outcomes by promoting healthy behaviors and adherence to treatment plans.
  • Chronic Disease Management: It helps individuals with chronic illnesses cope with their condition, manage stress, and improve their quality of life.
  • Preventative Care: This field emphasizes preventative measures, promoting healthy lifestyles and reducing the risk of illness.
  • Understanding Patient Behavior: Health psychology provides valuable insights into patient behavior, facilitating better communication and collaboration between healthcare professionals and patients.
  • Empowering Individuals: It empowers individuals to take charge of more
Clinical and health psychology: The best textbooks summarized

Clinical and health psychology: The best textbooks summarized

Summaries and study assistance Clinical and health psychology

Table of content

  • Positive psychology, stress and health: the best textbooks summarized
  • Psychodiagnostics and psychological communication: the best textbooks summarized
  • Psychopathology and abnormal behavior: The best textbooks summarized
  • Psychotherapy and treatment: the best textbooks summarized

About Clinical and health psychology

  • Clinical psychology focuses on diagnosing and treating mental disorders. Health psychology explores the link between mind and body, aiming to promote well-being and manage illness.
Clinical and health psychology: the best scientific articles summarized

Clinical and health psychology: the best scientific articles summarized

Study guide with articles for Clinical and health psychology

Summaries and study assistance with Clinical and health psychology

  • for 50+ summaries with articles regarding positive psychology, stress, health, psychological communication, psychodiagnostics and psychotherapy, see the supporting content of this study guide

Related summaries and study assistance

Clinical and health psychology: The best concepts summarized

Clinical and health psychology: The best concepts summarized

Clinical and health psychology: The best concepts summarized

Table of contents

  • Clinical psychology
  • Health psychology
  • Gender minority stress model
  • Self-esteem
  • Self-concept clarity
  • Personal identity
  • Cultural identity
  • Psychological communication
  • Psychodiagnostics


Latest blogs, jobs, projects, organizations, and tips tagged with: Clinical and health psychology

Wat is de indicatieanalyse?

De indicatieanalyse, het sluitstuk van de diagnostische cyclus, vormt de brug tussen diagnose en concrete hulpverlening. In deze fase wordt op basis van de verzamelde informatie uit de voorgaande stappen (klachtenanalyse, probleemanalyse en verklaringsanalyse) een passende indicatie gesteld voor de benodigde zorg of ondersteuning.

Wat zijn de belangrijke kenmerken van de indicatieanalyse?

  • Afstemming hulp bij diagnose: De indicatieanalyse koppelt de vastgestelde diagnose aan de meest passende behandelvormen, therapieën of ondersteuningsmogelijkheden.
  • Doelgericht plan: Er wordt een concreet en doelgericht plan opgesteld met SMART-doelen, interventies en de beoogde uitkomsten van de hulpverlening.
  • Afstemming met cliënt: De cliënt wordt actief betrokken bij de indicatieanalyse, zodat de zorgvraag en hulpverlening zo goed mogelijk aansluiten bij de wensen, behoeften en mogelijkheden van de cliënt.

Waarom is de indicatieanalyse belangrijk?

  • Effectieve hulpverlening: Door de juiste indicatie te stellen, wordt voorkomen dat cliënten onnodige of inefficiënte zorg ontvangen. Dit bevordert de doelmatigheid van de
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Wat is de verklaringsanalyse?

De verklaringsanalyse, ook wel het derde stadium van de diagnostische cyclus genoemd, is een cruciale stap in het ontrafelen van de complexe puzzel die een cliënt's problematiek vormt. In deze fase worden de hypothesen uit de probleemanalyse getoetst en verfijnd om te komen tot een sluitende verklaring van de oorzaken en in stand houdende factoren van de klachten.

Wat zijn de belangrijke kenmerken van de verklaringsanalyse?

  • Toetsing van hypothesen: De verzamelde informatie en opgestelde hypothesen uit de probleemanalyse worden getoetst aan de hand van verschillende methoden, zoals observaties, tests, gesprekken en vragenlijsten.
  • Integratie van bevindingen: Alle relevante informatiebronnen worden samengebracht en geïntegreerd om een samenhangend beeld te vormen van de problematiek.
  • Vorming van een verklarende hypothese: Op basis van de getoetste hypothesen en geïntegreerde bevindingen formuleert de hulpverlener een verklarende hypothese die de oorzaken en achtergronden van de klachten zo nauwkeurig mogelijk beschrijft.

Waarom is de verklaringsanalyse belangrijk?

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Wat is de probleemanalyse?

De probleemanalyse, ook wel het tweede stadium van de diagnostische cyclus genoemd, is een verdiepende stap in het zorgtraject. Waar de klachtenanalyse zich richt op het identificeren en begrijpen van de klachten, gaat de probleemanalyse een stap verder door de oorzaken en achtergronden van de problematiek te ontrafelen.

