Organizational Behavior by Mcshane, S. (8th edition) a summary
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Organizational Behavior
Chapter 4
Workplace emotions, attitudes, and stress
Emotions influence almost everything we do in the workplace.
Often occur before cognitive processes and, consequently influence them.
Emotions: physiological, behavioral, and psychological episodes experienced toward an object, person, or event that create a state of readiness.
Quite short.
Directed toward someone or something.
Emotions are experiences, they represent changes in our physiological state, psychological state and behavior.
Most of these emotional reactions are subtle, they occur without our awareness.
Moods are not directed towards anything in particular and tend to be long-term emotional states.
Types of emotions
All emotions have two common features.
Emotions, attitudes, and behavior
Attitudes are judgments, whereas emotions are experiences.
We experience emotions very briefly, whereas our attitude towards something or someone is more stable over time.
These are your established perceptions about the attitude object, what you believe to be true.
Each of these beliefs also has a valence, you have a positive or negative feeling about each belief.
Represent your conscious positive or negative evaluations of the attitude object.
Most of the time, your beliefs about something or someone affect your feelings, but the reverse sometimes occurs. Your feelings about something can cause you to change your feelings about specific beliefs regarding that target.
Behavioral intentions
Your motivation to engage in a particular behavior regarding the attitude object.
Attitude-behavior contingencies
How emotions influence attitudes and behavior
Our brain tags incoming sensory information with emotional markers based on a quick and imprecise evaluation of whether that information supports or threatens our innate drives.
They are automatic and non-conscious.
The experienced emotions influence our feelings about the attitude object.
Generating positive emotions at work
Cognitive dissonance
Cognitive dissonance: an emotional experience caused by a perception that our beliefs, feelings, and behavior are incongruent with one another.
Emotional labor: the effort, planning, and control needed to express organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions.
Display rules: norms or explicit rules requiring us within our role to display specific emotions and to hide other emotions.
Emotional display norms across cultures
Norms about displaying or hiding your true emotions vary considerably across cultures.
Emotional dissonance
The psychological tension experienced when the emotions people are required to display are quite different from the emotions they actually experience at that moment.
Emotional intelligence (EI): a set of abilities to perceive and express emotion, assimilate emotion in thought, understand and reason with emotion, and regulate emotion in oneself and others.
Includes a set of abilities:
The four dimensions form a hierarchy.
Emotional intelligence outcomes and development
Most jobs involve social interaction with coworkers or external stakeholders, sos employees need emotional intelligence to work effectively.
A person’s evaluation of his or her job and work context.
An appraisal of the perceived job characteristics, work environment, and emotional experiences at work.
Job satisfaction and work behavior
Exit-voice-loyalty-neglect (EVLN) model
Identifies four ways that employees respond to dissatisfaction:
How employees respond to job dissatisfaction depends on the person and situation. And past experiences.
Job satisfaction and performance
There is a moderately positive relationship between job satisfaction and performance. Workers tend to be more productive to some extent when they have more positive attitudes toward their job and workplace.
Job satisfaction and customer satisfaction
Service profit chain model: a theory explaining how employees’ job satisfaction influences company profitability indirectly through service quality, customer loyalty, and related factors.
Two explanations why satisfied employees tend to produce happier and more loyal customers.
Job satisfaction and business ethics
Affective organizational commitment: an individual’s emotional attachment to, involvement in, and identification with an organization.
Continuance commitment: an individual’s calculative attachment to an organization.
This calculation takes two forms:
Consequences of affective and continuance commitment
Affective commitment can be a significant competitive advantage.
Also higher motivation and job performance.
Building organizational commitment
Stress: an adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening to the person’s well-being.
General adaptation syndrome
A model of the stress experience, consisting of three stages:
Consequences of distress
Stress takes toll on the human body
High stress also contributes to
Job burnout
(order of symptoms):
Stressors: the causes of stress
Stressors: any environmental conditions that place a physical or emotional demand on the person.
Organizational constraints
Includes lack of:
Interpersonal conflict
Employees frequently disagree with each other regarding how to achieve organizational goals as well as how the work and resources should be distributed along that journey.
In organizational settings, most interpersonal conflict is caused by structural sources such as ambiguous rules, lack of resources, and conflicting goals between employee departments.
Psychological harassment: repeated and hostile or unwanted conduct, verbal comments, actions, or gestures that affect and employee’s dignity or psychological or physical integrity and that result in a harmful work environment for the employee.
Work overload
Work overload is evident when employees consume more of their personal time to get the job done.
Low task control
Workplace stress is higher when employees lack control over how and when they perform their tasks as well as lack control over the place of work activity.
Individual differences in stress
People exposed to the same stessor experience different levels of stress because:
Managing work-related stress
Remove the stressor
Some of the more common actions:
And facilitating better work-life balance
Withdraw from the stressor
Permanent withdraw occurs when employees are transferred to jobs that are more compatible with their abilities and values.
Temporarily withdrawing from stress is the most frequent way that employees manage stress. (like vacations or nap rooms)
Change stress perceptions
Positive self-evaluation and optimism
Control stress consequences
Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are effective stress management strategies because they control stress consequences.
Receive social support
When coworkers, supervisors, family members, friends, and others provide emotional and/ or informational support to buffer an individual’s experience.
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This is a summary of the book Organizational Behavior by Mcshane, S (8th edition). This book is about psychology at the workplace. It contains for instance ways to increase employee satisfaction and workplace dynamics. The book is used in the course 'Labor and and
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