Adolescent Development - Universiteit Utrecht
Lecture 1
Part 1
10 risk behaviors
“extreme sports”
Unsafe sex
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Notes of the course 'Adolescence Development' 2020-2021
Lecture 1
Part 1
10 risk behaviors
“extreme sports”
Unsafe sex
Lecture 2 Physical development
Part 1
Two times in the life where we grow a lot: two first years in your life and the years during early puberty development. The adolescent is now old enough to see these changes.
Pubertal development
Puberty: the transitional process during which the primary sex characteristics (e.g, testes, ovaries) and secondary sex
Lecture 3
Part 1 – adolescent cognitive development
Conditional reasoning/propositional logic: Classic Modus Ponens (MP) inference: if p then q
What is cognition?
Cognition: aspects of mind related to the acquisition, modification, and manipulation of knowledge in particular contexts
Cognitive development: changes in how an individual thinks, solves problems, and changes
Lecture 4
Morality: right and wrong. How do we know what is right/wrong?
Trolley problem 1
There is a runaway trolley barreling down the railway tracks. Ahead there are 5 people tied to the tracks. You are standing near a level that will switch the trolley to a different track where 1 person is tied.
Lecture 5 Self and Identity
Part 1 - Introduction
Video: what kind of elements of identity do you recognize?
Everybody wears a mask
Insecurity, focus on others
Different faces > multiple identities
Showing her true face > search for autonomous identity: being yourself
Social/peer identities, peer groups
Lecture 6 Family relations
Part 1
How and why do (dynamics of) parents-adolescent relationships change during adolescence?
How are adolescents affected by (changing) experiences in the parent-adolescent relationship, and vice versa?
What is family?
Dictionary definition: married, 2-parent, biological offspring
But: different forms and sizes
Lecture 7 Peers
Book ‘The nurture assumption’: peers play a big role in development of youth (instead of (only) the parents)
Part 1 - Importance of peers across adolescence
Higher in needs fulfillment when you fulfilled the lower needs (survival needs) > belongingness and love needs and esteem needs. These are psychological needs.
Importance also visible
Lecture 8
Part 1 – adolescents in school
Educate young people: prepare them for adulthood
Define young persons’ social world
Context in which they spend most of their waking hours
Shape their psychosocial development
Classroom factors:
Classroom climate
Teachers' expectations
Lecture 9 Media use
Adolescents are heavy users of media.
How does this media use impact the development? (2)
How does adolescent development influence media use? (1)
Moderate discrepancy hypothesis (MDH)
Children and adolescents are predominantly attracted to entertainment that deviates only moderately from the things they
Lecture 10 Love and sex
Part 1 &2 – Adolescent romance
Not only being in a romantic relationship, but also:
Daydreaming about the person in front of you in class with whom you have never spoken
Claims to have a boyfriend, but denied by the boy
Talk on phone everyday (or texting),
Lecture 11 Alcohol use and delinquency
Under the influence of alcohol, youth are at higher risk to be involved in aggressive behavior and violent behaviors.
Part 1 – alcohol use and delinquency
Do the Dutch drink?
Underage drinking
13 years old > monthly drinking = 8.8%
15 year
Lecture 12 Depression, self-harm and suicide
Moods and emotions
Relatively sudden changes in both positively- and negatively valanced affect
The intensity and/or frequency of negative emotion peaks in early adolescence
Young adolescents also experience less positive emotions
Emotions become more complex with a comprehension of mixed emotions
Dramatic changes
Lecture 12a suicide and related problems in adolescence
Suicide in the Netherlands
1% of all deaths
Males commit suicide 2 times more than females
Cause of death of young people in NL
10-25 years
Traffic accidents
Lecture 12b the end of adolescence
When does adolescence end?
In the past – criteria that have been used to mark entry into adulthood include:
Events such as marriage, child-bearing
Important responsibilities to provide, protect, and procreate – duties towards others
Gender-specific criteria
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