Wat zijn de belangrijke kenmerken van de probleemanalyse?

  • Verkennend: De hulpverlener verzamelt diepgaande informatie over de cliënt, diens omgeving, ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis en biopsychosociale context.
  • Hypothesevorming: Op basis van de verzamelde informatie formuleert de hulpverlener hypothesen over de mogelijke oorzaken en in stand houdende factoren van de problematiek.
  • Multidisciplinaire benadering: In complexe problematiek kan de hulpverlener samenwerken met andere professionals, zoals pedagogen, psychiaters of neurologen, om een compleet beeld te krijgen.

Waarom is de probleemanalyse belangrijk?

  • Juiste diagnose en behandeling: Een diepgaand begrip van de problematiek is essentieel voor het stellen van een nauwkeurige diagnose en het ontwikkelen van een passend
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Wat is de klachtenanalyse?

De klachtenanalyse, ook wel het eerste stadium van de diagnostische cyclus genoemd, is een cruciaal onderdeel van het zorgtraject. Het doel is om de klachten van de cliënt in kaart te brengen, te begrijpen en te verhelderen.

Wat zijn de belangrijke kenmerken van de klachtenanalyse?

  • Actief luisteren: De hulpverlener luistert aandachtig naar de cliënt en stelt open vragen om de klachten te preciseren en de context te begrijpen.
  • Vragenlijsten en observaties: Naast het gesprek kunnen vragenlijsten en observaties worden ingezet om objectieve informatie te verzamelen over de klachten en de beleving van de cliënt.
  • Samenwerking: De klachtenanalyse is een gezamenlijk proces waarbij de cliënt en de hulpverlener samenwerken om de klachten te begrijpen en tot een hulpvraag te komen.

Waarom is de klachtenanalyse belangrijk?

  • Juiste diagnose: Een heldere klachtenanalyse vormt de basis voor een correcte diagnose en een passend behandelplan.
  • Cliëntgerichtheid: Door de cliënt actief te betrekken,
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Wat is REM-slaap?

REM-slaap, of Rapid Eye Movement slaap, is een fascinerende fase in onze slaapcyclus die gekenmerkt wordt door intense hersenactiviteit, levendige dromen en snelle oogbewegingen.

Wat zijn de belangrijke kenmerken van REM-slaap?

  • Snelle oogbewegingen: De naam zegt het al, tijdens REM-slaap bewegen je ogen razendsnel heen en weer achter gesloten oogleden.
  • Droomparadijs: REM-slaap is de bakermat van de meeste dromen. De intense hersenactiviteit in deze fase creëert de bizarre en emotionele ervaringen die we als dromen kennen.
  • Gespannen stilte: Ondanks de drukte in je brein, zijn je spieren tijdens REM-slaap verlamd. Dit fenomeen, genaamd slaapapneu, voorkomt dat je je dromen uitbeeldt in realiteit.
  • Onregelmatige signalen: REM-slaap brengt onregelmatige ademhaling, hartritme en bloeddruk met zich mee.

Waarom is REM-slaap zo belangrijk?

  • Emotionele verwerking: REM-slaap speelt een cruciale rol in de emotionele verwerking en regulatie. Het helpt ons om stressvolle of traumatische ervaringen te verwerken en onze emoties in
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Studiegids met flashcards en definities bij Grondslagen van de Klinische Psychologie aan de Universiteit Utrecht

Flashcards en definities bij Grondslagen van de Klinische Psychologie

Online flashcards bij Grondslagen van de Klinische Psychologie

  • Availability bias
  • Confirmation bias
  • Transdiagnostische benadering
  • Evidence based working
  • Meta-analyse
  • Systematic reviews
  • Randomized controlled studies
  • Quasi-experimental studies
  • Cohort studies
  • Case-control studies
  • Case reports
  • Placebo-effect
  • Diagnostische cyclus
  • Klachtenanalyse
  • Probleemanalyse
  • Verklaringsanalyse
  • Indicatieanalyse
  • REM-slaap
  • Insomnie
  • Nachtmerriestoornis
  • Night terrors
  • One size fits all protocol
  • My size fits me protocol
  • Zelfdeterminatietheorie
  • Positieve psychologie
  • Hedonistisch welbevinden
  • Eudaimonisch welbevinden
  • Welbevinden therapie
  • Single-component positiefpsychologische interventie
  • Multi-component positiefpsychologische interventie
  • Neurobiologie
  • Leertheorie
  • Cognitie als wetenschapsgebied
  • Humanisme
  • Psycho-analyse
  • Antipsychiatrie
  • Mindfullness
  • Metacognitieve therapie
  • Voor flashcards en definities, zie de supporting content van deze studiegids

Wat is availability bias?

