General Psychology and Introduction to psychology


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General Psychology and Introduction to psychology


General Psychology and Introduction to psychology

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Psychology and behavioral sciences

What is psychology?

  • Psychology is the science of behavior and the mind. Behavior revolves around observable actions of people and animals, and mind concerns all human subjective experiences such as human memory, feelings and dreams, but also all unconscious knowledge and habits that have an influence. on people's conscious behavior.
  • Science is also defined as 'attempts to find answers to questions through the systematic collection of observable data and their logical analysis'.
  • Man is the only being who can think through his actions, feelings, dreams and thoughts. This ability to reflect has led to the emergence of psychology as a science.
  • The most important question we ask ourselves in psychology is: “why do people think, feel and behave the way they do?” The mind cannot be directly observed, which is why psychology often relies on interpreting observable behaviors to collect data. That data is then often used to draw conclusions about the mind.

What are the pages involved for summaries on psychology and behavioral sciences?

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What are the topics related to internships and volunteering in the field of psychology and behavioral sciences?

What are the skills related related to work experience in the field of psychology and behavioral sciences?

What are the Worldsupporter goals related to psychology and behavioral sciences?



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Psychology and behavorial sciences - Theme
Psychologie: samenvattingen en studiehulp - Thema


Latest blogs, jobs, projects, organizations, and tips tagged with: General Psychology and Introduction to psychology

What is general psychology?

General psychology lays the foundation for understanding the fascinating world of the human mind. It delves into the core principles that govern how we think, feel, learn, behave, and interact with the world around us.

What are the main features of general psychology?

  • Broad Scope: It encompasses a wide range of topics, from perception and memory to learning and motivation, emotion and social behavior.
  • Scientific Approach: General psychology relies on scientific methods like experimentation, observation, and brain imaging to understand mental processes.
  • Normality and Abnormality: It explores both typical patterns of human behavior and psychological disorders.
  • Theoretical Frameworks: General psychology utilizes various theories to explain and predict thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

What are important sub-areas in general psychology?

  • Learning: How we acquire and retain new knowledge and skills.
  • Memory: How we encode, store, retrieve, and forget information.
  • Cognitive Psychology: Focuses on mental processes like attention, problem-solving, decision-making, and
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Working and studying as a psychologist: The best textbooks summarized

    Summaries and Study Assistance with Working and studying as a psychologist

    Table of content

  • Summary with the book: Chapters on History of Psychology by Van der Velde - 1st edition
  • Summary with the book: Consciousness: An Introduction by Blackmore and Troscianko - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology by Brysbaert and Rastle - 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: Pioneers of Psychology by Fancher and Rutherford - 5th edition
  • Summary with the book: Psychological Communication: Theories, Roles and Skills for Counsellors by Van der Molen a.o. - 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: Psychological Science by Gazzaniga - 7th edition
  • Summary with the book: Psychology by Ciccarelli and White - 6th edition
  • Summary with the book: Psychology by Gray and Bjorklund - 8th edition
  • Summary with the book: Straight choices: The psychology of decision making by Newell a.o. -
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TentamenTickets bij Geschiedenis van de psychologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen


Een aantal tips om je tentamen te halen, zijn:

  • Het debat tussen Hobbes (als empirist/materialist/mechanist) en Descartes (als nativist/rationalist/dualist) komt zeker terug op het tentamen. Goed leren!
  • Het is goed om per theoretische positie de naam van de positie op te schrijven, uit te leggen wat het is, wie die positie aanhangt en welke theoretische positie tegenover deze positie staat (en wat dat inhoudt en wie die theorie aanhangt)

TentamenTickets bij Overzicht van de Psychologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen


Een aantal tips om je tentamen te halen, zijn:

  • Het tentamen heeft vooral feitelijke vragen, leer de begrippen en stamp de feiten dus goed
  • Het boek en de begrippenlijsten in het boek staan centraal op het tentamen

De belangrijkste onderwerpen zijn:

  • Grondslagen van de psychologie;
  • Evolutie en leren;
  • Fysiologische en cognitieve verklaringen van gedrag;
  • Cognitieve en sociale ontwikkeling;
  • Sociale cognitie en sociale invloed;
  • Persoonlijkheidstheorieën, afwijkend gedrag, en behandeling van psychische stoornissen

Example exam with History of Psychology at the Leiden University - Exclusive

Multiple choice questions

Question 1

The theory of evolution by natural selection from Charles Darwin's Origin of Species presupposes the existence of:

  1. Hereditary small individual differences.
  2. Hereditary psychological characteristics in humans.
  3. A number of fixed groups of species.
  4. All these answers are correct.

Question 2

Gall's phrenological theory contained an erroneous assumption. Which?

  1. The language function is located near the front of the cortex.
  2. Specific psychological functions may be located in specific areas of the brain.
  3. The shape of the skull is an accurate representation of the shape of the underlying brain.
  4. All the above answers are correct.


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Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access)

Example exam with Introduction to Psychology at the Leiden University - Exclusive

Multiple choice questions

Question 1

Which parenting style is seen as the best in terms of raising a child?

  1. Authoritarian parenting style.
  2. Authorative parenting style.
  3. Permissive parenting Style.
  4. Mixed parenting Style.

Question 2

The view that some knowledge and rules are innate belongs to the:

  1. Empiricism.
  2. Materialism.
  3. Nativism.
  4. Dualism.

Question 3

In Pavlov's experiments, the dog's response with drool to hearing the bell is the:

  1. Conditioned stimulus.
  2. Unconditioned stimulus.
  3. Conditioned response.
  4. Unconditioned response.

Question 4

Which scientist taught cats to come out of a box and explained this through the law of effect?

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    Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access)

    Voorbeeldtentamen bij Inleiding in de Psychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden - 2023/2024 -Exclusive


    Vraag 1

    Welke ouderschapsstijl wordt gezien als het beste met betrekking tot de opvoeding van een kind?

    1. Autoritaire ouderschapsstijl.
    2. Authoratieve ouderschapsstijl.
    3. Permissieve ouderschapsstijl.
    4. Gemengde ouderschapsstijl.

    Vraag 2

    De zienswijze dat sommige kennis en regels aangeboren zijn, behoort tot het:

    1. Empirisme.
    2. Materialisme.
    3. Nativisme.
    4. Dualisme.

    Vraag 3

    In de experimenten van Pavlov is de reactie van de hond met kwijl op het horen van de bel de:

    1. Geconditioneerde stimulus.
    2. Ongeconditioneerde stimulus.
    3. Geconditioneerde respons.
    4. Ongeconditioneerde respons.

    Vraag 4

    Welke wetenschapper leerde katten uit een doos te komen en verklaarde dit door middel van de law of effect?

    1. Skinner.
    2. Pavlov.
    3. Thorndike.
    4. Watson.
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    Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access)

    Article summary with Fragmentation or Differentiation: Questioning the Crisis in Psychology by Zittoun, Gillespie & Cornish - 2009 - Exclusive

    What is this article about?

    There seems to be a crisis in the field of psychology due to the fragmentation of traditions with different research questions and methodologies. The authors challenge the notion of this fragmentation and propose a second narrative of differentiation. Building on this second narrative the crisis can be viewed as an opportunity for development in the field of psychology.

    A crisis is defined by the authors as a cycle between progressive changes and significant reorganization that can either

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    Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access)



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