Goals and purpose of WorldSupporter
Blogs, Checklists, Projects, Skills, Summaries & Vacancies
What is JoHo WorldSupporter?
- JoHo WorldSupporter is a project for everybody who wants to make a difference and contribute in their own way. An online community and marketplace where global and involved citizens and businesses can share and get inspired.
What are the goals of JoHo and WorldSupporter?
- Understanding another person and culture
- Improvement of world tolerance
- Sharing knowledge and know how worldwide
- Stimulating personal development around and abroad
- Stimulating activities abroad to improve tolerance and the ability to cooperate
- Debates and discussions about right and wrong
How can you support the world of help to improve tolerance?
- Conserve and protect nature
- Fair and respectful travel and backpacking
- Personal competences for meaningful life
- Promoting tolerance and mutual understanding
- Protection of wildlife and the wonders of nature
- Visiting natural wonders and watching wildlife
- Recipes around the world and local food
- Recycling and fair shopping around the world
- Setting up international cooperation
- Sustainable development goals and missions
- Volunteering, saving nature and helping people
- World happiness and personal contentment
Where to find more sounds, texts and views of the world?
Check blogs, experiences and information related to: 'Goals and purpose of WorldSupporter'
What are the 13 preconditions for balance and fulfillment in study, work and private life
- Help yourself by helping others
- Create perspective by opening new doors
- Don't give up but care about something
- Use your empathic skills
- Stay with yourself and lea...
Do you know the Sustainability term: Ecotarier or to be an Ecotarivist? The Ecotarier eats sustainable. The food you eat has a positive effect on the body and on the ecosystem that you are a part of. To eat conscious is simple but not easy. How do you know that the food you are eating is good for th...
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check or search summaries, tests and study assistance within topic: 'Goals and purpose of WorldSupporter'
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JoHo stelt mensen en organisaties in staat zich te ontwikkelen en beter samen te werken, en daardoor bij te dragen aan een tolerante, verdraagzame en duurzame wereld. Via online platforms en support centers wordt steun verleend aan persoonlijke ontwikkeling, en wordt internationale samenwerking gest...
Summaries, study notes, tips and tools for study and know how For optimal and free use of summaries, study help, exam tickets, practice exams, bullet points notes
- join JoHo WorldSupporter
- then check the study and exam tips;
-  ...
JoHo stelt mensen en organisaties in staat zich te ontwikkelen en beter samen te werken, en daardoor bij te dragen aan een tolerante, verdraagzame en duurzame wereld. Via online platforms en support centers wordt steun verleend aan persoonlijke ontwikkeling, en wordt internationale samenwerking gest...
What are the 13 preconditions for balance and fulfillment in study, work and private life
- Help yourself by helping others
- Create perspective by opening new doors
- Don't give up but care about something
- Use your empathic skills
- Stay with yourself and lea...
- For checking destinations related to Goals and purpose of WorldSupporter: you can check the World or backpacking and travel around the world
- For stimulating sustainability related to Goals and purpose of WorldSupporter: you can check the Sustainable Development Goals or sustainable travel and fair adventures
- For sharing knowledge related to Goals and purpose of WorldSupporter: you can check the use of summaries and study notes
- For choosing international insurances related to Goals and purpose of WorldSupporter: you can check insurances for abroad
- For checking volunteerships related to Goals and purpose of WorldSupporter you can also use volunteer, project support and opportunities
- For finding work as employee or digital nomad related to Goals and purpose of WorldSupporter you can check also jobs and materials for teaching abroad or content for digital nomads, global worker and work & travel
- For living abroad you can check also use the checklists for global nomads, expats and other people moving abroad
Een discussie is een uitwisseling van gedachten, meningen. Als je discussieert, verschil je van mening met een ander en wil je die persoon overtuigen van de juistheid van jouw standpunt. 25 Tips om zo zinvol mogelijk te discussiëren.
- goed naar elkaar luisteren (ook non-verbaal)
While establishing causality is a cornerstone of scientific research, it's crucial to remember that it's not always a straightforward process. Although no single condition guarantees definitive proof, there are three key criteria that, when met together, strengthen the evidence for a causal relation...