De beschikbaarheidsheuristiek is een mentale shortcut die we onbewust gebruiken om de waarschijnlijkheid van een gebeurtenis in te schatten. We baseren onze inschatting op hoe gemakkelijk we voorbeelden van die gebeurtenis voor de geest kunnen halen. Hoe makkelijker iets in ons geheugen zit, hoe waarschijnlijker we denken dat het is.

Wat zijn de belangrijkste kenmerken van availability bias?

  • Snel en efficiënt: De heuristiek helpt ons om snelle beslissingen te nemen, zonder alle details te hoeven overwegen.
  • Onbewust: We zijn ons er meestal niet van bewust dat we de heuristiek gebruiken.
  • Gevoelig voor fouten: De heuristiek kan leiden tot foute oordelen, omdat we andere relevante informatie negeren.

Waarom is availability bias belangrijk?

De beschikbaarheidsheuristiek is een normaal onderdeel van de menselijke cognitie. Het helpt ons om in een complexe wereld te functioneren.

Echter, het kan ook leiden tot verkeerde oordelen en beslissingen. We kunnen bijvoorbeeld overschatten hoe groot het

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Wat is confirmation bias?

De bevestigingsbias, ook wel bevestigingsvooroordeel genoemd, is de neiging om informatie te zoeken en te interpreteren op een manier die onze bestaande overtuigingen bevestigt. We hebben de neiging om aandacht te schenken aan informatie die past bij onze mening, terwijl we informatie die onze mening tegenspreekt negeren of bagatelliseren.

Wat zijn de belangrijkste kenmerken van confirmation bias?

  • Onbewust: We zijn ons er vaak niet van bewust dat we de bias gebruiken.
  • Selectieve aandacht: We focussen op informatie die onze mening bevestigt en negeren tegenstrijdige informatie.
  • Versterking van overtuigingen: De bias kan leiden tot een versterking van onze bestaande overtuigingen, zelfs als deze onjuist zijn.

Waarom is confirmation bias belangrijk?

De bevestigingsbias is een normaal onderdeel van de menselijke cognitie. Het helpt ons om onze complexe wereld te begrijpen en om snelle beslissingen te nemen.

Echter, de bias kan ook leiden tot verkeerde oordelen en beslissingen. We kunnen bijvoorbeeld

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Positive psychology, stress and health: the best textbooks summarized

Positive psychology, stress and health: the best textbooks summarized

Summaries and study assistance with Positive psychology, stress and health

Table of content

  • Summary with the book: Capita Selecta in Clinical Psychology by Wessel and Aan het Rot - 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: Health Psychology by Taylor - 10th edition
  • Summary with the book: Introduction to Health Psychology of Morrison and Bennetth - 5th edition
  • Summary with the book: Introduction to Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology of Custom edition UL - 1st edition
  • Summary with the book: Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature of Larsen a.o. - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Stress and Health: Biological and Psychological Interactions by Lovallo - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers: The Acclaimed Guide to Stress, Stress-Related Diseases, and Coping by Sapolsky - 3rd edition

About Positive psychology, stress and health

  • Positive psychology is the scientific study of the strengths that enable individuals and communities to thrive. It focuses on understanding the factors that contribute to happiness, well-being, and resilience. Stress is a physiological and psychological response to challenging or demanding situations. Health refers to a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.
Psychodiagnostics and psychological communication: the best textbooks summarized

Psychodiagnostics and psychological communication: the best textbooks summarized

Summaries and study assistance with Psychodiagnostics and psychological communication

Table of content

  • Summary with the book: Abnormal Psychology by Nolen-Hoeksema - 7th edition
  • Summary with the book: Capita Selecta in Clinical Psychology by Wessel and Aan het Rot - 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: Intelligence and intelligence tests by Kessels
  • Summary with the book: Motivational Interviewing and Self–Determination Theory
  • Summary with the book: Psychological diagnostics in health care by Luteijn and Barelds - 1st edition
  • Summary with the book: Psychological Communication: Theories, Roles and Skills for Counsellors by Van der Molen a.o. - 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: Psychological Testing and Assessment Custom Edition University of Leiden by Van der Molen a.o.
  • Summary with the book: Psychopathology: Research, Assessment and Treatment in Clinical Psychology by Davey - 3rd edition

About Psychodiagnostics and psychological communication

  • Psychodiagnostics is the process of evaluating individuals' psychological functioning through the use of various assessment tools and techniques. It involves gathering information about a person's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to make a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan. Psychological communication refers to the interaction between a mental health professional and a client, involving the use of verbal and nonverbal cues to build rapport, understand the client's perspective, and facilitate therapeutic change.
Psychotherapy and treatment: the best textbooks summarized

