Abnormal Psychology by Kring, Davison, Neale & Johnson (12th edition) - a summary
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Clinical psychology
Chapter 5
Mood disorders
Mood disorders involve disabling disturbances in emotion.
The DSM-5 recognizes two broad types of mood disorders:
Depressive disorders
The cardinal symptoms of depression include profound sadness and/or an inability to experience pleasure.
Physical symptoms of depression are also common
Social withdrawal is common.
Major depressive disorder
Major depressive disorder (MDD)
DSM-5 criteria
Persistent depressive disorder (Dysthymia)
People wit dysthymia are chronically depressed, more then half of the time for at least 2 years. They feel blue or derive little pleasures from usual activities and pastimes.
DSM-5 criteria for persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia)
DSM-5 criteria for premenstrual dysphoric disorder
DSM-5 criteria for disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
Epidemiology and consequences of depressive disorders
MMD is one of the most prevalent psychiatric disorders.
Persistent depressive disorder appears to be rarer than MDD.
The prevalence of depression varies across cultures.
Symptoms of depression also show some cross-cultural variation, probably resulting from differences in cultural standards regarding acceptable expressions of emotional distress.
These symptom differences do not appear to be major enough to explain the differing rates of depression across countries.
Differences between countries in rates of depression may be fairly complex.
In most countries, the prevalence of MDD increased steadily during the mid to late twentieth century.
At the same time, the age onset decreased. The median age of onset is now the late teens to early 20s.
Beyond the prevalence rates, the symptoms of depression vary somewhat across the life span.
Both MDD and persistent depressive disorder are often associated, or comorbid, with other psychological problems.
Depression has many serious consequences
Bipolar disorders
DSM-5 recognizes three forms of bipolar disorders:
Manic symptoms are the defining feature of each of these disorders.
The bipolar disorders are differentiated by how severe and long-lasting the manic symptoms are.
The disorders are labeled ‘bipolar’ because most people who experience mania will also experience depression during their lifetime.
An episode of depression is not required for a diagnoses of bipolar I, but it is required for a diagnoses of bipolar II disorder.
Mania: a state of intense elation or irritability, accompanied by other symptoms shown in the diagnostic criteria.
During manic episodes, people will act and think in ways that are highly unusual compared with their typical selves.
Flight of ideas.
Hypomania: less extreme than mania.
Mania involves significant impairment, hypomania does not.
Hypomania involves a change in functioning that dos not cause serious problems.
The person with hypomania may feel more social, flirtatious, energized, and productive.
DSM-5 criteria for manic and hypomanic episodes
Bipolar I disorder
A single episode of mania during the course of a person’s life.
A person who is diagnosed may or may not be experiencing curring symptoms of mania.
Even someone who experienced only 1 week of manic symptoms years ago is still diagnosed with bipolar I disorder.
Bipolar episodes tend to recur.
Bipolar II disorder
To be diagnosed with bipolar II disorder, a person must have experienced at least one major depressive episode and at least one episode of hypomania.
Cyclothymic disorder
Also called cyclothymia.
A chronic mood disorder.
The symptoms must be present for at least 2 years among adults.
In cyclothymic disorder, the person has frequent but mild symptoms of depression, alternating with mild symptoms of mania.
Although the symptoms do not reach the severity of full-blown hypomanic or depressive episodes, people with the disorder and those close to them typically notice the ups and downs.
During the lows, a person may be sad, feel inadequate, withdraw from people, and sleep for 10 hours a night.
During the highs, a person may be boisterous, overly confident, socially uninhibited and gregarious, and need little sleep.
DSM-5 criteria for Cyclothymic disorder
Epidemiology and consequences of bipolar disorder
Bipolar I disorder is much rarer than MDD.
Culture may shape tendencies to label behaviors as manic symptoms.
It is extremely hard to estimate the prevalence of milder forms of bipolar disorder, because some of the most commonly used diagnostic interviews are not reliable.
More than half of those with bipolar spectrum disorders report onset before age 25, but these conditions are being seen with increasing frequency among children and adolescents.
Bipolar occurs equally often in men and women, but women experience more episodes of depression than do men.
About two-third of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder meet diagnostic criteria for a cormorbid anxiety disorder, and more than a third report a history of substance use.
Bipolar I is among the most severe forms of mental illness.
Subtypes of depressive disorders and bipolar disorders
The mood disorders are highly heterogeneous. People who have been diagnosed with the same disorder may show very different symptoms.
The DSM-5 deals with this by providing criteria for dividing MDD and bipolar disorders into a number of specifiers (subtypes), based on either specific symptoms or the pattern of symptoms over time.
Rapid cycling and seasonal specifiers: the overall pattern of episodes over time, whereas other specifiers describe the current episode of major depression or mania.
