Travel to Abu Dhabi, Dubai & United Arab Emirates to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

Intro: life and experiences in Abu Dhabi, Dubai & United Arab Emirates

Backpacking in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.)?

  • Abu Dhabi, Dubai and the United Arab Emirates are generally only visited by backpackers as a stopover.
  • Characteristics: futuristic cities, historical sites, beaches, pricey.   

Traveling in the United Arab Emirates?

  • The United Arab Emirates consists of about seven emirates, of which Dubai and Abu Dhabi are by far the best known. The other five emirates are Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al Qaywayn, Fujeirah and Ras al-Khaimah.
  • City spotting: Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Asman, Ras Al Khaimah.
  • Activities spotting: a visit to the world's tallest building - the Burj Khalifa, mosque visits, desert safaris, spending the night in a Bedouin camp, snorkeling and diving in the Persian Gold, chic and traditional shopping, skydiving at Palm Jumeirah, visiting Ferrari World and relaxing in luxury spas. 
  • Nature spotting: In addition to the rugged, arid landscapes, it is precisely the coastal wetlands where you must be in the Emirates to see unusual animals and plants. In the emirate of Fujeirah, for example, lies the Wadi Wurayah nature reserve where, in addition to many unusual birds, you can also encounter the caracal and foxes, for example.
  • Animal spotting: Arabian tahrgeit, Arabian oryx, sand gazelle, Arabian wolf, striped hyena, red fox, Blanford fox, Rüppell fox, the Asian caracal, the Arabian wild cat, the desert cat and 400+ bird species. If you haven't spotted a sea turtle while snorkeling, visit the turtle sanctuary on Dubai.

Study in the United Arab Emirates?

  • Education in the United Arab Emirates: there is increasing investment in education, especially in science and technology. The quality of education is reasonably good, depending on what you study at which university.  
  • Language: English.
  • Studies: because of the global prominence in the fields of science and technology, studies in these fields are particularly popular. Other popular fields are project management, education, mechanical engineering, business administration.  
  • Study cities: Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, Sharjah.
  • Study culture: the culture is strongly influenced by deep religious roots of Islam. Thus, there are many prayer rooms, prayer times and religious holidays and events. The study culture is competitive with a strong focus on academic skills, and social life seems to receive somewhat less attention. Also, be prepared that you may find yourself in a kind of "high school" culture with many children of wealthy expats. Otherwise, provided you respect their traditions and rules, people in the UAE are incredibly friendly and welcoming. 
  • Language learning: you can take an Arabic language course in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, among other places.

Internship in the United Arab Emirates?

  • Internship opportunities: The UAE offers a wide range of internship opportunities, especially in sectors such as tourism and hospitality, but also in banks, IT companies, media companies and, of course, in the oil and gas industry.
  • Internship cities: Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Al Ain, and Ras Al Khaimah.
  • Characteristics: high level of tourism and hospitality, multicultural environment, English as a working language, strong influence of Islam, more hours than you think and probably the cliché "coffee runs."  
  • Competencies: skills in professional English, intercultural communication, coffee runs, networking, dealing with a very different culture. 

Volunteer in the United Arab Emirates?

  • It is not easy to find volunteer work in the United Arab Emirates, unless you already live there and want to volunteer part-time. Then there are options for work with children, the less fortunate, in the fields of health, education and nature. 
  • Animals/Nature projects: dolphin protection and nature conservation through Emirates Nature - WWF. 
  • Characteristics: not many options, especially part-time if you already live there. 

Working in the United Arab Emirates?

  • Banen: In de VAE zijn er tijdelijke en langdurige werkmogelijkheden in verschillende sectoren. Voor tijdelijk werk kun je denken aan functies bij klantenservicecentra, hospitality en retail. Langdurige werkopties zijn er in sectoren zoals gezondheidszorg, IT, onderwijs, engineering, olie- en gasindustrie, maar ook duurzame energie, en toerisme. De werkloosheid in de VAE is relatief laag, maar het arbeidsaanbod kan zeer competitief zijn, vooral voor gespecialiseerde en hoogopgeleide functies.
  • Werkcultuur: respect en persoonlijke relaties zijn de kernwoorden in de werkcultuur van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten. De werkcultuur is conservatiever dan je waarschijnlijk gewend bent, met name door de sterke invloed van de Islam, maar door de blend van Oost en West in het bedrijfsleven worden foutjes vaak vergeven. Weekenden vallen trouwens op vrijdag en zaterdag! 
  • Kenmerken: Engels, respect, persoonlijke relaties, veel expats, punctualiteit, goede werk-privé balans. 

