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Sustainability Looking back at 2017, focussing on the positive. I have been asked to talk, and sometimes even as a Keynote Speaker on Conferences. My talks are about Sustainability (which is the key of Social Impact) and about Social Impact. I did some research and taught myself all about Sustainabi...
Er wordt al jarenlang -en recent niet anders- geschreven over de bedreiging die "toerisme" vormt voor onze planeet. Los van allerlei culturele bedreigingen (de nadelige effecten van massa-toerisme in opkomende voormalige ontwikkelingslanden) gaat het dan vaak om bedreigingen voor het milieu -en spec...
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reNature is a Dutch initiative to make the world a little greener again. In many countries intensive and or monoculture agriculure have degraded the soil. Through training of farmers and local organisations reNature tries to change the way farmers use their land. Agroforestry is their solution. By p...
Iedereen heeft toekomstdromen, maar niet iedereen krijgt de kans deze na te jagen. Zo is de situatie van jonge (ex)vluchtelingen in Nederland vaak uitzichtloos. Stichting New Dutch Connections inspireert en motiveert deze jongeren om opnieuw in zichzelf te geloven door samen met bedrijven works...
World Sustainable Built Environment conference By the year 2020, it’s estimated that 4.3 billion people will live in cities. This will have a profound effect on urban development, all over the world, and we have the responsibility to address the sustainability-related challenges with a global ...
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Many of you might have read the recent articles criticizing the popularity of volunteer work amongst white teenagers nowadays. After the launch of this article, several more popped up, and they are interesting to read. However, these articles, as well as the ones supporting volunteer work, give a &l...
Chris Way, co-founder of Reality Tours, takes us through his work with Smokey Tours in Manila and compares it with the challenges he faced in Dharavi: 'I’ve learned a lot during my time with Smokey Tours. It has been very interesting to help identify their main challenges and to compare these ...
Hey everyone, Today I want to talk about travelling sustainably and ethically, since I think these are two of the most important things if you want to keep travelling and enjoying cultures/natures. So much can be learnt through travelling. It is meaningful and wonderful and gives us the ...
Er wordt al jarenlang -en recent niet anders- geschreven over de bedreiging die "toerisme" vormt voor onze planeet. Los van allerlei culturele bedreigingen (de nadelige effecten van massa-toerisme in opkomende voormalige ontwikkelingslanden) gaat het dan vaak om bedreigingen voor het milieu -en spec...
reNature is a Dutch initiative to make the world a little greener again. In many countries intensive and or monoculture agriculure have degraded the soil. Through training of farmers and local organisations reNature tries to change the way farmers use their land. Agroforestry is their solution. By p...
Sustainability Looking back at 2017, focussing on the positive. I have been asked to talk, and sometimes even as a Keynote Speaker on Conferences. My talks are about Sustainability (which is the key of Social Impact) and about Social Impact. I did some research and taught myself all about Sustainabi...
- Development Goal 01: No Poverty
- Development Goal 02: Zero Hunger
- Development Goal 03: Good Health and Well-Being for People
- Development Goal 04: Quality Education
- Development Goal 05: Gender Equality
- Development Goal 06: Clean Water and Sanitation
- Development Goal 07: Affordable and Clean Energy
- Development Goal 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
- Development Goal 09: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- Development Goal 10: Reducing Inequalities
- Development Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
- Development Goal 13: Climate Action
- Development Goal 14: Life Below Water
- Development Goal 15: Life on Land
- Development Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
- Development Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals
- For checking destinations related to Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities: you can check the World or backpacking and travel around the world
- For stimulating sustainability related to Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities: you can check the Sustainable Development Goals or sustainable travel and fair adventures
- For sharing knowledge related to Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities: you can check the use of summaries and study notes
- For choosing international insurances related to Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities: you can check insurances for abroad
- For checking volunteerships related to Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities you can also use volunteer, project support and opportunities
- For finding work as employee or digital nomad related to Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities you can check also jobs and materials for teaching abroad or content for digital nomads, global worker and work & travel
- For living abroad you can check also use the checklists for global nomads, expats and other people moving abroad