Melancholic is used only for episodes of depression.
The seasonal specifier of major depressive disorder has achieved a fair amount of support, but many of the other specifiers have not been well validated.
No single cause can explain mood disorders.
A number of different factors combine to explain their onset.
Neurobiological factors in mood disorder
Genetic factors
Heritability of 37 percent for MDD.
About 37 percent of the variance in depression is explained in genes.
Bipolar is among the most heritable of disorders.
93 percent.
But, genetic models do not explain the timing of manic symptoms. Other factors likely serve as the immediate triggers of symptoms.
Genes may guide the way people regulate their emotions or respond to life stressors.
They may stet the stage for mood disorders to occur when other conditions are present.
The absolute level of neurotransmitters is not important in mood disorders.
Functioning of the dopamine might be lowered in depression.
Dopamine plays a major role in the sensitivity of the reward system in the brain, which is believed to guide pleasure, motivation, and energy in the context of opportunities to obtain rewards.
Dopamine receptors may be overly sensitive in bipolar disorder.
Tryptophan: the major precursor of serotonin.
Lower serotonin levels causes temporary depressive symptoms among people with a history of depression or a family history of depression.
This effect is not observed among people with no personal or family history of depression.
People who are vulnerable to depression may have less sensitive serotonin receptors, causing them to respond more dramatically to lower levels of serotonin.
Bipolar disorder may be related to diminished sensitivity of the serotonin receptors.
Brain-imaging studies
Two different types of brain-imaging studies are commonly used in research on mood disorders.
Episodes of MDD are associated with changes in may of the brain systems that are involved in experiencing and regulating emotion.
Four primary brain structures that have been most studied in depression
The amygdala
The subgenual anterior cingulate, the hippocampus, and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
Many of the brain structures implicated in MDD also appear to be involved in bipolar disorder.
MDD and bipolar disorder might be differentiated by changes in the way that neurons throughout the brain function.
People with bipolar disorder often have deficits in the membranes of their neurons.
These deficits seem to operate across the brain, and they influence how readily neurons can be activated.
These cellular membrane deficits are not seen in people with MDD.
Protein kinase C activity appears to be abnormally high among people with mania.
The neuroendorcrine system: cortisol dysregulation
The HPA axis, the biological system that manages reactivity to stress, may be overly reactive among people with MDD, and the amygdala sends signals that activate the HPA axis.
The HPA axis triggers the release of cortisol, the main stress hormone
Cortisol is secreted at times of stress and increases activity of the immune system to help the body prepare for threats.
Various findings link depression to high cortisol levels.
The system does not seem to respond well to biological signals to decrease cortisol levels.
For those with MDD, dexamethasone does not suppress cortisol secretion, particularly among those with psychotic symptoms of depression.
Although cortisol helps mobilize beneficial short-term stress responses, prolonged high levels of cortisol can cause harm to body systems.
Like people with MDD, people with bipolar disorder fail to demonstrate the typical suppression of cortisol after the dex/CRH test.
This suggests that bipolar is also characterized by a poorly regulated cortisol system.
Like those with MDD, people with bipolar disorder who continue to show abnormal responses to cortisol challenge tests after their episode clears are at high risk for more episodes in the future.
Both bipolar disorder and MDD are characterized by problems in the regulation of cortisol levels.
Bysregulation in cortisol levels also predicts a worse course of illness for bipolar disorder and MDD.
Social factors in depression: life events and interpersonal difficulties
Neurobiological factors may be diatheses that increase risk for mood disorders in the context of other triggers or stressors.
The role of stressful life events in triggering episodes of depression is well established.
Life events typically happen before the depressive episode begins.
It remains possible that some life events are caused by early symptoms of depression that have not yet been developed into a full-blown disorder.
Stress can cause major depressive disorder
Common events
Diathesis-stress models: models that consider both preexisting vulnerabilities (diatheses) and stressors.
Diatheses could be biological, social, or psychological.
Expressed emotion (EE): a family’s member’s critical or hostile comments toward or emotional overinvolvement with the person with depression.
High EE strongly predicts relapse in depression.
Psychological factors in depression
Personality and cognitive theories describe different diatheses that might increase the risk of responding to negative life events with a depressive episode.
Neuroticism: a personality trait that involves the tendency to react to events with greater-than-average negative affect.
Predicts the onset of depression.
Neuroticism explains at least part of the genetic vulnerability to depression.
Neuroticism is associated with anxiety as well as dysthymia.
Cognitive theories
In cognitive theories, negative thoughts and beliefs are seen as major causes of depression.
Beck’s theory
Depression is associated wit ha negative trait: negative views of the self, the world, and the future.
According to this model, in childhood, people with depression acquired negative schema through experiences such as loss of a parent, the social rejection of peers, or the depressive attitude of a parent.
