Discussions and debates around a happy versus a unhappy life


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Voluntary Childlessness

A question children get a lot at an early age, is what they want to become “when they grow up”. Let me just put aside for a minute the somewhat problematic assumption that a child isn’t already something to begin with. The point I am getting at is that many children actually have ...


This blog seems to have nothing to do with the Philippines, in a way it does and in a way it doesnt. To me this topic is very personal, which I learned to be, more personal, more me, in the Philippines. On the other side, I also felt very much at home in the Philippines, since the relationships were...


Who are the happiest people in the world? When I was living in the Philippines, to me the filipinos were the happiest. And I have traveled a lot. The filipinos themselves, also said to me, multiple times, different people, they were the happiest. Time for me to dive more into the topic Happiness.&nb...

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Voluntary Childlessness

A question children get a lot at an early age, is what they want to become “when they grow up”. Let me just put aside for a minute the somewhat problematic assumption that a child isn’t already something to begin with. The point I am getting at is that many children actually have ...


This blog seems to have nothing to do with the Philippines, in a way it does and in a way it doesnt. To me this topic is very personal, which I learned to be, more personal, more me, in the Philippines. On the other side, I also felt very much at home in the Philippines, since the relationships were...


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