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      Title: MTS - B1 - Psychologie - UU - Oefententamen IV
      MTS - B1 - Psychologie - UU - Oefententamen IV
      Media of Psychology Supporter
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      TentamenTests bij Kennismaking met Onderzoeksmethoden en Statistiek aan de Universiteit Utrecht - 4

      TentamenTests bij Kennismaking met Onderzoeksmethoden en Statistiek aan de Universiteit Utrecht - 4


      Vraag 1

      Bij welke steekproef hebben alle leden van een populatie precies dezelfde kans om gekozen te worden om deel te nemen aan een onderzoek?

      1. clustersteekproef (cluster sample).
      2. een gestratificeerde aselecte steekproef (stratified sample).
      3. een gemakssteekproef (convenience sample).
      4. een enkelvoudige aselecte steekproef (simple random sample).

      Vraag 2

      Welke van de volgende antwoorden maakt doorgaans geen deel uit van het kwalitatieve onderzoeksproces?

      1. de onderzoeksvraag
      2. het operationaliseren
      3. de hypothese(n)
      4. de steekproef

      Vraag 3

      De variabele leesvaardigheid is gemeten op een schaal van 0 (heel slecht) tot 100 (perfect). Wat is het meetniveau van deze variabele?

      1. nominaal
      2. ordinaal
      3. interval
      4. ratio

      Vraag 4

      Kritisch-emancipatoir onderzoek wordt meestal gedaan door middel van:

      1. een experiment
      2. een survey
      3. analyse van bestaande statistische gegevens
      4. kwalitatief onderzoek



      Recently, researchers have claimed that infants have an innate capacity for aggressiveness. At the same time, studies have revealed marked individual differences in aggression among young children by showing that some toddlers can be diagnosed with clinically significant conduct problems. This study tested the hypothesis that 12-month-old infants’ use of force against peers is associated with known risk factors for violence.


      We conducted a study with firstborn British infants (n=271) and examined whether risk factors measured during pregnancy predicted infants’ aggressiveness at the age of approximately 12 months. During the first assessment, pregnant mothers were interviewed about their mood disorder symptoms. The interviews were transcribed and then coded in consultation with a psychiatrist according to diagnostic criteria of the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–IV; American Psychiatric Association, 1994). There was significant agreement between two psychiatrists’ diagnoses of 22 randomly selected cases (κ = .77, p < .001), an indication of significant reliability. Furthermore, parents were asked about mothers’ smoking behavior by reporting the number of cigarettes smoked per day during pregnancy and mothers’ past conduct problems (e.g. fighting, stealing) on a scale from 0 (absent) to 2 (definitely present). During the second assessment, families were invited to attend a simulated birthday party. Parents or other caregivers completed a Cardiff Infant Contentiousness Scale (CICS) measuring early manifestations of aggressiveness (e.g. bites, has temper tantrums) on a scale from 0 (absent) to 2 (definitely present). Infants’ observed use of physical force was recorded by observers who were blind to infants’ CICS ratings and family circumstances. Observers transcribed the interactive moves made by each infant, using a set of predetermined behavioral categories, including instrumental force (e.g. with toys) and bodily force. Observers recorded whether each peer-directed move definitely or possibly involved instrumental or bodily force. A summary scale score was derived for each type of force.


      Our findings indicate that infants at risk for serious aggression can already be identified when the more

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