Working as a digital nomad in the United Arab Emirates?

  • The United Arab Emirates, and Dubai in particular, is considered one of the best countries for digital nomads. It's safe, sunny and nice and multi-culti. Expensive, though. 
  • Favorite locations: Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Ras Al Khaimai. 
  • Characteristics: good facilities, healthcare, no taxes, safe, expensive, lots of expats, hot, strict rules regarding public affection, clothing, alcohol. 

Living in the United Arab Emirates?

  • Living in the United Arab Emirates is something you won't find anywhere else - many nationalities (over 80% are expats), beautiful beaches and cities, and virtually no taxes on anything, not even your income! Still, there are downsides.... 
  • Quality of life: at first glance a high quality of life with good amenities and lots to do if you want to have a busy and busy life, provided you have enough money. The downside is the restriction in freedom especially for homosexuals (this is still illegal) and women (with regard to abortion and attitudes toward rape and domestic violence).
  • Culture: The United Arab Emirates has a long history built on the Islamic faith. Fortunately, there is freedom for other faiths as well. The culture revolves around respect, hospitality and is conservative. People work very hard and family ties and social connections are important. Important to know if you are coming from the Netherlands, for example, is that there are many rules of conduct. Think about rules regarding, for example, body language (no gesturing, eating or shaking hands with your left hand, no crossing your legs, no direct no's, no public affection with people of the opposite sex, gossiping and swearing can be grounds for deportation, women and men are separated in many cases and alcohol is available but not talked about in public. Read up well and prepare mentally!  
  • Characteristics: the temperature in summer, the air-conditioned society, the influence of Islam, negotiating prices, the lack or sometimes abundance of alcohol, the relatively high salaries.
  • Health care: Health care is of very high quality and you can be helped in English. Private health care is incredibly expensive. So arrange your own (international) health insurance well.

Supporting content

WorldSupporter: theme pages for activities abroad
Backpacking and travel your way around the world - Theme
Emigration and moving abroad - Theme
Internships Abroad - Theme
Learning languages and language courses abroad - Theme
Remote working abroad for digital and global nomads - Theme
Study your way around the world - Theme
TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language and learning English - Thems
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Volunteer abroad - Theme
Working Abroad & Working Holidays - WorldSupporter Theme


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Abu Dhabi, Dubai & United Arab Emirates: Updates & Travel
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  • Updates Abu Dhabi, Dubai & United Arab Emirates
  • Travel in Abu Dhabi, Dubai & United Arab Emirates?

    • An emirate is a type of province of a country governed by a member of the elite, ru...

Often called the "land of opportunities," Dubai is the city that turns your dreams and fantasies into reality. Through the passage of recent years, Dubai has undergone a tremendous amount of growth and has transformed itself from a Bedouin village to a benchmark in the world. Dubai is the home to so...

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When you are driving in the United Arab Emirates, it is necessary to have an insurance policy. It is mandatory for every vehicle owner whether it is a small passenger car or a luxurious car or heavy vehicles and commercial trucks. The motor insurance companies and their policies defend the vehicle ...


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The youth is the future

"Jongeren hebben de macht om de wereld te veranderen" INTERVIEW –  Kehkashan Basu (14) uit Dubai plantte haar eerste boom op haar achtste. Nu combineert ze school met haar werk voor de Verenigde Naties en haar eigen stichting, Green Hope UAE. Ze wil kinderen en jongeren in beweging krij...

Car Insurance Companies in dubai

When you are driving in the United Arab Emirates, it is necessary to have an insurance policy. It is mandatory for every vehicle owner whether it is a small passenger car or a luxurious car or heavy vehicles and commercial trucks. The motor insurance companies and their policies defend the vehicle ...


Often called the "land of opportunities," Dubai is the city that turns your dreams and fantasies into reality. Through the passage of recent years, Dubai has undergone a tremendous amount of growth and has transformed itself from a Bedouin village to a benchmark in the world. Dubai is the home to so...

Abu Dhabi, Dubai & United Arab Emirates: Updates & Travel
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  • Updates Abu Dhabi, Dubai & United Arab Emirates
  • Travel in Abu Dhabi, Dubai & United Arab Emirates?

    • An emirate is a type of province of a country governed by a member of the elite, ru...
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Expo 2020

Expo 2020 The next World Expo takes place in 2020, hosted by Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Expo 2020 will take place from October 2020-April 2021, on the theme 'Connecting Minds, Creating the Future'. According to the organizers, the Expo will be a “festival of human ingenuity,” in r...

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