Travel to Albania to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?





Backpacking or traveling in Albania?

  • A country still very much its own by European standards, especially for active vacation and nature lovers. You don't have to spend a lot to have a great vacation, but Albania is becoming more and more touristy in recent years. So a tip: try to travel as sustainably as possible so Albania can remain as wonderful as it is now. 
  • Activity spotting: climb and hike in the Albanian Alps, visit beautiful beaches around Himara, visit the Greek and Roman Butrint, go on pub crawl in the Blloku district in Tirana, discover the Ottoman Gjirokaster, drive or hitchhike through the Albanian Riviera, taste the local beer in Korçë. 

Studying in Albania?

  • Despite considerable government investment in recent years, the quality of education still varies considerably between different institutions. So make sure you pick the right university for you and your field of study. There are many different types of studies to choose from including economics and business administration, IT, law, medical sciences and international relations. 
  • Study cities: Tirana, Vlore, Durrës, Shkodër. 
  • Language: Albanian, with English-language programs as well. You'll find these mainly at private universities or in postgraduate studies. 

Internship in Albania?

  • Internships are available in the tourism sector, in teaching and education (e.g. English classes), with NGOs in the field of environmental protection and community development and, for example, in the business and economic sectors. 
  • Competencies: Albanian and English language skills, creative thinking with limited resources, building international networks, hospitality, teaching skills, understanding emerging markets. 

Volunteering in Albania?

  • You can volunteer in Albania, although it is not easy to find everywhere. There are some organizations that hire volunteers, but they are hard to find. Search in the English education or tourism sector, for example. The best chance is through websites where private individuals offer work for a living. 

Working in Albania?

  • If you are from the EU, it is easier to find work in Albania because you do not need a special visa. For example, you can easily get work as a (language) teacher, in the tourism sector or agriculture. Furthermore, you especially have a chance of finding jobs in the consultancy world at large companies and for example as an engineer.

Working as a digital nomad in Albania?

  • A beautiful Balkan country that is becoming increasingly popular among tourists, Albania is a cozy country for digital nomads. Spending your time in Albania costs little money and you can easily get to beautiful surrounding countries such as Greece and northern Macedonia. 
  • Most amenities are available, there are an increasing number of co-working places and the Internet is certainly good enough for your daily video calls!  
  • Favorite locations: Tirana, Ksamil, Himara, Durrës, Shkodër

Living in Albania?

  • Albania is an increasingly popular country to live in or emigrate to for an extended period of time. It is beautiful, relatively inexpensive and culturally rich with friendly people and ancient traditions. You can live there relaxed with your family or as a retiree, and it is also quite safe for foreigners. 
  • Health care is okay, but not nearly as good as in the rest of Europe. In particular, the facilities leave much to be desired. 
  • Note that there is crime, but this is mostly not aimed at expats. Furthermore, traffic is chaotic, but public transportation can also be confusing and take a long time. So the most convenient thing to do is to be able to use your own car. 


Supporting content

Albania Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Albania Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Albania: Updates & Travel

Albania: Updates & Travel

Travel in Albania?

  • Albania is a surprising country for a vacation, especially for active vacation and nature lovers. With rugged rivers and mountains, hiking here is perfect. In the north and south of the country you will find high mountains, with Mount Korab as the highest peak (2,751 meters). Albania is still little discovered by mass tourism and therefore affordable and even suitable for a beach vacation.
  • Hike through the mountainous landscape in the north and south of the country and climb Albania's highest mountain: Mount Korab (2,751 meters).
  • You can canoe and kayak perfectly in Albania, especially near Shkopet.
  • The country is also beautiful in winter. Both in the north (Jezerca, Valbona valley, Ros Peak, Korab mountain), and in the south (Tomor, Nemercka and Ostrovica mountains) are beautiful hiking trails.
  • Looking for excitement? Go rafting on the Osumi River in the middle of the country. Tours are easy to book from Berati.
  • Visit the home of national hero Skanderberg: the historic fortified town of Kruja. One of the few towns in southern Albania used to tourists.
  • Theti, with its historic buildings and an amazing national park in northern Albania, is a place worth visiting. Traditional mountain life is still preserved here. Wonderful area for hiking. The area is somewhat difficult to reach.
  • Shkodra (Skoder): the cultural capital of northern Albania. The city lies on Lake Skodra, which is partly in Albania and partly in Montenegro. Skodra is one of the oldest and most important cities in Albania and is the fifth largest city in the country.
  • Tirana: The capital of Albania since the 1920s. A good stop for museums and nightlife.
  • Durrësi: Albania's largest and most important port city, where many Roman remains can be seen. Famous for its beautiful beaches and tasty fish.
  • Berati: One of the oldest cities in Albania and also one of the most beautiful. Beautifully preserved Ottoman architecture and a magnificent castle.
  • Be prepared that driving a car in the dark needs your attention, many roads outside the city are not lit!

Updates Albania

  • More about Albania, updates and contributions, see the link below.


Albania: selection of contributions by WorldSupporters - Bundle
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Albania: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Albania?
  • Updates Albania
  • Travel in Albania?

    • Albania is a surprising country for a vacation, especially for active vacation and nature lovers. With rugged rivers and mountains, hiking here is perfect. In the north and south of the country you will fin...
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