Skills: home page Improve competencies and skills for study, travel, work and meaningful life2851 reads
Discussions and Debates - Theme Content en contributions for WorldSupporter discussions and debats5729 reads
Discovering and improving personal values, skills, qualities and emotions The key personal emotions and values that play a role as an indicator to change your lifeor act as a signal that you are on the right track5696 reads
Teaching materials and preparing lessons abroad - Theme Teaching materials, tips and tools for teaching abroad19782 reads
Sustainable live, travel and work - Theme Opportunities, tips and discussions about live, travel and work in the world you care about11530 reads
The science of happiness and the secrets of a meaningful life - Theme How to live a more or less happy and meaningful life?12462 reads
Thema's: persoonlijke competenties, emoties en waarden Themapagina's voor persoonlijke competenties, emoties en waardenEen geslaagd leven leiden en goed bezig zijn - ThemaEen min of meer gelukkig en zinvol leven leiden - ThemaThemes: main theme pages for personal competences, skills and valuesAccess: Public865 reads
Themes: main theme pages The main theme pages on WorldSupporter bundledThemes: main theme pages for the JoHo WorldSupporter goals, vision and organizationThemes: main theme pages for summaries and study assistanceThemes: main theme pages for learn and studyThemes: main theme pages for personal competences, skills and valuesThemes: main theme pages for happiness and meaningful lifeThemes: main theme pages for activities abroad (intern, study, travel, volunteer, work or emigrate)Themes: main theme pages for travel, living and working abroad per continentThemes: main theme pages for travel, living and working abroad in favorite countriesThemes: main theme pages for emigration, moving and living abroadWorldsupporter: home pages and bundlesAccess: Public1997 reads
Skills & Motivations: home bundle Content and contributions related to competencies, feelings, motivations and skill help another, travel with care, work together, learn to share and inspire with your experienceSkills: home pageDiscovering and improving personal values, skills, qualities and emotionsGain and improve academic skills - ThemeSkills: per competence, emotion, skill or valueSkills: suggestions and summaries on academic skillsExams: suggestions and summaries on study skills and writing thesisSkills: suggestions and summaries on skills for work, volunteering and internshipsSkills: suggestions, summaries and tips of Worldsupporters on values and skills improvementThe Happiness BundleThemes: main theme pages for personal competences, skills and valuesVaardigheden: basisbundelSkills & Motivations: home bundleAccess: Public658 reads
WorldSupporter: main background pages Spotlight starting pages on WorldSupporterWorldSupporter: About & FAQWorldSupporter: cooperate or work in The World of JoHo - StartWorldSupporter: news and updatesWorldSupporter: toolkit for adding and using content on WorldSupporterWorldSupporter: register with JoHo WorldSupporterWorldSupporter: rules of the game for using and adding contentThemes: main theme pagesWorldSupporter: start- en themapagina'sWorldsupporter: home pages and bundlesRead more about WorldSupporter: main background pages3326 reads
WorldSupporter: start- en themapagina's Uitgelichte Nederlandse pagina's op WorldSupporterWorldSupporter: aanmelden bij JoHo WorldSupporterWorldSupporter: achtergronden, vragen en antwoordenThema's: voor samenvattingen en studiehulpThema's: activiteiten in het buitenlandThema's: persoonlijke competenties, emoties en waardenWorldSupporter: main background pagesRead more about WorldSupporter: start- en themapagina's2114 reads
Themes: main theme pages The main theme pages on WorldSupporter bundledThemes: main theme pages for the JoHo WorldSupporter goals, vision and organizationThemes: main theme pages for summaries and study assistanceThemes: main theme pages for learn and studyThemes: main theme pages for personal competences, skills and valuesThemes: main theme pages for happiness and meaningful lifeThemes: main theme pages for activities abroad (intern, study, travel, volunteer, work or emigrate)Themes: main theme pages for travel, living and working abroad per continentThemes: main theme pages for travel, living and working abroad in favorite countriesThemes: main theme pages for emigration, moving and living abroadWorldsupporter: home pages and bundlesRead more about Themes: main theme pages1997 reads
Thema's: persoonlijke competenties, emoties en waarden Themapagina's voor persoonlijke competenties, emoties en waardenEen geslaagd leven leiden en goed bezig zijn - ThemaEen min of meer gelukkig en zinvol leven leiden - ThemaThemes: main theme pages for personal competences, skills and valuesRead more about Thema's: persoonlijke competenties, emoties en waarden865 reads
Goals & Purposes: home bundle Bundled...WorldSupporter: what is the JoHo WorldSupporter mission, vision and concept?Themes: main theme pages for the JoHo WorldSupporter goals, vision and organizationThemes: main theme pages for personal competences, skills and valuesThemes: main theme pages for happiness and meaningful lifeThe Happiness BundleSkills: per competence, emotion, skill or valueWorldsupporter: home pages and bundlesRead more about Goals & Purposes: home bundle757 reads
Skills & Motivations: home bundle Content and contributions related to competencies, feelings, motivations and skill help another, travel with care, work together, learn to share and inspire with your experienceSkills: home pageDiscovering and improving personal values, skills, qualities and emotionsGain and improve academic skills - ThemeSkills: per competence, emotion, skill or valueSkills: suggestions and summaries on academic skillsExams: suggestions and summaries on study skills and writing thesisSkills: suggestions and summaries on skills for work, volunteering and internshipsSkills: suggestions, summaries and tips of Worldsupporters on values and skills improvementThe Happiness BundleThemes: main theme pages for personal competences, skills and valuesVaardigheden: basisbundelSkills & Motivations: home bundleRead more about Skills & Motivations: home bundle658 reads
Humour and irony: home bundle Main content and contributions for Humour and ironyArticle summary with How morality judgments influence humor perceptions of prankvertising by Chang - 2021Everyone smiles in the same language :)Give a shit about NatureSmiles and LaughterThemes: main theme pages for personal competences, skills and valuesHumor en ironie: basisbundelRead more about Humour and irony: home bundle306 reads
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