Travel to Myanmar to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?





Backpacking or traveling in Myanmar (Burma)?

  • A beautiful country still relatively untouched by mass tourism and rich in culture, history and beautiful nature. Discover the friendly people, deeply rooted Buddhism and one of the largest archaeological areas in the world. The country is suitable for the traveler as well as the backpacker, but traveling around also brings challenges. 
  • Getting around can be challenging because of the limited infrastructure and facilities and the political situation.
  • Activity spotting: bike around Bagan, one of the largest archaeological areas in the world; explore traditional villages around Inle Lake; experience street life in Yangon; visit Mandalay Palace in Mandalay; trek from Kalaw to Inle Lake; climb Mount Kyaiktiyo, take the train from Mandalay to Hsipaw. 
  • Animal spotting: Asian elephant, Bengal tiger, leopards, gibbons and langurs, dhole, white-bellied sea eagle, the green peacock, Burmese python, irawadi dolphin, manatee. 

Studying in Myanmar (Burma)?

  • Education in Myanmar is not internationally renowned. However, you do have a choice of many fields of study, both Bachelor and Master programs. Popular fields of study include engineering and science, traditional fields such as literature, history and law, and medical studies. 
  • Study cities: Yangon, Mandalay. 
  • Language: Burmese, with some options in English.  

Internship in Myanmar (Burma)?

  • If you want to do an internship in Myanmar, you quickly end up with non-profits and international aid organizations. 
  • Competencies: cultural adaptation, language skills, adaptability, flexibility, working with local communities, working in development projects. 

Doing volunteer work in Myanmar (Burma)?

  • The same applies to volunteering in Myanmar as internships, although it is difficult to find a place.
  • Offering volunteer work is also mostly organized by individuals. Examples include teaching English, supporting children and youth and helping in Buddhist centers. 

Working in Myanmar (Burma)?

  • To find a job in Myanmar you usually need a relevant education and experience, especially in the work fields of engineering, HR, accounting, NGOs and non-profits. Most expats work in international companies. There are also jobs for English teachers. 

Working as a digital nomad in Myanmar (Burma)?

  • Beautiful nature and incredibly kind people, but also a country with a very unsettled political situation. Electricity and internet not as reliable, even though that is improving in recent years, and it seems to be more expensive than surrounding popular places. There is not a large digital nomad community, but if you don't mind that, it is a beautiful country to explore. 
  • Favorite locations: Yangon, Mandalay, Bagan. 

Living in Myanmar (Burma)?

  • Myanmar is still quite an undeveloped country due to its recent turbulent history. It is one of the poorest countries in the region, although the country has been working on development in recent years. 
  • It is a beautiful country, with friendly people and plenty of natural beauty and cultural history. But the country is also plagued by an unstable political situation. You can experience a lot there, but also have to be careful in different parts of the country. In addition, the cost of housing is higher than you are likely to expect, as is the cost of international schools. 
  • The weather consists of three seasons; a cooler season, a hot season and the monsoon season. Floods often occur during the latter season. 
  • Health insurance: health care leaves much to be desired and for urgent care you may need medical evacuation. So make sure you have your own well-covered health insurance.

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Myanmar Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Myanmar Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

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Myanmar: Updates & Travel

Myanmar: Updates & Travel

Travel in Myanmar?

  • There is a lot to do in Myanmar. Myanmar has impressive temples, beautiful nature and breathtaking beaches. Within Myanmar there is political unrest and interreligious tensions. As a tourist you will not notice much of this. The population is downright friendly and welcomes tourists with open arms.
  • Cycle to the temples in Bagan early in the morning, and climb to the top of one of the temples to watch the rising sun. A beautiful sight where hundreds of temples are slowly illuminated and hot air balloons decorate the sky. Use your bike to cruise through the park for the rest of the day so that you can admire the temples and markets.
  • Take a boat trip on Inle Lake. During this trip you will sail past temples, see how traditional fishermen use local techniques for the catch of the day, pass traditional weaving houses and sail past the houses of Long Necks. It is recommended to go early in the morning or late afternoon so that you can also enjoy a beautiful sunrise or sunset. Don't forget to rent a bike here to discover the most beautiful places around the lake and in the surrounding mountain area.
  • Walk from Inle Lake to Kalaw in two or three days. This beautiful tour, which you must take with a guide, takes you past the most beautiful forests, arable land and remote, traditional villages, where you will also spend the night(s).
  • Myanmar has the longest coastline in Asia, which is characterized by beautiful white beaches and blue sea. The beaches are still relatively rarely visited by tourists because it is often an undertaking to get there due to impassable roads. Nevertheless, it is certainly worth visiting, for example, Ngapali or Ngwe Saung, these locations are already more accessible in terms of transport and accommodation.
  • Visit the Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon and go to the Bogyoke Aung San market for beautiful handmade items. It is also the city where the Myanmarese politician Aung San Suu Kyi stayed during years of house arrest. From Mandalay, take an excursion to Amarpura, an old royal city with the longest wooden pedestrian bridge in the world (1,200 meters). The bridge made of teak is a relaxing place and walking route for the many monks from the nearby Mahagandhayon monastery, all of which gives the bridge a special appearance. From the bridge you have a beautiful view of the surroundings.
  • Bagan was the former capital of the Pagan empire and has the largest number of Buddhist temples, ruins and stupas in the world (more than a thousand). Bagan is also a place of pilgrimage for Theravada Buddhists.
  • Lake Inle is especially known for its villages built on stilts and the floating markets and gardens. Take a boat trip to Ywama or to one of the markets and visit the villages around the lake by bike.
  • Ngapali is characterized by quiet white sandy beaches and crystal clear water. Beach and sea at the Bengal Bay.
  • Be aware of the political situation. Even in a teahouse there can be informers who can overhear a discussion you are having with the locals. A few negative comments can land these people in jail. So make sure you listen carefully when people are alone, but don't tempt them to make statements in public places. Also don't try to extract stories from people. The Burmese prefer not to talk about their ideas about the regime for fear of their safety.
  • The rainy season, from June to October, in the south is not very pleasant; a lot of rain and humidity that can rise to 95%. Tip: Travel further north, where it is relatively dry.
  • The end of the Burma railway line in Thanbyuzayat is now a small commercial museum, where there is little scientific evidence regarding the information provided.