Psychotherapy and treatment: the best textbooks summarized

Summaries and study assistance with Psychotherapy and treatment

Table of content

  • Summary with the book: Abnormal Psychology by Kring a.o. - 13th edition
  • Summary with the book: Behavioral Interventions in Cognitive Behavior Therapy by Farmer and Chapman
  • Summary with the book: Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Basics and Beyond by Beck - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Core Principles for Practice by O'Donohue and Fisher - 1st edition
  • Summary with the book: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Children and Families by Graham and Reynolds - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Current Psychotherapies by Wedding and Corsini - 10th edition (custom UL edition)
  • Summary with the book: Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Cooper - 1st edition
  • Summary with the book: Handbook of Psychiatric Drug Therapy by Labbate a.o. -  6th edition
  • Summary with the book: The Psychology of Attitudes & Attitude Change by Maio a.o. -  3rd edition

About Psychotherapy and treatment

  • Psychotherapy is a form of talk therapy that involves a trained therapist using psychological techniques to help individuals understand and change their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Treatment is a broader term that refers to any intervention or therapy used to alleviate symptoms of a mental disorder and improve overall functioning.
Psychopathology and abnormal behavior: The best textbooks summarized

Psychopathology and abnormal behavior: The best textbooks summarized

Summaries and study assistance with Psychopathology and abnormal behavior

Table of content

  • Summary with the book: Abnormal Psychology: The Science and Treatment of Psychological Disorders by Kring a.o. - 14th edition
  • Summary with the book: Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology by Wicks-Nelson and Israel - 8th edition
  • Summary with the book: Abnormal Psychology by Nolen-Hoeksema - 7th edition
  • Summary with the book: Addictions by Teesson a.o. - 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: Anxiety by Rachman - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Psychopathology: Research, Assessment and Treatment in Clinical Psychology by Davey - 3rd edition

About Psychopathology and abnormal behavior

  • Psychopathology is the scientific study of mental disorders, focusing on their causes, symptoms, and treatments. Abnormal behavior refers to patterns of thought, feeling, or behavior that deviate significantly from cultural norms and cause distress or impairment in daily life.
Study guide with Psychotherapy and treatment: the best scientific articles summarized

Study guide with Psychotherapy and treatment: the best scientific articles summarized

Study guide with articles for Psychotherapy and treatment

Summaries and study assistance with Psychotherapy and treatment

  • for 15+ summaries with articles regarding psychotherapy and treatment, see the supporting content of this study guide

Related summaries and study assistance

Summaries and supporting content: 
Psychopathology and psychological disorders: the best scientific articles summarized

Psychopathology and psychological disorders: the best scientific articles summarized

Study guide with articles for Psychopathology and psychological disorders

Summaries and study assistance with Psychopathology and psychological disorders

  • Anxiety
  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD / ADHD)
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Binge eating
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Depression
  • Personality disorder
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Somatic disorder
  • Developmental psychopathology

Related summaries and study assistance

Summaries and supporting content: 

Spotlight: selection


Selected spotlight content related to Clinical and health psychology
Samenvatting Abnormal Psychology (Nolen-Hoeksema) - 6e druk
  • Abnormal Psychology hoofdstuk 1: Kijken naar Abnormaliteit
  • Abnormal Psychology hoofdstuk 2: Theorieën en behandeling van abnormaliteit
  • Abnormal Psychology hoofdstuk 3: Beoordelen en diagnosticeren van abnormaliteit
  • Abnormal Psychology hoofdstuk 4: Angststoor...
What is clinical psychology?

Clinical psychology delves into the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. It's a branch of psychology focused on helping individuals cope with a wide range of challenges that impact their well-being and daily functioning. What are the main f...

What is health psychology?

Health psychology delves into the fascinating interplay between psychological, behavioral, and social factors that influence our physical health and well-being. It focuses on understanding how our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors can impact our susceptibility to illness, our experience of illness, ...

Spotlight: favorites

Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Clinical and health psychology

This bundle contains everything you need to know for the first interim exam of Clinical Psychology for the University of Amsterdam. It uses the book "Abnormal Psychology, the science and treatment of psychological disorders by A. M. Kring, S. L. Johnson, G. C. Davison and J. M. Neale (thirteent...


This bundle contains the articles and lectures for the course "Psychological Assessment" given at the University of Amsterdam. It contains the following materials: Interim exam 1:  - Lecture 1 (Wright (2011); Gregory (2014); Bijttebier et al. (2019). - Lecture 2 (Wright (2011). - Lect...

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