What are typical Costa Rican habits, food customs, recipes and philosophies in Costa Rica?

What are the customs in Costa Rica regarding food?

  • As in most Central American countries, rice and beans are the main ingredients of the meal.
  • Fresh seafood and fish are also plentiful on the coast.
  • For vegetarians, it can be difficult to find varied food.
  • Thai and Chinese restaurants can be a welcome change.
  • Delicious and inexpensive fresh fruit is available in many places.
  • Some endangered animals do appear on restaurant menus. If you do not want to contribute to the extinction of an endangered species, do not eat the following foods: tortuga (sea turtle), huevos de tortuga (sea turtle eggs) and iguana (lizard).

What are the best recipes in Costa Rica?

  • A traditional Costa Rican breakfast consists of Gallo Pinto (spotted rooster), a mix of beans and rice, often served with a tortilla and/or a fried/scrambled egg. 
  • In the afternoon, hot food is served. Most popular is the casado, a dish again consisting of beans, rice, meat, often served with lettuce and fried banana and egg or avocado.
  • In the evening, casado is also the most favorite (and inexpensive) dish.
  • Picadillo: Braised vegetable and meat dish.
  • Sopa negra: Black beans with egg.

What are the best drinks in Costa Rica?

  • Coffee is widely drunk in Costa Rica, usually black with lots of milk.
  • Batidos (fresh fruit shakes: ice mixed with water or milk, fresh fruit of your choice and honey) are very tasty, inexpensive and in hot weather a refreshing treat.
  • Pipas are fresh coconuts served with a straw. Also not expensive and delicious.
  • Alcoholic drinks are available in many places for little money and then taken heartily. For example, rum cola with lemon (Cuba Libre).

What are notable holidays and festivals in Costa Rica?

  • Costa Rica (like other Central American countries) was officially declared independent by Spain on Sept. 15, 1821. This day is celebrated every year throughout the country with nationalist parades and the singing of the national anthem.
  • A large cathedral now stands on the spot where a statue of a black Mary (La negrita) was found in 1635. Every year pilgrims from all over the country make a 22-kilometer pilgrimage to this cathedral, the last part usually on their knees. All in honor of the Virgin de los Angeles, the patron saint of Costa Rica.

What are the remarkable habits in Costa Rica?

  • Pura Vida is the unofficial motto of Costa Rica, and it means "pure life." It's a way of life that emphasizes living in the moment, enjoying the simple things, and being grateful for what you have. Pura Vida is reflected in the way the people from Costa Rica approach everything in life.
  • When meeting someone for the first time, it is appropriate to address them by their title and last name. For example, you would say Señor(a) Ramirez. Once you get to know someone better, it is possible to use their first name.


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