Updates Myanmar

  • More about Myanmar, updates and contributions, see the link below.



Myanmar: selection of contributions by WorldSupporters - Bundle


Latest blogs, jobs, projects, organizations, and tips tagged with: Myanmar

Impact Terra

Impact Terra

Impact Terra is een snelgroeiende sociale onderneming in Myanmar die digitale diensten aanbiedt aan boeren en organisaties, zodat zij efficiënter kunnen produceren. 

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Welk visum regelen voor een reis naar Myanmar (Birma)?



Een toeristenvisum is verplicht voor Myanmar. Dit visum is 28 dagen geldig en kan aangevraagd worden bij de ambassade in Brussel. Ook is het sinds kort mogelijk om een visum online aan te vragen. Via de website kun je inmiddels heel makkelijk zelf een visum aanvragen. Je hoeft alleen een pasfoto te uploaden en via de website met een creditcard

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Kijk(je) in de keuken van TROS tv programma Ik Vertrek: "Het is lekker als mensen alle schepen achter zich verbranden, want dan staat er iets op het spel"


Ik Vertrek is een serie reportages waarin Nederlanders, die hun geluk in het buitenland gaan beproeven, gevolgd worden. Hieronder een kort kranteninterview met de regisseur en eindredacteur van Ik Vertrek 2017-2018.

Bron: 29-08-2017

Regisseur Ruud Engels (44) en eindredacteur Floor de Vreede (36) monteren samen de meeste afleveringen van Ik Vertrek, waarin emigrerende Nederlanders worden gevolgd. Naar de....... read more

Myanmar, het Gouden Land

Een reisverslag van de reis naar Myanmar 22-7-2017 t/m 12-08-2017

Met alleen een ticket en eerste dagen een overnachting in Yangon begon onze reis naar het oude Birma. Van tevoren hadden we op een landkaart een route uitgestippeld die diende als basis voor de 3 weken in dit mooie land. Route: Yangon-Bagan-Mandalay-Inle Lake-Naypyidaw-Bago-Mawlamyine-Thanbyuzayat-Yangon. We hadden nog uitwijkmogelijkheden bedacht naar Mrauk....... read more

The Lady

hallo allemaal, mijn laatste bron is de film The lady, de film gaat over het leven van Aung San Suu Kyi, een vrouw die haar hele leven al vecht voor eerlijkheid en veiligheid in haar thuisland Myanmar. Myanmar wordt geleid door een militair regime en er is veel armoede, Aung San Suu Kyi wilde hier iets aan veranderen, ze is....... read more

"The Golden Land of Myanmar"


The first two weeks of my travel I spend in Myanmar, still an undiscovered and untouched country since the borders are open for only four years now. The government has still a lot of power and you can see that everywhere. No bad word about the government and some websites are not available. Tourists have to register themselves everywhere, although....... read more


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Werk als logistiek-administratief medewerker in de gezondheidszorg

Als logistiek-administratief medewerker geef je logistieke steun aan ziekenhuizen en klinieken. Met jouw werk zorg je dat de activiteiten daar kunnen aanvangen en kunnen blijven draaien. Het gaat dan om de inkoop en het beheer van materiaal en voorraden en de administratieve verwerking daarvan. Je ...


Stories, tips and experiences from Myanmar


Spotlight: contributions

Stories and experiences related to Myanmar
Myanmar, het Gouden Land

Een reisverslag van de reis naar Myanmar 22-7-2017 t/m 12-08-2017 Met alleen een ticket en eerste dagen een overnachting in Yangon begon onze reis naar het oude Birma. Van tevoren hadden we op een landkaart een route uitgestippeld die diende als basis voor de 3 weken in dit mooie land. Route: Yangon...


Spotlight: favorites

Favorite tips and suggestions related to Myanmar
Favorite stories, blogs and texts related to Myanmar
Myanmar, het Gouden Land

Een reisverslag van de reis naar Myanmar 22-7-2017 t/m 12-08-2017 Met alleen een ticket en eerste dagen een overnachting in Yangon begon onze reis naar het oude Birma. Van tevoren hadden we op een landkaart een route uitgestippeld die diende als basis voor de 3 weken in dit mooie land. Route: Yangon...

The Lady

hallo allemaal, mijn laatste bron is de film The lady, de film gaat over het leven van Aung San Suu Kyi, een vrouw die haar hele leven al vecht voor eerlijkheid en veiligheid in haar thuisland Myanmar. Myanmar wordt geleid door een militair regime en er is veel armoede, Aung San Suu Kyi wilde hier i...


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