Travel to The Netherlands to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



 The Netherlands


Backpacking in the Netherlands?

  • The Netherlands for short travel distances, lots of roads to cycle or hike, long beaches with relaxing beach bars everywhere, extensive festival summer, international backpacker scene in Amsterdam and The Hague, lots of culture, and a still quite open society.

Travel in the Netherlands?

  • Check the architecture in the many medieval cities, the many art museum and the extensive music scene.
  • City spotting: Delft, Deventer, Haarlem, Leiden, Middelburg.
  • Nature spotting: flower bulb fields in April, national park De Hoge Veluwe, the Frisian lakes and lake areas in South Holland.

Studying in the Netherlands?

  • Studies: Almost all programs at universities and colleges offer international programs.
  • Popular cities to study in: Delft, Groningen, Leiden, Utrecht.
  • Universities: Amsterdam, Delft, Eindhoven, Groningen, Leiden, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Utrecht, Wageningen.
  • Characteristics: Many international students, intense student life with many (and some international) student associations in most student cities.

Internships in the Netherlands?

  • Internship opportunities are available in all sectors of society from marketing to education and from research to engineering.
  • There are also a broad scala of opportunities for international students for practical internships and regular research internships.

Volunteering in the Netherlands?

  • Volunteer projects are available especially in the fields of nature management, the care sector and in the cultural sector.
  • Characteristics: The Netherlands has a strong volunteer culture where every village and town has a local extensive network of volunteer organizations.

Working in the Netherlands?

  • Temporary work can be found in the sectors: hospitality, retail, agriculture, fruit growing and tourism.
  • Characteristics: non-hierarchical and direct work culture (especially comparing with surrounding countries), varying work ethos per sector, much work is export and international-oriented.

Working as a digital nomad in the Netherlands?

  • Excellent digital infrastructure with widespread availability of high-speed internet and coworking spaces.
  • Favorite cities: Amsterdam, Maastricht, Rotterdam, Utrecht.

Living in the Netherlands?

  • Language: To live and work in the Netherlands, you do not need to have speak Dutch, most people are able to speak English. Of course it is highly appreciated when you do and it does not hurt to take a course in Dutch.
  • Characteristics: Prepare yourself for a fairly direct culture where people rarely look at you to see if you might have long or sensitive toes.
  • The attitude of the Dutch is generally relaxed and efficient when it comes to the practicalities of life.
  • Prepare for an entrepreneurial atmosphere that is reflected in both business and social life.

Supporting content

Supporting content:
The Netherlands Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

The Netherlands Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Main content and contributions about travel, living and work in The Netherlands

Studying in the Netherlands - Theme
Travel, living and working in The Netherlands (Holland) - Theme
Travel, living and working in The Netherlands (Holland) - Theme
Studying in the Netherlands - Theme

Studying in the Netherlands - Theme

Studying in the Netherlands When you're planning to study in The Netherlands you'll probably looking for housing, getting a health insurance and want to know more about rules and regulations when working in The Netherlands. This page can be a starting point to get the information you're looking for.


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,,,accommodations, adventure activities, courses, internships, jobs and volunteer projects help another, travel with care, work together , learn

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Activities abroad: home page

Activities abroad: home page

From language courses to gap year abroad, from work experience to volunteering abroad, from paid work to internship abroad, from mountaineering to diving and from backpacking to travel around the world

    What social activities can you do abroad?

    • Opportunities are found in the areas of helping, learning or studying. You can get involved to volunteer in a social project at a school in Africa, Asia or Latin America. You can get involved in nature, in a project with animals or cleaning the sea or beaches. Those who want to learn more can choose for example a language course in Latin America, Spain or South Africa.

    What work related activities can you do abroad?

    • If you want to gain work experience, and/or also earn money, go and work abroad. You can combine backpacking in Australia with temporary work. You can work on campsites in Europe or bush camps in Africa. You can pretty much go all over the world to work in the hospitality industry, hotels and hostels, in the healthcare sector or for example at a diving school.

    What sports activities to do abroad?

    • Have you ever thought of mountain biking, rafting (going down a wild river on a raft or rubber dinghy, climbing or canoeing), survival (which involves building rafts, climbing or canoeing), abseiling (descending a rock face while secured to ropes), zip-lining (whizzing down a cable), canyoning (starting at the top of a river and then climbing, swimming, diving down the bed) or caving (scrambling, wriggling and crawling through caves and crevices)?
    • Maybe you feel more comfortable on a bodyboard (on a half-wave surfboard, you surf the high waves lying down-with flippers), on a hang glider or while paragliding (with a parachute you float down a mountain or dune), hydrospeeding (on a bodyboard with flippers and a wetsuit on you go down a wild river via rapids) or Tiefschneeskiing (racing down through powder snow)?

    Check the pages below for more activities and inspiration and where to go and how to arrange it

      Activities abroad: for work and intern abroad

      Activities abroad: for work and intern abroad

      Work Abroad, Work Experience Abroad & Intern Abroad


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      Education Category: General, Language Ages: 4-8, 8-12, 12-16, 16+ Talen leren Een vreemde taal leren. Het staat bijna op iedere bucketlist die je ooit zult tegenkomen. Heel tof, maar het leren ervan vergt vaak meer tijd en moeite dan men denkt. Hieronder beschrijf ik een aantal ...


      Er wordt al tijden veel gediscussierd over de vraag of het internationaler worden (van het bedrijfsleven, van het onderwijs, etc.) ten koste gaat van de Nederlandse identiteit.

      • "Ja," beargumenteren de tegenstanders van méér internationalisering. Is het nu wel nodig, bijvoorbee...


      Utrecht is one of the most beautiful cities in the Netherlands. It’s Amsterdam, but smaller and less crowded, what more do you want? Well…. FOOD of course. While there are plenty of restaurants to choose from, and they generally all have some vegan dishes, there are some great spots whe...


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      Asia: country bundles

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      Europe: country bundles

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      Het Andere Reizen

      Het Andere Reizen is een organisatie die duurzaam en verantwoord reizen promoot. Naast de reisprogramma's worden ook diverse sociale en duurzame stages en vrijwlligersprojecten aangeboden.

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      Organizations & Services: home bundle

      Bundled content, suggestions, stories and tips about organizations and their products and services help another, travel with care, work together, learn to share and inspire with

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      Organizations: home page



      Must do in Utrecht

      Een heel leuke manier Utrecht te bezichtigen is per boot. Via kan je een elektrische sloep huren voor een dagdeel. Voor het luttele bedrag van 60 euro per uur huur je een sloep voor max 10 personen. Vervolgens kan je geruisloos een aantal uur op de Utrechtse grachten bivakeren en d...


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      Education Category: General, Language Ages: 4-8, 8-12, 12-16, 16+ Talen leren Een vreemde taal leren. Het staat bijna op iedere bucketlist die je ooit zult tegenkomen. Heel tof, maar het leren ervan vergt vaak meer tijd en moeite dan men denkt. Hieronder beschrijf ik een aantal ...


      Er wordt al tijden veel gediscussierd over de vraag of het internationaler worden (van het bedrijfsleven, van het onderwijs, etc.) ten koste gaat van de Nederlandse identiteit.

      • "Ja," beargumenteren de tegenstanders van méér internationalisering. Is het nu wel nodig, bijvoorbee...

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      Volunteer abroad - Theme
      Work abroad and working holidays - Theme
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