WorldSupporter: why fill in your WorldSupporter CV (resume), and what is it?
WorldSupportship & Mini CV
- Your WorldSupportship is shaped in your WorldSupporter mini-cv (resume). With the WorldSupporter Mini-CV you indicate what you contribute to the world around you. You show what you do for others, at school, during work, on holiday or in your spare time
- With the aim of inspiring others to contribute to the world and to support and promote your favorite projects and charities
- Create your WorldSupporter CV now, show what you do and become a source of inspiration for others...
- or first check the personal profiles with sample CVs or read some WorldSupporter tips for filling your Mini-CV
This content is used in bundle:
WorldSupporter FAQ: questions and answers about your WorldSupporter account
- WorldSupporter: what is WorldSupporter profile and account?
- WorldSupporter: what sort of contributions can you contribute yourself by your WorldSupporter profile?
- WorldSupporter: which actions can be done to respond to contributions, or to discover and view a profile?
- WorldSupporter: why fill in your WorldSupporter CV (resume), and what is it?
- WorldSupporter: why and how to draw attention to your profile or content?
- WorldSupporter: Why and how to create a profile for an organization?
- WorldSupporter: what to do to solve and prevent a problem with your account, login, online access or password
- WorldSupporter: Which actions to undertake to leave, say goodby and you stop your WorldSupporter activities?
- WorldSupporter FAQ: all questions and answers
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