Year 1 of psychology at the uva


In this bundle, all summaries needed to succesfully complete the fist year of psychology at the uva are presented.

Bundle items:
Introduction to psychology
Introduction to developmental psychology
Introduction to organisational psychology
Introduction to social psychology
Introduction to cognitive psychology
Introduction to clinical psychology
Test theory and practice
More summaries
This content is used in bundle:

Psychology at the uva

Master klinische psychologie uva
Living a student’s-life

Living a student’s-life

Hello there and welcome to the blog with a bit of a misleading name. I have been living a student’s-life for several years now and have become fairly good at it. That’s to say, at the studying bit. If you ask me where the best bar is, I will have to answer with an awkward silence. Unless you want to drink an unhealthy amount of tea, I fear I can’t help you. What I can do is give some tips and tricks about studying. I am a full-on psychology-nerd with an interest in clinical psychology that is just more
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