Schemas: underlying set of beliefs that operate inside of a person’s awareness to shape the way a person makes sense of his or her experiences.
The negative schema is activated whenever a person encounters situations similar to those that originally caused the schema to form.
Once activated, negative schemas are believed to cause cognitive biases.
Hopelessness theory
The most important trigger of depression is hopelessness, which is defined as an expectation that
Rumination theory
A specific way of thinking called rumination may increase the risk of depression.
Rumination: a tendency to repetitively dwell on sad experiences and thoughts, or to chew on material again and again.
Fitting together the etiological factors in depressive disorders
Some people seem ti inherit a propensity for a weaker serotonin system, which is then expressed as a greater likelihood to experience depression after a severe stressor.
Genetic vulnerability could set the stage for depressive disorder after major negative life events.
A polymorphism in the serotonin transporter gene has also been related to elevated activity of the amygdala.
Social and psychological factors in bipolar disorder
Most people who experience a manic episode during their life will also experience a major depressive episode, but not everyone will.
Depression is bipolar disorder
The triggers of depressive episodes in bipolar disorder appear similar to the triggers of major depressive episodes.
Predictors of mania
Two types of factors have been found to predict increases in manic symptoms over time
Just as sleep depriviations can trigger manic symptoms, protecting sleep can help reduce symptoms of bipolar disorder.
Psychological treatment of depression
Interpersonal psychotherapy
Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)
Build in the idea that depression is closely tied to interpersonal problems.
The core of therapy is to examine major interpersonal problems, such as role transitions, interpersonal conflicts, bereavement, and interpersonal isolation.
Typically, the therapist and the patient focus on one or two such issues, with the goal of helping the person identify his or her feelings about these issues, make important decisions, and make changes to resolve problems related to these issues.
IPT is typically brief
Techniques include discussing interpersonal problems, exploring negative feelings and encouraging their expression, improving both verbal and nonverbal communications, problem solving, and suggesting new and more satisfying modes of behavior.
IPT is effective in relieving MDD and it prevents relapse when continued after recovery.
IPT has also been found to be effective in the treatment of dysthymia.
Cognitive therapy
Cognitive therapy (CT)
Aimed at altering maladaptive thought patterns.
The therapist tries to help the person with depression to change his or her opinions about the self.
The therapist also teaches the person to monitor self-talk and the identify thought patterns that contribute to depression.
The therapist then teaches the person to challenge negative beliefs and to learn strategies that promote making realistic and positive assumptions.
Often, the client is asked to monitor their thoughts each day and to practice challenging overly negative thoughts.
Behavioral activation (BA)
People are encouraged to engage in pleasant activities that might bolster positive thoughts about one’s self and life.
Cognitive therapy is effective for relieving the symptoms of MDD.
With modifications, CT is promising in the treatment of dysthemia.
The strategies that clients learn in CT help diminish the risk of relapse even after therapy ends.
Computer-administered versions of CT have developed.
Typically, these interventions include at least brief contact with a therapist to guide the initial assessment, to answer questions, and to provide support and encouragement with the homework.
Computer-based programs have varied in effectiveness. It is important to ensure that consumers gain access to well-tested versions of computerized CT.
Mindfulnes-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)
Focuses on relapse prevention after successful treatment or recurrent episodes of major depression.
MBCT is based on the assumption that a person becomes vulnerable to relapse because of repeated associations between sad mood and patterns of self-devaluative, hopeless thinking during major depressive episodes. As a result, when people who have recovered from depression become sad, they begin to think as negatively as they had when they were severely depressed. These reactivated patterns of thinking turn intensify the sadness.
In people with a history of major depression, sadness is more likely to escalate, which may contribute to the onset of new episodes of depression.
The goal of MBCT is to teach people to recognize when they start to become depressed and to try adopting what can be called a ‘decentered’ perspective, viewing their thoughts merely as ‘mental events’ rather than as core aspects of the self or as accurate reflectations of reality.
MBCT is more effective than ‘treatment as usual’ in reducing the risk of relapse among people with three or more previous major depressive episodes.
MBCT does not appear to protect against relapse among people with only one or two previous major depressive episodes.
Behavioral activation (BA) therapy
The goal of BA is to increase participation in positively reinforcing activities so as to disrupt the spiral of depression, withdrawal, and avoidance.
Findings suggest that the BA component of CT performs as well as the full package does in relieving MDD and preventing relapse over a 2-year follow-up period.
Group versions of behavioral therapy also appear to be effective.
Behavioral couples therapy
Depression is often tied to relationship problems.
Researchers work with both members of a couple to improve communication and relationship satisfaction.
When a person with depression is also experiencing marital distress, behavioral couples therapy is as effective in relieving depression as individual CT or antidepressant medication.
Marital therapy has the advantage of relieving relationship distress.
