Travel to Venezuela to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?





Backpacking or traveling in Venezuela?

  • Venezuela is a country of spectacular natural beauty, but because of the current political and economic situation, travel in Venezuela is also fraught with risk. There is also a lack of basic amenities. Backpackers and travelers should be well prepared and be extra cautious about their safety. In particular, travel on the western borders is not recommended.  
  • Activity spotting: Angel Falls (highest waterfall in the world); Gran Sabana plateau; the beaches of Los Roques; spot animals in the Amazon; explore Caracas; lounge on the crisp blue beaches; climb Mount Roraima; see the drowned church of Potosi; visit the sinkholes of Sarisarinama.

Study in Venezuela?

  • Venezuela has several universities, including the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) in Caracas, which is known for its academic traditions. However, the quality of education has deteriorated in recent years due to economic problems and political instability.
  • Popular studies include engineering, tech, sociology, IT, computer science, business administration, etc. 
  • Study cities: Caracas, Maracaibo. 
  • Language: Spanish. 

Internship in Venezuela?

  • Internship opportunities are limited, but there are opportunities in sectors such as oil and gas industry, NGOs, and international organizations. Because of the economic situation, it can be challenging to find a paid internship.
  • Competencies: by interning in Venezuela, you can gain valuable experience in crisis management, resilience, and intercultural communication. The country offers unique learning opportunities for those interested in development work or humanitarian aid.

Volunteer in Venezuela?

  • Volunteering is possible in health care, education, humanitarian aid, and environmental management. NGOs and international aid organizations are active in Venezuela and offer volunteer opportunities.

Working in Venezuela?

  • English teachers are in demand in Venezuela! Furthermore, most foreigners come to Venezuela through a job from a foreign company or organization.
  • Just be careful where you will be working, not all areas are safe for expats.  

Working as a digital nomad in Venezuela?

  • Venezuela is not a popular country for digital nomads. The country is very poor, which also means that facilities are not good and there are frequent power and water outages. Nor is it safe. 
  • On the other hand, the country has beautiful nature and the people are very friendly. 
  • Favorite location: Caracas. 

Living in Venezuela?

  • Life in Venezuela is currently characterized by economic hardship, high inflation, and shortages of basic services such as food, medicine, and fuel. Social life is greatly affected by these conditions.
  • Crime is a major problem in Venezuela, especially in urban areas such as Caracas. It is important to take security measures and live in secure areas.
  • There are still active expat communities, although many expats have left the country because of the difficult conditions.
  • Health insurance: health care is not like in the West. The best care is found at private institutions. so do make sure you have your own well-covered health insurance.

Supporting content

Venezuela Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Venezuela Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Venezuela: Updates & Travel

Venezuela: Updates & Travel

Travel in Venezuela?

  • Beautiful travel country with beautiful beaches and a varied amount of landscapes. Due to the (political and socio-economic) situation in the country, unfortunately it has not been a real travel destination for years.
  • The ultimate waterfall Angel Falls is the highest waterfall in the world, where the water plunges down almost a kilometer. Usually there are several rainbows to be seen above the waterfall when the sun shines through the water vapor. From Ciudad Bolívar you can take a tour to the waterfalls.
  • You can reach the snow-capped Andean peaks with the longest and highest cable car in the world that takes you from Mérida to the top of the Pica Espejo (4,765 meters high). You can start a mountain hike from here.
  • Go and experience the dense rainforests.
  • The Caribbean beaches are beautiful. In the Northeast of Venezuela you can also dive and snorkel in the Mochima National Park to view the coral reefs.
  • Caracas has a fantastic nightlife and is beautifully situated against the mountain hills. The restaurants and museums are also worth a visit.
  • Colonia Tovar is a little bit of Germany in Venezuela near Caracas. Almost only Germans from the Black Forest area live there, so you can eat German food there and the houses have a typical German look.
  • Mérida is a university city in the middle of the Andes. A good place to go out, but also an ideal base for mountain hikes.
  • Coro is located near the Caribbean coast, with a beautifully preserved colonial center. Many tourists come here to windsurf (nearby).
  • Isla Margarita is a Caribbean paradise. Many tourists come to this island to relax, for romance or for the water sports.
  • Be prepared Caracas is known as one of the most violent cities in the world. Crime and mass protests are the order of the day. Check out the up to date places where it can be dangerous.

Updates Venezuela

  • More about Venezuela, updates and contributions, see the link below.
Venezuela: selection of contributions by WorldSupporters - Bundle
WorldSupporter: theme pages for activities abroad
Backpacking and travel your way around the world - Theme
Emigration and moving abroad - Theme
Internships Abroad - Theme
Learning languages and language courses abroad - Theme
Remote working abroad for digital and global nomads - Theme
Study Abroad - Theme
TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language and learning English - Theme
Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
Volunteer abroad - Theme
Working Abroad & Working Holidays - WorldSupporter Theme


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  • Je gaat op bezoek in gevangenissen, fungeert als eerste toehoorder en hebt een signaalfunctie.
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  • Bij CultureRoad staat reizen, erfgoed en toerisme centraal. CultureRoad organiseert groepsreizen en individuele tours naar bijzondere bestemmingen binnen o.a. Azië, Latijns-Amerika en Europa. CultureRoad begeeft zich buiten de gebaande paden in landen als Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Venezuela, Rusland, Irak en Noord-Korea.
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Welk visum regelen voor een reis naar of werk in Venezuela?


Er is geen toeristenvisum nodig voor een verblijf tot 90 dagen. Na deze 90 dagen kun je in Venezuela een verlenging aanvragen (tegen betaling) of het land in en uit reizen en opnieuw een stempel krijgen voor 90 dagen bij het passeren van de grens (gratis). Officieel is een return ticket verplicht, de douane checkt dit echter bijna nooit.

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Yangkala Canyon in Turkmenistan


  • CultureRoad

Door wie?

  • Oprichters Caspar Steinebach en Rik Brinks
  • Team van lokale reisbegeleiders


  • Groepsrondreizen
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  • Veel respect voor en contact met de lokale bevolking tijdens de reizen die georganiseerd worden.
  • Logischerwijs
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Spotlight organizations related to Venezuela
  • Bij CultureRoad staat reizen, erfgoed en toerisme centraal. CultureRoad organiseert groepsreizen en individuele tours naar bijzondere bestemmingen binnen o.a. Azië, Latijns-Amerika en Europa. CultureRoad begeeft zich buiten de gebaande paden in landen als Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Venezu...
Favorite tips and suggestions related to Venezuela
Favorite stories, blogs and texts related to Venezuela
Yangkala Canyon in Turkmenistan


  • CultureRoad

Door wie?

  • Oprichters Caspar Steinebach en Rik Brinks
  • Team van lokale reisbegeleiders


  • Groepsrondreizen
  • Individuele rondreizen


  • De bestemmingen. Georganiseerde rondreizen in Irak, Noo...


Er is geen toeristenvisum nodig voor een verblijf tot 90 dagen. Na deze 90 dagen kun je in Venezuela een verlenging aanvragen (tegen betaling) of het land in en uit reizen en opnieuw een stempel krijgen voor 90 dagen bij het passeren van de grens (gratis). Officieel is een return ticket verplicht, d...

Venezuela: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Venezuela?
  • Updates Venezuela
  • Travel in Venezuela?

    • Beautiful travel country with beautiful beaches and a varied amount of landscapes. Due to the (political and socio-economic) situation in the country, unfortunately it has not been a real travel desti...
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