
Latest blogs, jobs, projects, organizations, and tips tagged with: Immunology and Infection

What are challenges and perspectives in gene-environment interactions in asthma and allergies? - Kauffmann and Demenais, 2012 - Article

Summary with the article: What are challenges and perspectives in gene-environment interactions in asthma and allergies? - Kauffmann and Demenais, 2012

Asthma and allergy are diseases that develop through genetic and environmental effects and their interactions. In the past most research focused on genes and the environment was seen as less important. However nowadays the focus lies more on research into gene x environment (GxE) interactions and developing new methods to identify those. However, it remains a challenge to understand the GxE interactions of complex diseases.

Gene-environment interaction can be a statistical interaction, which are all effects that are not pure main effects.

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Epigenetics: Stress makes its molecular mark - Nestler (2012) - Article

Summary with the article: Epigenetics: Stress makes its molecular mark - Nestler (2012)

Some people who are exposed to stress are more vulnerable to negative outcomes than others. Differences in epigenetics may explain this vulnerability. Epigenetic mechanisms provide short and long-term responses to stress.

Aggressive mice

When a person is stressed, gene expressions in areas the brain will be activated or inhibited. Many stress-induced changes are adaptive, but some are also harmful and can be permanent. Research has been done using mice which were exposed to other, aggressive mice. After ten days of this experiment, the mice started to avoid these other mice. They also became less interested, less adventurous and more likely to be obese. These symptoms could last for months and could be treated with antidepressants. It turned out that mice that had been given cocaine a week before being exposed to aggressive mice had more stress-related

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Samenvatting bij de 4e druk van Medische immunologie van Benner

Leeswijzer bij Medische Immunologie van Benner


Over dit boek

Opbouw van het boek

  • De eerste helft van het boek gaat over de bouw en de fysiologie van het immuunsysteem, de tweede helft gaat nader in op de medische aspecten hiervan. Het boek behandelt de stoornissen van het immuunsysteem, en besteedt veel aandacht op de diagnose en behandelmogelijkheden. Daarnaast wordt beschreven hoe het immuunsysteem bepaalde tumoren

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Samenvatting Introductie tot Psychoneuroimmunologie

H1: Introductie tot de Psychoneuroimmunologie

Hieronder worden het doel en de belangrijkste thema’s van de samenvatting beschreven.

Het doel

De term psychoneuroimmunologie stamt uit het jaar 1980 en werd destijds geïntroduceerd door Robert Ader. Hij benadrukte hiermee de fundamentele eenheid van het lichaam om de gezondheid te handhaven. Het doel van het boek

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Check or search summaries, tests and tips within topic: Immunology and Infection
Displaying 5 - 8 of 19
What is a virus?

A virus is a tiny, infectious agent that can only reproduce inside the living cells of an organism. Viruses are much smaller than bacteria and far simpler in structure. They lack the machinery needed to replicate on their own and rely on host cells to provide the necessary resources.

  • Viruse...

Samenvatting bij de 4e druk van The Immune System van Parham
  • Leeswijzer bij The Immune System van Parham
  • Wat zijn de elementen en verdedigingsmechanismen van het immuunsysteem? - Chapter 1
  • Wat is de onmiddellijke reactie op infectie van aangeboren immuniteit? - Chapter 2
  • Wat is de geïnduceerde respons op infectie bij ...


Check or search within topic: Immunology and Infection
Displaying 5 - 8 of 19
What is a virus?

A virus is a tiny, infectious agent that can only reproduce inside the living cells of an organism. Viruses are much smaller than bacteria and far simpler in structure. They lack the machinery needed to replicate on their own and rely on host cells to provide the necessary resources.

  • Viruse...

Samenvatting bij de 4e druk van The Immune System van Parham
  • Leeswijzer bij The Immune System van Parham
  • Wat zijn de elementen en verdedigingsmechanismen van het immuunsysteem? - Chapter 1
  • Wat is de onmiddellijke reactie op infectie van aangeboren immuniteit? - Chapter 2
  • Wat is de geïnduceerde respons op infectie bij ...


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Selected spotlight content related to Immunology and Infection
Immunology and infection: The best textbooks summarized

Immunology and infection: The best textbooks summarized Summaries and study assistance with Immunology and Infection

  • For 5+ booksummaries for Immunology and Infection, see the supporting content of this study guide

Table of contents

  • Immunology for Medical Students van Na...

What is immunology?

Immunology is a fascinating field of study that delves into the intricate workings of the immune system, the body's defense network against infection, illness, and foreign invaders. What are the main features of immunology?

  • Comprehensive Approach: Examines all aspects of the immune sys...

What is an infection?

An infection occurs when a foreign organism (pathogen) like bacteria, virus, fungus, or parasite invades a host (human or animal) and disrupts normal bodily functions, causing disease. Here's a deeper dive: What are the main features of an infection?

  • Invasion and Colonization: Pathogens gai...

Spotlight: favorites

Spotlight summaries related to Immunology and Infection
What is a virus?

A virus is a tiny, infectious agent that can only reproduce inside the living cells of an organism. Viruses are much smaller than bacteria and far simpler in structure. They lack the machinery needed to replicate on their own and rely on host cells to provide the necessary resources.

  • Viruse...

Samenvatting Introductie tot Psychoneuroimmunologie
  • H1: Introductie tot de Psychoneuroimmunologie
  • H2: Historische context
  • H3: Het immuunsysteem: de basis
  • H4: Endocrien-immuunmodulatie
  • H5: Neuro-immuunmodulatie
  • H6: Stress, contextuele veranderingen en ziekte
  • H7: Psychosociale stress: neur...
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