Psychological treatment of bipolar disorder
Medication is a necessary part of treatment for bipolar disorder, but psychological treatments can supplement medications to help address many of its associated social and psychological problems.
These psychotherapies can also help reduce depressive symptoms in bipolar disorder.
Psychoeducational approaches: typically help people learn about the symptoms of the disorder, the expected time course of symptoms, the biological and psychological triggers for symptoms, and treatment strategies.
Careful education about bipolar disorder can help people adhere to treatment with medications.
Beyond helping people be more consistent about their medications, psychoeducational programs help people avoid hospitalization.
Several other types of therapy are designed to help build skills and reduce symptoms for those with bipolar disorder.
Biological treatments of mood disorders
Electroconvulsive therapy for depression
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
ECT is only used to treat MDD that has not responded to medication.
ECT entails deliberately inducing a momentary seizure and unconsciousness by passing 70- to 130- volt current trough the patients brain.
Unilateral ECT, in which the current passes only through the nondominant cerebral hemisphere is often used.
The patient is given a muscle relaxant before the current is applied.
The patients awakes a few minutes later remembering nothing about the treatment.
Typically, patients receive between 6 and 12 treatments, spaced several days apart.
ECT is more powerful than anitdepressant medications for the treatment of depression, particularly when psychotic features are present, even though we don’t know why it works.
People undergoing ECT face some risks for short-term confusion and memory loss.
It is fairly common for patients to have no memory of the period during which they received ECT and sometimes for the weeks surrounding the procedure.
Unilateral ECT produces fewer cognitive side effects than bilateral ECT does.
unilateral is associated with deficits in cognitive functioning 6 months after treatment.
Medications for depressive disorders
Drugs are most commonly used for depressive disorders.
Three major categories of antidepressant drugs
Antidepressants are effective for those with severe depression, but not for those with mild depression.
Although the various antidepressants hasten recovery form an episode of depression, relapse is common after the drugs are withdrawn.
Research comparing treatments for major depressive disorder
Combining psychotherapy and antidepressant medication bolsters the odds of recovery by more than 10 to 20 percent above either psychotherapy or medications alone for most people with depression.
Each treatment offers unique advantages.
CT is as effective as antidepressant medication for severe depression, and both treatments are more effective as an placebo.
CT has two advantages
Medications for bipolar disorder
Medications that reduce manic symptoms are called mood-stabilizing medications.
Two classes of medications other than lithium
Unfortunately, all these medications have serious side effects.
The mood-stabilizing medications used to treat mania also help relieve depression.
But many people continue to experience depression even after taking mood-stabilizing medication like lithium. For these people, antidepressant medication is often added to the regimen.
Depression and primary care
About half of all antidepressants are written by primary care physicians.
A final note on treatment
Antidepressant medication and ECT both stimulate growth of neurons in the hippocampus in rats.
Suicide ideation: thoughts about killing oneself
Suicide attempts: behavior intended to kill oneself
Suicide: death from deliberate self-injury
Nonsuicidal self-injury: behaviors intended to injure oneself without intend to kill oneself.
Epidemiology of suicide and suicide attempts
Suicide rates may be grossly underestimated because some deaths are ambiguous.
Models of suicide
Psychological disorders
Many persons with mood disorders have suicidal thoughts and some engage in suicidal behaviors.
More than half of those who try to kill themselves are depressed at time of the act.
As many as 90 percent of people who attempt to suicide are suffering from a mental illness.
Suicides are most likely when a person is experiencing comorbid depression.
Most people with mental illnesses do not die from suicide.
Neurobiological models
Heritability is about 48 percent for suicide attempts.
There is a connection between serotonin and suicide.
Serotonin dysfunction may increase the risk of violent suicide.
Social factors
Economic ans social events have been shown to influence suicide rates.
Social factors that are more directly relevant to the individual are also powerful predictors of suicidality.
Psychological models
Suicide may have many different meanings
The psychological variables involved in suicide vary across people.
Positive qualities may motivate a person to live and help a clinician build a case for choosing life.
People with more reasons to live tend to be less suicidal.
Preventing suicide
Giving a person permission to talk about suicide may relive a sense of isolation.
Most people are ambivalent about their suicidal thoughts, and they will communicate their intentions in some way.
Treating the associated psychological disorder
One approach to suicide prevention builds on our knowledge that most people who kill themselves are suffering from a psychological disorder.
Treating suicidality directly
Cognitive behavioral approaches appear to be the most promising therapies for reducing suicidality.
They also reduce suicidal ideation.
Cognitive behavioral treatments include a set of strategies to prevent suicide
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This is a summary of Abnormal Psychology by Kring, Davison, Neale & Johnson. This summary focuses on clincal psychology and mental health. Discussed are etliolgies of disorders and treatments.
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