WorldSupporter: How to add a table of content in your contributions?

Why work with a table of content?

  • With a table of content you give readers an overview of your text
  • Furthermore, you give readers the option to immediately go to the text of their interest.

What are the prerequisites for a table of content?

  • The table of content is based on your headings in your text field
  • For each item you wish to include in your table of content, you should apply the appropriate style, 'Heading 2', to that item in the text field
  • On WorldSupporter you can add styles like 'Heading 2' through the tab 'format' in the text editor.

How do you insert a table of content in a text field?

  • On WorldSupporter you can insert a table of content in almost any text field
  • You can do so by adding the following text in your text field: [toc]
  • This text is recognized by the website and will automatically create a table of content with the items that have the style 'Heading 2'
  • You can try it out by saving your contribution, and revisit your page if you want

What are some commonly used options to customize the table of content?

  • If you want an extra title to your table of content, you can add text between the brackets.
    • For example: [toc This is a table of content]
  • If you want to highlight texts in your table of content, you can make that text bold in the text field

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