Accounting internship with Spanish lessons at private language school in La Paz

Instituto Exclusivo, an innovative private language school, is looking for a motivated and independent working intern to assist the school in reviewing further and developing our accounting practices. The school provides language classes, both onsite and online for students from all parts of the world.  The intern will need to be an independent worker carrying out all the tasks assigned to them. The intern will have daily interaction with their supervisor in order to effectively complete their projects. The time commitment for this internship is a minimum of 4 weeks with 12 weeks being possible.

  • Review the accounting principles being practiced at the school
  • Assure that the international standards for accounting are being practiced.
  • Review and make suggestions of how to improve accounts receivable, accounts payable, and unearned revenue accounts
  • Research different options for International banking
  • Present a proposal to the director of how to improve the accounting practices of the school
  • Assist with the implementation of  ideas approved by the director

Location: La Paz

What do you gain?

  • Gain hands on experience in a truly international company
  • Participate in daily Spanish Lessons
  • Experience life and learn about the culture of one of the 7 wonderful cities in the world

What do you need?

  • Candidates should be third or fourth year students from one of the following majors: Accounting, Finance, or Business Administration.
  • The candidate should have excellent verbal and written communication skills as well as have proficiency using Microsoft Office.


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Instituto Exclusivo
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