JoHo vacancies: work at JoHo and develop yourself as administrative assistant for international affairs


Administrative assistant for international affairs

Does JoHo suit you and do you suit JoHo?

  • JoHo is looking for reinforcement, so if you are looking for a job in combination with your study, maybe you would like to work as an 'Administrative assistant for international affairs'.

What does it mean?

  • You are involved in the administrative processes surrounding the departure of students and travelers abroad.
  • You support the processing of insurance policies for long stays abroad.
  • You have an internal supporting role in administrative procedures and policies.

What does it give you?

  • You work in an informal atmosphere and with an enthusiastic team.
  • You work in a socially involved network organization that generates income to achieve its goals.
  • You work in a versatile, growing and continuously changing organization.
  • You have options to work between 5 and 24 hours a week. You work at the head office in Leiden.

What are you taking with you?

  • You have experience with administrative work.
  • You have competencies and skills such as being able to work accurately and analytically, flexibility, involvement, communication skills, results-orientedness and independence.
  • You preferably have work experience and travel experience abroad.
  • You live or study in Leiden or the surrounding area.

For more information, opportunities or to apply take a look here!

There are plenty of opportunities and part-time options, also if you are looking for a permanent job in combination with your studies, feel free to send an open application


Vacancy is alternately open and closed during the year or period of time
Get in touch with the organization for the latest status
Tip category: 
Paid work & Work for board and lodging
Related organization or sector:
The World of JoHo

The World of JoHo


JoHo is a development organization that aims to empower people and organizations to develop and work better together, thereby contributing to a tolerant and sustainable world. Through physical and online platforms, support is provided for personal development and international cooperation.

Tip: type
Activities & Vacancies
Tip: date of posting


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