Backpacking and travel abroad

Around & Abroad: Suggestions, Summaries, Texts, Tips, Themes & Vacancies




Backpacking and travel around the world

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Latest changes and updates tagged with: Backpacking and travel abroad

Aruba: Travel & Updates

Travel in Aruba

  • As many people know, Aruba is the ideal vacation destination if you love sun, sea and beach! Aruba has other sides as well. Walk the haystack and look out over the island, walk among the cheerfully colored houses in Oranjestad (Playa) or admire the beautiful colors of the butterflies, on display in the butterfly garden.
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Kuwait: Travel & Updates

Travel in Kuwait?

  • Kuwait is a country with a bizarre mix between Western liberalism, oil capitalism and conservative Islam. Consequently, Kuwait City has mosques and skyscrapers side by side. The country is struggling with its neighbors, especially Iran. Besides Kuwait City and ports with large oil tankers, Kuwait does not really have that much to offer the traveler.
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Sout Korea: Updates & Travel

Travel in South Korea?

  • In South Korea, you are literally and figuratively between China and Japan. Along with influences from both countries (a fierce history story), South Korea has also really developed its own culture. Best known for the mega popular K-Pop, but also for its delicious street food. Yet the country has much more to offer. Among
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Displaying 13 - 16 of 101
Malawi: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Malawi?
  • Updates Malawi
  • Travel in Malawi?

    • Malawi has countless beautiful beaches, with clear blue waters. The people are incredibly friendly and have a rich culture. Even the capital Lilongwe has a relaxed atmosphere compared to other East African cap...
Madagascar: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Madagascar?
  • Updates Madagascar
  • Travel in Madagascar?

    • If you love nature, go to Madagascar. Because it is an island and therefore cut off from the mainland, it has about 10,000 organisms found nowhere else in the world! For example, do you know about ...
Cape Verde: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Cape Verde?
  • Updates Cape Verde
  • Travel in Cape Verde?

    • Cape Verde consists of several islands, each with its own beautiful nature, cultural customs and special animal species. Go diving with the turtles or visit the historic city of Cidade Velha. Music...
Gambia: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Gambia?
  • Updates Gambia
  • Travel in Gambia?

    • One of the smallest and also most pleasant countries in Africa. The country is 500 km long and follows the Gambia River. Gambia is only 25 to 50 km wide. Besides the fantastic beaches, the picturesque villages...


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Selected spotlight content related to Backpacking and travel abroad
Planning your trip for travel abroad: where and when to go?
  • When to plan a travel trip?
  • What are tips concerning the travel time?
  • How much time you need to visit a certain regions or countries?
  • Best travel times: what is de the best time to go to ...?
  • When to plan a travel trip?

    • When you are planning ...

What is the world?

  • The world generally refers to the earth and everything that lives, grows and flourishes on it. The earth as the home of all animals and nature.

What meanings does the world have?

  • Sometimes the world does not only mean the earth and everything on it, bu...


Wat is een globetrotter? Een globetrotter is iemand die gedurende langere tijd in meerdere landen van de wereld werkt, woont of op doorreis is. Wat is een wereldreiziger? Een wereldreiziger is iemand die gedurende langere tijd door meerdere landen in de wereld aan het reizen is, waarbij de landen ov...

  • Highlights of Curaçao
  • Health and safety in Curaçao
  • Transport in Curaçao
  • Accommodation, food and drinks in Curaçao
  • Curaçao is part of the Dutch Antilles in the Caribbean area which also consists of islands like Aruba ...

Spotlight: favorites

Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Backpacking and travel abroad

Climate has been on the forefront of international negotiations in the past decades. The evidence of human-induced climate change and its consequences is abundant and ever increasing. While states are delving into seemingly never-ending negotiations, citizens and other non-state actors are increasin...


In 2019, it's hard to ignore thinking about how your consumption choices affect the world. While you're probably familiary with the bad impacts of flying, the meat and dairy industry and the plastic soup that we call oceans, the textile industry hasn't entirely made it's way into the spotl...

Spotlight summaries related to Backpacking and travel abroad
What is tourism?

Tourism can be understood in two ways:

  • The act: Traveling for leisure, relaxation, or business to a place outside your usual environment. This includes activities you do at the destination.
  • The industry: The businesses and services that cater to tourists, like hotels, airlines, tou...

What is ecotourism?

Ecotourism is a travel philosophy that promotes responsible exploration of natural environments. It prioritizes minimal environmental impact, education for tourists, and supporting conservation efforts and local communities. What are main features of ecotourism?

  • Focus on nature: Ecotourism ...

What is sustainable tourism?

Sustainable tourism is a travel philosophy that minimizes negative impacts on the environment, respects local cultures, and ensures economic benefits are shared with host communities. It aims to balance the needs of tourists with the long-term well-being of a destination. What are some main features...

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