Travel to The Middle East to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



 The Middle East


Backpacking in the Middle East?

  • The Middle East is not an easy region for backpackers, but there are many places you must have been even as a backpacker.
  • Features: historic cities, superdeluxe city-states, limited public transportation, endless distances, colorful souks and relatively many unsafe regions.

Travel in the Middle East?

  • A trip through the Middle East is one in which you often learn to look at yourself and the world differently through ancient religious disputes, sparsely populated areas and cultural differences.
  • City spotting: Cairo, Dubai, Isfahan, Istanbul, Jeddah, Jerusalem, Petra.
  • Nature spotting: the Nile Delta, the underwater world of the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, the deserts in Jordan and Oman.

Study in the Middle East?

  • Language study: an Arabic language course is a good option in Egypt and Jordan, among others.
  • Study cities: Al Ain (United Arab Emirates), Beirut (Lebanon), Doha (Qatar), Jeddah (Saudi Arabia).

Internships in the Middle East?

  • Internships: internships are good only in some countries and cities.
  • Internship cities: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Istanbul.

Volunteering in the Middle East?

  • Volunteer projects: especially in education (teaching English), in refugee camps and in nature conservation.

Working in the Middle East?

  • Jobs: temporary work can be found mainly in the sectors: hospitality, education and tourism.
  • Characteristics: the work culture can vary considerably by country and location.

Working as a digital nomad in the Middle East?

  • Favorite locations: Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), Amman (Jordan), Beirut (Lebanon), Dahab (Egypt), Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Istanbul (Turkey), Manama (Bahrain), Muscat (Oman), Tel Aviv (Israel).

Living in the Middle East?

  • Characteristics: the high temperature in summer, the “air-conditioned society,” the influence of Islam, negotiating prices, the lack or sometimes abundance of alcohol, relatively high salaries.
  • Expats: a significant portion of the population in the Middle East is made up of expats. In almost every city there is a community that is sometimes more, but often less, integrated into society.
  • Health care: in almost all countries it is wise to arrange your own (international) health insurance.

Supporting content

The Middle East Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


Latest blogs, jobs, projects, organizations, and tips tagged with: The Middle East

Ga aan de slag als online docent Nederlands

  • Je verzorgt online Nederlandse lessen aan kinderen in het buitenland.
  • Je geeft feedback op huiswerk.
  • Je neemt toetsen af en maakt rapportages op.
  • Het werk is mogelijk vanuit verschillende tijdzones.

Wat hou je er aan over?

  • Competenties: verantwoordelijkheid nemen, klantgericht zijn, analyseren, omgevingsbewust zijn, professioneel handelen.
  • Deeltijdbaan mogelijk.
  • Er is volop ruimte en aandacht voor professionele more


ACTIVITIES: check courses, jobs, projects, recipes, suggestions and tips within this region

The Middle East: activities, jobs and tips
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ORGANIZATIONS: check sectors and organizations related to the topic

Displaying 9 - 12 of 19
Stage in Turkije

Deze organisatie biedt stageplaatsen aan in Turkije, voornamelijk in Istanbul, Ankara en Izmir. De organisatie richt zich zowel op MBO, HBO als Universitaire studenten. Er zijn naast meeloopstages ook mogelijkheden voor afstudeer en onderzoekstages. De stageperiodes variëren van 3 tot maximaal ...

Coral Cay Conservation

Deze Engelse Marine Wildlife onderzoeksorganisatie treed ook op als bemiddelingsorganisatie voor vrijwilligerswerk gericht op het behoud van de onderwaterwereld in Sinai, Egypte. Zo kun je bijvoorbeeld meehelpen aan het behoud van koraalriffen door middel van onderzoek en het afbakenen van duikgebie...

GEMS Education

GEMS Education is een onderwijs organisatie met een netwerk van meer dan 40 internationale scholen in het Midden Oosten. De scholen bieden plek voor Kindergarten en Engelstalig basisonderwijs.

Ghannah Lodge

Ghannah Lodge is in 2002 opgezet om meer lokale werkgelegenheid te creëren. Er zijn nu 9 charmante bungalows, allemaal met prachtig uitzicht op de Sinaï Woestijn. Het Traditionele Bedoeïenen leven staat er centraal en komt dan ook op verschillende manier terug. Er worden ook diverse t...



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Displaying 9 - 12 of 216


Stories, tips and experiences from specific countries in The Middle East
Abu Dhabi, Dubai & United Arab Emirates - Bahrain - Egypt - Iran - Iraq - Israel - Jordan - Kuwait - Lebanon - Oman - Qatar - Saudi Arabia - Syria - Turkey - United Arab Emirates - Yemen


Spotlight: contributions

Stories and experiences related to The Middle East

1. What are the issues to bear in mind when emigrating?

  • Keep track of the emigration process; for example write down what to do and what you are going through in an emigration diary.
  • Make use of the media and guidebooks when researching possible destinations.
  • Get an i...

Themes related to live, study, travel and work in The Middle East


Spotlight: favorites

Favorite tips and suggestions related to The Middle East

When traveling is your hobby and want to keep your personal stuff safe in the airplane, train, bus, boat or when u sleep in a hostel. Use a travelsafe! Find out what kind of travelsafe is usefull for you, click here!  

Recipe: Home made Hummus

Boil chick peas or open a can. Let it cool down or take the liquid out. Add garlic (I like more than the "normal" recipe) so put as much as you like. Add olive oil, otherwise it wont blend, make it like a paste. In the Philippines it is very expensive to buy Tahini, so just put sesame seeds (also a...

Werk online als psycholoog of psychotherapeut
  • Je krijgt aanmeldingen doorgestuurd per mail die bij jou passen qua ervaring en tijdszone.
  • Je plant zelf het intakegesprek (en de verdere sessies) in met de cliënt.
  • Wat hou je er aan over?

    • Competenties: organisatiebewust zijn, resultaatgericht werken, on...
Ga aan de slag als reisreporter en deel jouw verhalen
  • Je legt verslag van je reis door middel van blogs en reviews voor de reiswebsites van de organisatie.
  • Je levert daarnaast content aan in de vorm van foto's en video's.
  • Je volgt voordat je op reis gaat een workshop waar je onder andere leert over fotografie, bloggen e...
Favorite stories, blogs and texts related to The Middle East

1. What are the issues to bear in mind when emigrating?

  • Keep track of the emigration process; for example write down what to do and what you are going through in an emigration diary.
  • Make use of the media and guidebooks when researching possible destinations.
  • Get an i...

Side road: stay safe and insured


TOPICS : check associated topics and more activities

Selected Worldsupporter pages in relation with the topic
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WorldSupporter Theme pages for activities abroad

Intern, study, travel, volunteer, work or emigrate

Best travel time for weather, climate and activities abroad, and the worst time to go!
Backpacking and travel your way around the world - Theme
Emigration and moving abroad - Theme
Gap Year, Time out and Sabbatical - Theme
Internship Abroad - Theme
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Study Abroad - Theme
TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language and learning English - Theme
Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
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Volunteer abroad - Theme
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Side road: go abroad!
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